World War Three

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I guess this very smart moron never heard of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution?!

I guess he never considered that not a single criminal would turn in their guns?!

I guess he also supports defunding the police?!

I guess he never studied history or human nature?!

He's just another idiot who managed to get a PHD, and so many hold these people in such high regard.

He's neither smart nor educated.
Back when I was a kid I never knew anybody with a PhD. A PhD. was very hard to come by and getting one require one to be a genius. Now anybody with a half brain can get a PhD. A PhD is a dime a dozen.
Yup. Even when Congress declares war does Congress poll the "People" to see if they want to go to war? Nope. Congress just goes to war and drafts military age men to fight the war whether they want to or not.

And now that any president can declare unconstitutional war we are a perpetual state of war.

If one studies American history there have been very few years the the US hasn't been at war with somebody or something. Empires are built on war and our empire is no different.
No one should go to a human meat-grinder because they're 'ordered to.' I hate to hear a young, idealistic, man say "He served his country with honor" when he never served our country and it wasn't with any honor. I pray that people wake up. Bit by bit it's layer upon layer of lies that we must peel back until we get to the truth.
I have not seen anyone throw "barbs' at you on this forum. A lot of people/members here have gone to great lengths to help you. But I admit it is not working. We can't save you. We can help you understand what you need to do to save yourself.
I was trying to think of the upside of dementia!
I guess this very smart moron never heard of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution?!

I guess he never considered that not a single criminal would turn in their guns?!

I guess he also supports defunding the police?!

I guess he never studied history or human nature?!

He's just another idiot who managed to get a PHD, and so many hold these people in such high regard.

He's neither smart nor educated.
I should have said that he was smart about writing good arguments on behalf of others. I have never seen someone write as succinctly as him. But as you point out - it shows that someone could be book smart and life stupid.

I began to see that the higher someone goes in their formal education the more indoctrinated they become.
What is with all of the posturing, What about the rumored hyper-sonic Russian missiles, which are supposed to be unstoppable. the "west" has been portaying the Bear as backward fools.
The Germans in WWII made the same mistake and paid a heavy price.
I should have said that he was smart about writing good arguments on behalf of others. I have never seen someone write as succinctly as him. But as you point out - it shows that someone could be book smart and life stupid.

I began to see that the higher someone goes in their formal education the more indoctrinated they become.
Not only that but they maybe brilliant in their field but dumb as box of rocks in everything else.
Not only that but they maybe brilliant in their field but dumb as box of rocks in everything else.
Yes. He thought that he was so smart that his opinion is the only one that's accurate - and we know how wrong he is. I read a quote: "Gun control works. Just ask Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini.."

I know first hand what it's like to be vulnerable, without any means of protection and it's a terrible feeling. When I was younger my friends and I would walk to keep fit. They couldn't walk that day so I walked alone along a deserted stretch of farm fields and woods. In the middle of nowhere this guy was leaning against a pole, smoking a cigarette and watching me. My mind reeled as I tried to find a way of escape, but there was none. I knew that guy was sizing me up. As I turned the corner I waved vigorously as if someone was meeting me up ahead. Of course there was no one - I just wanted him to think there was. I got away unscathed but the feeling of terror of being alone and vulnerable is an awful feeling. The only deterrent sometimes is a firearm.
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Nothing wrong with prepping for emergency but nobody is going to survive any war. Especially if that war turns nuclear. I live in forest fire country, earthquake country, volcano country, nuclear country and there is no way in heck you can expect to survive any of that.
We're sitting pretty good Down Unda...
Forgive me if I asked this already - I'm experiencing some memory issues - but how can an average person even protect themselves from nuclear bombs? And those directed energy weapons?
There are a number of threads here that touch on that subject. One good book is “Nuclear War Survival Skills” by Kearny. It is available in paperback and on Kindle.
There are a number of threads here that touch on that subject. One good book is “Nuclear War Survival Skills” by Kearny. It is available in paperback and on Kindle.
Free online as PDF.

But seriously, average persons protecting themselves form nuclear bombs is....well....its so basic......I didn't occur me that anyone at this point wouldn't think about it....used to be taught in schools.
Been fairly quiet on this thread lately but wouldn't be surprised it if picks up now that crazy 🫏 benny of Israel is plotting his country's next move with threats of bombing Iran's nuke sites or oil fields if that happens we can very well say hello to a middle east theater of war not to mention spiking fuel prices as well
And when one country jumps up their oil price everyone else does also. Israel has finally had enough of the Muslim's screwing with them. I give them credit for taking it for so long trying to be at peace with other nations. You keep kicking a dog and sooner or later it's going to bite. It's just too bad it has to happen now but I feel it was designed to be by world leaders herding into a one world order. Their still trying to give the WHO (World Health Organization) our health care rights. Why in the world would we give our rights for health care to a foreign entity that doesn't have our best interest at heart? Trump saw what was going on and pulled us out of the WHO but politicians put us right back in as fast as they could when Trump left office. To get more control over the people's of the world. Those countries that don't go along, well you see it.
Seems they know so. The only thing that I know to prepare with is iodine. Did you buy iodine pills?
If you are over 55y/o, iodine will not help you at all. :(
Get a way to measure how high radiation levels are outside, it could save your life.
Many more times people will die from just walking outside and saying: "They missed us completely!🤪" than from the blasts itself.
Where I live it's going to take more than iodine pills. I'm at ground zero. I'll have enough time to kiss my wife good bye and kiss my butt and it'll be all over.
Probably the same with me. I'm too old to go scrambling for any type of cover even if we did have something that was useful against a nuclear attack.
If you are over 55y/o, iodine will not help you at all. :(
Get a way to measure how high radiation levels are outside, it could save your life.
Many more times people will die from just walking outside and saying: "They missed us completely!🤪" than from the blasts itself.
I am over than 55. What do you use to measure radiation?
I am over than 55. What do you use to measure radiation?
One of these:
image0 (1).jpeg

(Shown being tested on one of my 'hot-rocks').
There are a handful of despotic madmen holding 8 billion of us hostage. And one cult of 8th century hate causing 90% of the worlds problems. It is time the world joins together and ends the menace, before this place gets turned into a smoking heap of slag. But sadly we'd rather kill each other.
I am over than 55. What do you use to measure radiation?
Check to see if you glow in the dark! :D :ghostly:

Seriously a Geiger counter would tell you the radiation level. You can get a small hand held one from around a $100 to about $300. I don't know about you but the wife and I are to old to try an survive a nuclear blast and the fall out.

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