A possible greater threat than gun grabbing

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I think that the controversy about greenhouse gasses from motor vehicles will soon be a moot point.

Porsche is working on manufacturing synthetic gasoline from things like algae, bacteria, and so forth. This technology has existed since before WWII, but the only problem is that gasolibe from crude oil is cheaper.

What needs to happen is that the process is made cheaper than crude oil, and then everyone can have their cake and eat it too (except for the oil company people who will be out of a job).

This synthetic gasoline will even be better for most engines, as there are less impurities to gunk up the engine . . . so, theoretically, cars will require less maintenence.

I'm all for this, if only so we can tell the middle east where they can stick their oil, and cut off the profits that they use to finance terrorism.

Things like this are done now, as the Chinese tallow tree can be used to profitably manufacture biological diesel fuel. The tallow tree is an invasive species in the USA, as 40% of the trees around Houston, Texas, are Chinese tallow trees.
Tallows are native where I am at in Texas. . . Wouldn't doubt they are Chinese tallows.
Phone the police here and they will give you a crime number for your insurance company in most crimes, they dont even turn out for .......

Attempted Burglary
Shop lifting
Theft of vehicle'
Theft from vehicle
Theft from Gardens
Theft from sheds
Theft from Garages
Theft from Green houses
Theft from Workshops
Non violent Trespass
Fly Tipping
Anti Social Behaviour
Online Fraud
etc etc

but say something politically incorrect, phobic or potentially racist or sexist and they come for you.
Why are you complaining use them for fertilizer only 1 way to get rid of a problem remove it its considered a pest right
There is no public transportation whatsoever where I live. A hike to the nearest town and back would take up a day. As for carrying groceries Ha Ha. They can take my car when they pry my cold dead hands off the steering wheel.
They won't have to take your car. They will put so much tax on gasoline and diesel that you won't be able to afford it.
A lot of the things the Greenies complain about have already been solved by Covid 19. With so many people now working from home, there is a very large reduction in vehicle motor pollution, fossil fuel consumption, traffic congestion, and parking congestion. I really think a lot of these companies will continue to operate in this fashion. Personally, I chalk it up to "sometimes God works in mysterious ways." Mankind was not smart enough to figure it out on our own. My building is operating with only about 1 in 15 people in attendance compared to 2 years ago. It is now sea of empty cubicles. I recommend that you go to any Global Warming video that you can find on Youtube, parrot what I claim above, and see how the Greenies try to defend against these facts. The reduction in traffic is so significant that I hear tire stores are having a hard time staying in business.
Yes, but on the other hand, I know in New Mexico January 2020, it became a law that you had to bring your own bag for your groceries or pay for a bag. In March, because of covid, it was decided that the stores didn't want your bags in the store. I saw used masks and gloves blowing down the street on windy days. Just the other day we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. All the condiments are now in single serve plastic containers with lids on them, and the silverware was actually in a small paper sack. People have gone crazy buying bottled water, too.
during the pandemic its one person per household in the supermarkets, and I do all the shopping, I only use our own bags for minor shopping, when I do the monthly big shop I bring the trolley back to the car and load all the food into our own large plastic boxes, its easier and quicker to unload when I get home.
Where I live now, it's ok to use your own bags. But I'm like you, if I'm shopping Aldi then I have something in the car to put stuff in.
The liberal state I lived in last year just made a big deal about everyone bringing your own bag to be more '"green", or they would sell you a bag. The exception was for low income people. They would give them a bag because it would be "low income bias" if they didn't. Whatever. Well, last March when covid came around, the stores didn't want anyone bringing anything in the store in that state, and they are still doing that, Afraid the bagger would get covid from your bag you brought from home.
I shop at Asda (like a mini Walmart) and Lidl.
most places are doing this "bag for life" thing, you buy a bag and if it wears out you bring it back and they give you another one free. but that was before the pandemic.
I decided using my own boxes made more sense.
In Switzerland it's since an while common to pay for any bags in the shop. I use mostly my own bag i bought once, eben it looks very used in meantime. And they are always very happy if you enter an store with the bag of an competitor 😇
We dont have a full blown gun ban, Hand guns are banned, Rifles and Shotguns are not, in the UK people shoot from .22LR to 50 cal, though I think people are steered towards bolt or lever action guns rather than semi autos. You have to apply and have good reason to own a rifle, hunting, sports, target and pest control OK, Self Defence NO. Anyone with no criminal record can apply for a shotgun certificate , They are now limited to two rounds now I think, there is millions of shotguns and many hundreds of thousands of rifles in the UK.

Gun crime is on the increase in the Uk rising roughly 20% a year, latest figures for UK 2019 show 33 people killed with a gun out of 70 million people. So if the UK had the same sized population of the US we would have had around 132 gun deaths in the UK. Gun crime rises in UK in last year with more than 9,700 cases reported

Gun deaths in USA 2019 were 15,292 gun deaths Excluding Suicides Gun Deaths Inched Up in 2019

For sure our cultures are different but none the less the US is a far more dangerous place than the UK.

I don't know...sounds like a fairly advanced gun ban to me. Even if it isn't a "total" gun ban.

I don't trust the numbers. In the UK, it's not counted as a "murder" if they find someone shot in the back of the head twice, and dismembered, even if they catch the perp. It's not a murder until he's CONVICTED OF MURDER. Not manslaughter, or some lesser crime either.

It's the lefty's way of twisting numbers to keep them artificially low.

In the U.S. it's a homicide every time someone is killed by another. Some are through negligence, some are justified. Not sure how they translate that murders, but there are a heck of a lot more murders in both countries. The U.S. even by often touted numbers had a lower than average number of murders per capita in relation to other countries.

Personally I think refering to gun violence is a red herring. Who cares what that is? Just a number to draw attention away from the real issues.

In Jamaica, private ownership of guns is nil with only police and private security possessing them (legally). Yet 90% of the extremely high murder rate is done by firearm. Another lefty success story I suppose.
A lot of the things the Greenies complain about have already been solved by Covid 19. With so many people now working from home, there is a very large reduction in vehicle motor pollution, fossil fuel consumption, traffic congestion, and parking congestion. I really think a lot of these companies will continue to operate in this fashion. Personally, I chalk it up to "sometimes God works in mysterious ways." Mankind was not smart enough to figure it out on our own. My building is operating with only about 1 in 15 people in attendance compared to 2 years ago. It is now sea of empty cubicles. I recommend that you go to any Global Warming video that you can find on Youtube, parrot what I claim above, and see how the Greenies try to defend against these facts. The reduction in traffic is so significant that I hear tire stores are having a hard time staying in business.

How the heck is that a success story, though? Income, and industry is the thing that keeps the Western world comfortable, and secure. Never have I seen a hospital get built with only fond wishes.

The countries that stay locked down are rapidly accumulating unmanageable debt. And the side effects of the fear tactics are killing people in far greater numbers than the kung flu.

The erosion of wealth and industry could put us back 200 years. The car and truck made immense strides in actually making cities cleaner. Less 💩

I don't worry about the deadly CO2, as we're still measuring it in PPM, and it is plant food after all. As signs are pointing to another solar minimum, the oceans will capture more CO2 and less will break out due to cooler water temps. Then we can all bask in the seasons of poor crops and lousy fishing, just like the good old days of the little ice age.
Vehicle grabs are very bad, but gun grabs are far worse. Not having the right to defend yourself...having to use a hammer or a rock is plain inhumane, especially since the ones attacking have firearms.
Agenda 21/Agenda 30 plan is to push everyone into public housing in the cities and nationalize all the farm land surrounding the city. Notice this has happened in Paris, where it's very difficult to own a private car, and no car days are the norm.
I'd like to hear a British perspective of their gun ban.

It's all bad. I'm glad you mentioned agenda 21. That movement is all about both disarmament, and restriction of travel, and cutting off the citizens from public land.

It would be the end of small farms, ranches, and freedom to travel, and possess guns.

I think the first part, where they'll try to herd everyone into little boxes is under way. Then they'll restrict travel through taxes, and laws first to make it too onerous to keep a private vehicle for most people.

Once people are that restricted, it's a mindset that they will use to start taking gun rights. They even have people convinced in the U.S.A. that the founding fathers "didn't mean FA guns" and you don't see a lot around, do you?
How the heck is that a success story, though? Income, and industry is the thing that keeps the Western world comfortable, and secure.
I guess I didn't make myself very clear. Most of these people are still working, but working from home. They still have income, and pay taxes. I specifically talked about my building. All of these people are working from home. I don't really believe that CO2 is contributing to global warming. I'm not a big believer in global warming. My point is that you can use this argument against the Greenies. The daily commute is over for millions of workers and whatever world consequences that they attach to it.
We dont have a full blown gun ban, Hand guns are banned, Rifles and Shotguns are not, in the UK people shoot from .22LR to 50 cal, though I think people are steered towards bolt or lever action guns rather than semi autos. You have to apply and have good reason to own a rifle, hunting, sports, target and pest control OK, Self Defence NO. Anyone with no criminal record can apply for a shotgun certificate , They are now limited to two rounds now I think, there is millions of shotguns and many hundreds of thousands of rifles in the UK.

Gun crime is on the increase in the Uk rising roughly 20% a year, latest figures for UK 2019 show 33 people killed with a gun out of 70 million people. So if the UK had the same sized population of the US we would have had around 132 gun deaths in the UK. Gun crime rises in UK in last year with more than 9,700 cases reported

Gun deaths in USA 2019 were 15,292 gun deaths Excluding Suicides Gun Deaths Inched Up in 2019

For sure our cultures are different but none the less the US is a far more dangerous place than the UK.
More people are killed by Drunk Drivers in America than guns each and every year and yet there are stores selling beer and alcohol on each and every corner and in between! That shows how back azzward our government is.
Really because its already happening in Europe, and the same tactics are already being tried towards guns in the US. If you want to keep your head up your arse feel free, if you cannot see how the left in the US is moving the same way as other parts of the world then so be it. Good luck to you. In both the UK and EU they are increasing emissions rules making it ever more difficult for engine makers, Including General Electric whose 66 series are the best locos in the world and the most efficient, but NOT enough for the greens in Europe so they are banned. ALL the European government are putting stricter and stricter emmission laws into place for ALL vehicles. They now have buy back schemes to encourage people to scrap their gas or diesel cars. Both the EU and UK have ever stricker arrangements for power stations. Many nations are making it harder and harder to open and run fuel stations, the UK has seen THOUSANDS closed in recent years because the left campaigns against them. Britain has to be Petrol and Diesel FREE in only 9 years, it was 19 years but they moved the agenda to BAN galoine and diesel cars by 2030.

New conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans will be banned from sale in the UK from 2030 - here’s everything you need to know

All new conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans are set to be banned from sale in 2030. New hybrids will be given a stay of execution until 2035, on the condition they are capable of covering a "significant distance" in zero-emission mode - a term which the Government has yet to define.
New plug-in hybrids will remain in showrooms for another five years, before being outlawed in 2035. The Government has also confirmed it will allow conventional hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius, to remain on sale until 2035, as long as they are capable of achieving the "significant" zero-emission distance.
After 2035, the only new cars and vans that can be sold will be pure electric ones such as the Tesla Model 3 and Nissan Leaf, plus any hydrogen-powered cars, such as the Hyundai Nexo and Toyota Mirai, that may exist at that point. Second-hand cars will be unaffected by the ban, however, allowing petrol and diesel cars, plus conventional hybrids without "significant" zero-emission capability, to change hands on the used market after 2030.
To help facilitate the transition from fossil-fuel cars, £1.3 billion is being invested in EV chargepoints for homes, streets and motorways across England. A further £582 million is being set aside for grants to help people into EVs and PHEVs. The Government is also investing £500 million in battery development and mass production, while £525 million is earmarked for the nuclear power plants, partly to help meet the demand for electricity the growing number of EVs will bring.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “My Ten Point Plan will create, support and protect hundreds of thousands of green jobs, whilst making strides towards net zero by 2050.
“Our green industrial revolution will be powered by the wind turbines of Scotland and the North East, propelled by the electric vehicles made in the Midlands and advanced by the latest technologies developed in Wales, so we can look ahead to a more prosperous, greener future.”
Buyers are undoubtedly turning to alternatively fuelled cars in great numbers, with 12.1 per cent of new registrations being EVs and PHEVs in November 2020. Nonetheless, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders previously called an acceleration of the 2040 ban “extremely concerning”, adding that “with current demand for this still expensive technology still just a fraction of sales, it’s clear that accelerating an already very challenging ambition will take more than industry investment.”
I bet Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are getting ready to leave the UK with it going Electric! Top Gear UK ended for me when they left the show.
private vehicles in a rural area like this are a necessity not a luxury as the public transport is non existent and there are no charging points for electric vehicles out in the countryside, mind you if everyone had an electric car that would blow the power grid and no mistake, we havent got enough power stations now never mind all those extra electric cars.

Don't worry Bigpaul! This administration says that all the folks who lost (or will lose) their jobs from shutting down the pipeline(s?), can find new jobs in the energy sector. Just as long as they don't mind making 75% less than what they used earn annually. 💩
The democrats are not coming for your guns they said... You're paranoid they said...

San Jose Will Force Gun Owners to Cover Costs of Gun Violence After Mass Shooting

San Jose Will Force Gun Owners to Cover Costs of Gun Violence After Mass Shooting (yahoo.com)

In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, San Jose’s city council approved a national first that will see gun owners being forced to compensate taxpayers for the spiraling costs of gun violence. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, gun owners in California’s third-largest city will be required to take out liability insurance for their firearms, and pay an annual tax that will help fund emergency responses to gun-related calls.
I think the first question is, are there any gun owners even in San Jose?
If there are, have they put their homes on the market after this . . . law, passed?
How does the city even intend to enforce it, if there is no gun registry?
Or will they pass a required registry too?
How would they enforce that too?

IIRC, Cuomo tried something like that with his Un-SAFE law, written in such a way there was no way to actually disclose how many did, as it was estimated only 4-5% of the AR15 owners in the state complied.
I think New Zealand had the same problem.
The democrats are not coming for your guns they said... You're paranoid they said...

San Jose Will Force Gun Owners to Cover Costs of Gun Violence After Mass Shooting

San Jose Will Force Gun Owners to Cover Costs of Gun Violence After Mass Shooting (yahoo.com)

In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, San Jose’s city council approved a national first that will see gun owners being forced to compensate taxpayers for the spiraling costs of gun violence. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, gun owners in California’s third-largest city will be required to take out liability insurance for their firearms, and pay an annual tax that will help fund emergency responses to gun-related calls.
They OUT of their MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the first question is, are there any gun owners even in San Jose?
If there are, have they put their homes on the market after this . . . law, passed?
How does the city even intend to enforce it, if there is no gun registry?
Or will they pass a required registry too?
How would they enforce that too?

IIRC, Cuomo tried something like that with his Un-SAFE law, written in such a way there was no way to actually disclose how many did, as it was estimated only 4-5% of the AR15 owners in the state complied.
I think New Zealand had the same problem.

In California, they do have a defacto gun Registry. They have their own NIC program and if you don't have a firearm listed in their registry, you can't buy ammo. San Jose can and will search the California NIC registry to find and tax any gun owners, located within their jurisdiction.
Not convinced that the majority in CA asked for this government. . . just like in NY.
Californians started down the road of socialism over 50 years ago. The voters elected, and reelected whoever promised them the most "free" stuff. The citizens could have elected conservative candidates, and at one time they did.
California is like many other states where they have a couple over populated areas that have enough voters to dictate what the entire state does. The only real solution is to split California in half, or to go with a state wide electoral college. Neither will happen. California is lost. The best we could hope for is it falls in to the ocean.
Now they are saying they will confiscate your guns if you do not pay. GUN CONFISCATION IF YOU DO NOT PAY THEIR UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS! WE ARE HERE FOLKS!!!! It's only a matter of time before this becomes state wide. CW IS COMING.

San Jose to tax gun owners, will confiscate firearms for noncompliance

San Jose to tax gun owners, will confiscate firearms for noncompliance (msn.com)

Gun owners in San Jose, California, will soon face a yearly tax and be required to carry additional insurance after their city council voted unanimously Tuesday evening to impose the new measures.

The forthcoming fee for gun ownership in the city has not yet been determined, but officials said that anyone found to be in noncompliance will have their weapons confiscated.

The city council's aim is to try to recoup the cost of responding to gun incidents such as shootings and deaths. According to the Pacific Council on Research and Evaluation, which studied the issue and sent a representative to testify before the panel, gun-related incidents cost the city roughly $63 million every year in the way of paying for police officers, medics and other expenses, The San Francisco Chronicle reported.

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