anybody monitoring russias movements?

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I'm afraid I have to disagree with you, first of all Russia does not want Ukraine but want it to be independent and NOT join Nato, If US/Nato had not overthrown the legal government in Kiev , Putin would have never taken back Crimea because he had a long time contract on his warm water marine base, he was forced to take it back and after a referendum 85% of the population choose to be Russian !!! Its the US Coup that started it all?? US control of Ukraine air force shot down the MH17 and killed 295 people, mistaken it for Putins plan, using a Ukraine jet, Russia has shown proof of that and US?Ukraine are hiding the facts?? Putins airforce is more advanced than you think and in some things even ahead of US, also don't forget China's Militairy, its all new while US is all old, except the Nuke Subs and they will decide the outcome when it goes global?

No, no coup by NATO or the US I see putin propaganda machine is live and well.

What is old in the US? you surely don't mean the new Zumwalt-class destroyer's, Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers, Virginia-class attack submarine's the new rail-gun is set for ship mount testing this year and the new ship mount laser weapon system that been deployed to the middle east then add the 5th generation fighters f35 and f22, I'm sure we have old ships that need painting that I have no doubt and I didn't count the new amphibious ships and missile cruisers :(

So whats new in china is not impressive, its naval force isn't even competition to the Japanese, I know china is working on modernization but it will be a vary long time for it to catch up right now it is barely capable to defending its shore with it's navy, it's subs are noisy and easily detectable, it has but one jet capable of landing on its new carrier (a repainted rust bucket from russia) a carrier with no support ships.
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Well I still disagree but apreciate that you are a great supporter of your government, but Putin does not use or have a propaganda machine, that's a US invention? The US want the oil and gas in eastern Ukrain + want to put up a missile shield on Russian border? US has done a Coup to change the regime, as its done in Lybia, Irak, Afganistan and others?? Its all about Oil and Gas control ??
From what I have been following and seen of OBAMA in the past 10 yrs is all lies and same regime as Bush who killed 3000 americans in the World Trade Center attacks?? there's lots of proof of all that out on internet??
But Russia/China combination will fool the world yet, don't worry??
The West let cremean and the ukrain down, it waited too long to become involved, thats not the sign of a coup! I think we can agree to disagree on that ;) obama wasn't a president 10 years ago ;) no, the US didn't attack the WTC, my kids have a running joke around here 'I read it on the internet so it must be true' and truth be told, I don't like my government all that much, I never really cared for bush (at first I did) and I certainly don't like obama, complacently is what my government is guilty of regarding the WTC nothing more.
Its an argument we cannot win?? Whatever happened in these past years with Bush senior, Junior and Obama has had me turned of on US policy's? When I lived there about 40 yrs. ago I was still supportive but I left basickly because the country started changin in the late 70's, I left in 1979 after seeing to much agression growing?
My daughter and grandchildren still live in Southern California but I have not been back since?
I understand you are a good Patriot witch I am not?? I had many friends come back from Nam and seeing how they were treated made my mind up to leave?? There is no peace anywhere in the world anymore and even in the Philippines we have the Muslim bombings and violence, but the people are more relaxed and friendly, selfsufficient (they can fix your car with bailing wire and tape ?), there is much freedom, many guns and less crime than EU,US,UK?? So I'm as happy and safe as can be and am sure I have a good chance to survive most from SHTF? Complcentcy is the biggest crime all over the world, main media won't tell the truth or warn you in time??
Christ sake,give mad-Vlad what he wants???? as a Finn I find it disgusting to even suggest that..and we have a little more history with my eastern neighbor than just a couple of visits to russia.
you sign a deal with them,it's not even worth the paper its written on..
next piece of advice will probably be how to line up when the tanks come and how to wave flags correctly and throw roses under the tracks..
Ukraine didn't shoot down that airplane,it was the separatist-terrorist thugs.
Sorry to disagree but I have seen evidence that it was 2 Ukranian SU25 Jets that used 30 caliber machine guns and air to air missiles, also radar and satelite info from Russia, US and Ukraine are NOT giving any info about it because they're the guilty ones. Also was not ment to shoot the MH17 but to be an attack on Putins plane who was in same area with 30 min difference, they we're hoping to kill Putin but got the wrong technical info from the US ?
Also radio info between tower and Jets are being held back?
Sorry to disagree but I have seen evidence that it was 2 Ukranian SU25 Jets that used 30 caliber machine guns and air to air missiles, also radar and satelite info from Russia, US and Ukraine are NOT giving any info about it because they're the guilty ones. Also was not ment to shoot the MH17 but to be an attack on Putins plane who was in same area with 30 min difference, they we're hoping to kill Putin but got the wrong technical info from the US ?
Also radio info between tower and Jets are being held back?

"I have seen evidence" mind sharing your evidence?

I have seen those kind of reports on youtube and everyone of them have been debunked, so your saying the world lies and putin is truth?
Not getting it from U tube but have connections with the Dutch investigators that are looking for evidence, they also confirmed that Russian satelite evidence was correct, but they cannot bring that into the open yet, their official report was heavily radicated last week when it came out?? Why can US not show their satelite info, I'm sure they have satelites there 24/7 ??
Not getting it from U tube but have connections with the Dutch investigators that are looking for evidence, they also confirmed that Russian satelite evidence was correct, but they cannot bring that into the open yet, their official report was heavily radicated last week when it came out?? Why can US not show their satelite info, I'm sure they have satelites there 24/7 ??

I think you need to fire your inside connection!

German Federal Intelligence Service have concluded the separatists in Ukraine were responsible to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17)

Dutch safety board final report expected August 2015
Evidence indicated that separatists in Ukraine were in control of a Buk missile launcher on 17 July and transported it from Donetsk to Snizhne. This is based on tracing the path of the missile, analysis of shrapnel patterns in the wreckage, voice print analysis of separatists' conversations in which they claimed credit for the strike, and that photos and other data from social media sites all indicated that Russian-backed separatists had fired the missile.

Dutch investigators have access to American satellite information including communication between Russia and Pro-Russia rebels, information also includes data of infrared sensors and images of launch plume and trajectory that suggested the missile was fired from an area between Torez and Snizhne rebel held grounds

"Alexander Khodakovsky, the commander of the pro-Russian Vostok Battalion, acknowledged that the separatists had an anti-aircraft missile of the type the Americans have said was used to shoot down the aircraft, and said that it could have been sent back to Russia to remove proof of its presence"

Russian journalist, published an analysis of photos and films of "Buk" units moving in Russia and Ukraine in the days before and after the MH17 crash. According to Ostanin, the markings on the specific launcher suspected of being used to shoot MH17, together with lorry registration plates suggest that it belongs to 53rd Kursk Brigade of Russian anti-aircraft defence troops
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Knowing the realpolitik of this region I reckon it was the Ruskies playing games for which they are proven past masters, just like when they shot down the 747 0ver Kamchatka some years ago. I don't suggest for one second Mad Vlad its looking for territorial grabs, but he IS looking to retain as much control over the region and does not take kindly to the EU moving onto his patch.
and for the success of this cease-fire,I wouldn't bet very much,while they were negotiating in Minsk,russkies sent over 50 heavy main-battle tanks over the border...and we can be certain that mad-Vlad will not implement everything they signed for in Minsk and thus the sanctions will stay and russkie economy will plunge even deeper,so to keep his seat,he will very soon start to flex his muscles's a temporary calm before the storm
Is seems you all forgot that Ukraine has its own <BUK> systems, I just wonder why US and Ukraine cannot openly show proof of what you say, and until they do I'll believe the Russian satelite data that they provided?
Also how you explain all the Mitrailleur bullet holes on both sides of the cockpit of MH17?? As far as I have seen/heard it was 2 SU25 Jets from Ukrainian airforce !
Is seems you all forgot that Ukraine has its own <BUK> systems, I just wonder why US and Ukraine cannot openly show proof of what you say, and until they do I'll believe the Russian satelite data that they provided?
Also how you explain all the Mitrailleur bullet holes on both sides of the cockpit of MH17?? As far as I have seen/heard it was 2 SU25 Jets from Ukrainian airforce !

The US turned over to investigators already, like most investigations it's not going to disclose anything until after the investigation is completed, it's up to the Dutch not the US to release the findings, March 15th as I stated above the Dutch will release its findings!!

EDIT: August NOT March as I stated
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The Puttin pawns have already said they shot it down , thought they shot down a Ukrainian Military transport plane and bragged about it until they saw it was a airliner then they shut up . The more information that comes out about recent Russian agression the more it looks like the small Countries on the Russian boder are going to give the Russkies a good thrashing . Vlad cant realize they just dont need Moscow leadership anymore . In a conventional War the Russians have never been able to defeat a good Military even a fraction of its size . Had there not been a Western Front in WW2 there would not be a Russia .
Russkies have never understood what it means to fight for your own country and freedom if you are a small country,they just don't get it..okay after the WW2 ended we took the silver medal here,but still kept our own army,was never occupied by the red-army,and that meant a lot,we still have our own army,not the russkie one,who goes to "liberate" it's smaller neighbors with tanks...
we can bitch and moan here and in general sometimes hate the guts of our neighbors where we live,but come the day russkies want to send it's forces here to "liberate" us...that's something that unites us,it's like an open hand,quite week when open,close it and you'll have a fist..ready to strike
and I wouldn't bet much over this cease-fire...mad-Vlad has set his eyes on that land corridor to Crimea and he want's it...
indeed,if the guy is so innocent,why bother??
they got him already for lies,when they signed that cease-fire treaty in Minsk, russkies didn't notice that they told they had certain rocket systems in Ukraine,the newest gen,not yet sold abroad,only given to their own top front line troops,only after everyone's signature was on paper...uuups,so yes there are russkies in Ukraine,a lot of them
seems like it is; that was a nice try for a cease-fire,separatist-terrorists don't give a damn about it,they just want that town Debaltsev as they got new weapons from mad-Vlad,they have been breaching that cease-fire over a hundred times already.....wonder why the russkies find it so hard,that we don't trust them....
preps ,preps and more preps....
The Russian trucks pouring into Ukrain are only carrying wheat and other grain , theRussians said so in a press release .
There has been footage from the first of the Ukrain situation of Russian SPETNAZ troops working with the sepratist . I would not be suprised if they were involved in the jet liner shoot down .
Nor would I,as the system requires experts to handle..right now the west MUST show resolve against mad-Vlad or he will ultimately try to gobble up as much of this globe as possible,consider your self lucky to have that puddle in between...
I still think some of the small Nations are going to bloody the nose of that big Rusky Bear . There not as all powerful as some think they are . Niether is China when it comes down to it much of its population lives a 3rd World life .
true,mad-Vlad hasn't modernized his army to the level he portraits it to be,true there are some very good units,but not that many,if they all were,he wouldn't just threat everyone.
Look chaps, its becoming very clear that Putin is using the Ukraine / Crimea / Syria/ etc issues to ensure NATO etc are looking elsewhere and he WILL go for Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and probably Lappland but more likely Findland and Sweden. Our embargoes and blocks on his rich oligarch friends is hurting them badly, they want payback and profit.

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