Cataract Surgery... ??...

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Tim Horton

Old Bush Bear
Apr 16, 2022
Lake Superior
I'm 9 days out from the first eye surgery, and 2 days out from the second surgery.. Both went exceptionally well they say.. I'm still adjusting to swelling reducing, vision changing, and such.. I look in the mirror and I still look like a spaced out owl with both pupils being different sizes and such..

Adjusting in that some things I still use my bifocal for and some things I don't use glasses for at all... Them saying another couple weeks for all to settle down, then evaluate what, if any correction in lenses is needed... A cheap pair of 2X reading magnifiers seems to work pretty well for some things.. Just trying to get used to glasses on for this, glasses off for that..

Anyone with experience with this ??
Facts, details, experience, thoughts... ?? 🤪 :cool: o_O
Six eye surgeries, so far. The Cadillac surgeries were easy but with a recovery period. In a few years you will get scale buildup on your lenses and it will require cleaning. Today that was about ten minutes, at most, with a laser, and I drove home from the office, no worse for the wear and clear vision. You’ll know when it is time but probably a decade plus. By then it will probably be even easier and faster.
I'm 9 days out from the first eye surgery, and 2 days out from the second surgery.. Both went exceptionally well they say.. I'm still adjusting to swelling reducing, vision changing, and such.. I look in the mirror and I still look like a spaced out owl with both pupils being different sizes and such..

Adjusting in that some things I still use my bifocal for and some things I don't use glasses for at all... Them saying another couple weeks for all to settle down, then evaluate what, if any correction in lenses is needed... A cheap pair of 2X reading magnifiers seems to work pretty well for some things.. Just trying to get used to glasses on for this, glasses off for that..

Anyone with experience with this ??
Facts, details, experience, thoughts... ?? 🤪 :cool: o_O
I don't know how I missed this thread! :oops:
I preached a bunch about having my foggy lenses changed out in lots of threads here.
Like RPD, only need lenses for stuff 2-feet or closer.
Since I have worn glasses all day, for decades, I got them to make me no-line bifocals with no correction on top, and +2.50 diopter down below.
Perfect vision from 6" to 400 yards with auto-tint! :woo hoo:
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I got the fixed infinite and have had very little trouble, I had really bad lenses that had become so sun damaged over years of fishing and being out in bright sun ETC that I could not tell what color a red light was when I stopped facing the sun it was like a frosted glass.

Best wishes for a great outcome with your new lenses.
Thank you Pearl and Icemaker...
In the mirror I still look like a cadet owl.. But the first eye is quite improved.. Second eye still needs to improve some to catch up.. Nothing said, or no issues with using my old bifocal for up close things, but several weeks out that may need adjusting..

Todays plan is... When needed I will also go the route of no correction on top and no line bifocal as needed..
Husband had both done the beginning of this year. Took awhile to heal, for sure. But he's glad he did it. He just buys a slew of reading glasses on line for the close up now. But it had gotten so bad before the surgery, he couldn't drive at all. Now he can drive rarely, but it's because both shoulders are out, not because he can't see.

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