Chicken/egg question

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Interesting. He also gives advice to add rice and pinto beans to correct the laying issue. Not sure about this as I am feeding mine Dumor and they are all laying every single day. They are healthy too. Now I do add oats and BOSS to their feed. Not sure if that is the difference.

How are yours laying Robin? Oh, he said “crumbles” and I don’t use those.
Ours didn't lay much in the months of Nov and December and that is pretty normal, unless you have 9 month old hens. I feed scratch mixed with pellets/crumbles. I also feed cooked rice and some canned corn every single day, along with kitchen scraps. Ours do like cooked beans. Once upon a time, my husband and I raised parrots. They all ate a cooked beans, corn, and rice mix. Good for birds.
The video says it is disabled now. Darn.
We make our own feed a lot of the time, but they free range every other day. My favorite hen gets picked on, so I give her a whole day to be out alone. Those other hens are mean.

We only get eggs through the winter in the henhouse with a light. The others take a break.
I hope one of mine goes broody and actually hatches some. Unlike last year. I did get the one and the racoon killed it.
We ordered a couple of breeds that are broody and are good mothers. I'm going to build a separate coop and divide it so we can raise two breeds for our replacement chick's. I want to get an incubator too so we can hatch our our meat chick's. With so many people wanting to raise chickens the prices keep going up.
Anyone know what birds may be more resistant to the new bird flu? I thought I read ducks and geese were more so, but haven't been able to find that today.
Ours seem resistant , but, they always wear their masks and definitely practice social distancing. They have little chicken tracks marked on their roost. Not really but if anyone wants eggs to hatch or eat or me to hatch you some ,come by and I'll give them to you.
Juat went to Rural King for some miscellaneous stuff in the next town over. They have signs everywhere saying that any movement of birds within the state must be reported along with pur names and addresses.

Don’t ever register your flock. Buy them out of state and drive them in if you need to buy new ones. I see this as a plan to cull peoples’s private birds. They have and continue to kill millions of commercial chickens…all tested with the bogus Covid test. The WEF goal is to KILL all our animals. Don’t let them know you have them!
Folks will experience different things according to region and state. Just because one person is having no problems…at the moment…does not mean that others aren’t, or won’t. It is a fact that the bogus Covid test IS being used here in the US to cull large flocks. Prices ARE skyrocketing across the country.

Keep your flock safe and unregistered.
Don’t ever register your flock. Buy them out of state and drive them in if you need to buy new ones. I see this as a plan to cull peoples’s private birds. They have and continue to kill millions of commercial chickens…all tested with the bogus Covid test. The WEF goal is to KILL all our animals. Don’t let them know you have them!
I think it will eventually get to the same with meat rabbits. RHV has been spreading and I think that will be used as an excuse, too.

I remember a few years ago when they had forced backyard flocks to be euthanized in CA. Since I have been slowly switching from obvious coops to sheds so they won't be recognized by passersby as easily.
there is bird flu here in the wild flock, all commercial birds have to be kept indoors so they dont get infected.
dosent stop egg production, been up to the farm and bought a dozen eggs this morning.
In the US, it is likely going to be everywhere because it's in the Canadian geese population. I don't think they are as affected by it as domesticated flocks because you don't see reports of them dying.

Heck, it was even supposedly found in some red fox kits.

I have no doubts that avian flu, RHV, Lyme Disease, and all sorts of other nasty stuff were created in some lab just like covid.

Edited because I wasn't clear.
Didnt know you were raising meat rabbits too!! It is so nice to have someone on here doing it! I’ve already gotten a small group together who raise rabbits in order to trade rabbits to refresh stock and avoid bad breeding.

Smart of you to hide your rabbits. They are so quiet no one will know they are there. What breed do you raise?

EDIT. I misread. You moved your flock. It is good you moved them! My flock has been in hiding from the beginning.
Didnt know you were raising meat rabbits too!! It is so nice to have someone on here doing it! I’ve already gotten a small group together who raise rabbits in order to trade rabbits to refresh stock and avoid bad breeding.

Smart of you to hide your rabbits. They are so quiet no one will know they are there. What breed do you raise?
Oh, we haven't started with meat rabbits yet. Sorry I was unclear. We have fiber rabbits right now. We have rabbits to breed for meat- a New Zealand mix- but I have had my hands full with the angoras, so we haven't bred them yet.

For fiber, we have French angoras. The only thing they feed is my knitting habit!

Someone in our group has meat rabbits and those are Rex, I believe.
I'm so excited our newest chickens I got back in October have started laying...I have 12 new ones and got the first egg yesterday from them and 2 today! Can only go up from here! Finally!

The next youngest hens are about a year old now in a separate area, and getting 5-8 a day from them ..the others are old...and I don't have the heart to do away with them...yet!

Thinking seriously on getting some rabbits and I want goats, but pretty sure goats are too much maintenance for us to handle

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