diet starting today

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week 5 day 7
still 10 lbs to go but to be honest I have not been making a huge effort...
Ok this is it! I am going to start making soup again and not eating after 6
I think next week I am going to do my 3 day crash diet

today lamb curry , rice, cauliflower and potato curry and rice soup
no dessert either
week 6 day 1

today I need to make something with chicken because I took some out of the freezer, probably rice bowl with chicken and some veg
Austrian dumpling soup if I have time to make it before we have to take the lambs

edit: made chicken and rice bowl with salad plus the soup, did not eat after 6
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week 6 day 3

today schnitzel, cauliflower and potatoes
plus soup # 1

I did end up making soup yesterday too, more cream of zuccini soup

but was bad last night and had a beer, we got some at Aldi
week 6 day 4 was frozen leftover Thai curry for me , didn't cook since I was baking

week 6 day 5 was pizza son made

Week 6 day 6 is today and I am going to make the rabbits. I found a French recipe that sounds good on youtube
it turned out really great! The photo is after I drained the sauce out to reduce it. Sauce was awesome. This is 3 rabbits cut up rabbit .jpg
i been limping with knee injury last couple of weeks...felt better yesterday so i hit it hard tonight right before dark and done river canyon hike and back...counted lots of deer...felt ok till last bit back to truck but not like its was so humid i was dripping just standing and looking at nature.

10 deer only one buck but it was nice one.
week 7 day 1 and 2

forgot to post on this yesterday too busy I guess, made Korean rice bowl with ground goat and veggies, son and his friend went somewhere and ate somewhere so I made spicy stuff

today : lasagna
and more watermelon, I think this is watermelon #5 and we didn't waste any of it. THey are really good and also cheap this year ( $3 for a large seedless one)
84f and hot and humid....i could feel what i done yesterday on and off i went and hiked in the heat.....knees feeling was a chore but i done it. glad i do my two short walks a day no matter what just to keep sorta limbered lets me bounce back faster i believe for these longer harder hikes after missing awhile.
Anyone else want to lose weight? Maybe we can encourage each other....
If not and this thread just takes up space feel free to tell me to delete it ( mods?)

So I have decided to not eat between the hours of 6PM and 10 am. The evening hours are when I eat the junk, and we take care of the animals in the morning so no breakfast. I had a piece of toast with peanut butter around 11

I am also trying something my parents and grandparents did as regular part of the meal: have a bowl of soup before the main course. This is how my mother and grandmother made it: chicken broth, a handful of noodles, a handful of oatmeal, a chopped carrot, a chopped celery or leak, some parsley, salt, pepper and 1 egg
I did this today and am really full. Main meal was chicken, potatoes and salad ( lettuce with homemade dressing)
Dessert will be 1 of the pastries I forgot yesterday.
( I spent most of the morning cleaning the barn, so used up a lot of calories most likely, so 1 piece of pastry will be fine)

I will make grits around 5.30 for evening meal. Maybe put some bacon in it. That will be it
I lost weight cutting out most carbs. It's still an uphill battle though! I love bread and butter!
I lost weight cutting out most carbs. It's still an uphill battle though! I love bread and butter!
I think I would rather be fat LOL

I lost weight just limiting the hours I eat and adding soup to lunch , just not sticking to it right now, so not much if any loss
I do a lot of physical labor so I can eat a lot of calories and maintain, just too old to lose any easy
I think I would rather be fat LOL

I lost weight just limiting the hours I eat and adding soup to lunch , just not sticking to it right now, so not much if any loss
I do a lot of physical labor so I can eat a lot of calories and maintain, just too old to lose any easy
I hear ya. I hate being fat though - my weight climbed close to my hub's and he's a big guy! Thankfully my father made a remark! I walked the block, jogged and the weight wouldn't move. It wasn't until I stopped the carbs (most of them) that the weight slid off. I'm almost down to where I was at 17 and I got my figure back. I still badly need to tone myself. That's the hard part. After losing weight you get flabby. I'm too old to lose weight easy too:). Hub said this old man told him something he'll never forget. "Gettin' old ain't for sissies."
week 7 day 4

not sure what we are eating today , I have no more frozen meals and no time to cook. Maybe just some soup or something

edit : found a box of store general tsu chicken, made that with frozen rice and broccoli
the chicken is such a rip off! Giant box with a tiny tiny amount of chicken that is mostly breading , large plastic bag of sugary sauce
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I hear ya. I hate being fat though - my weight climbed close to my hub's and he's a big guy! Thankfully my father made a remark! I walked the block, jogged and the weight wouldn't move. It wasn't until I stopped the carbs (most of them) that the weight slid off. I'm almost down to where I was at 17 and I got my figure back. I still badly need to tone myself. That's the hard part. After losing weight you get flabby. I'm too old to lose weight easy too:). Hub said this old man told him something he'll never forget. "Gettin' old ain't for sissies."
I just need to lose 9 more lbs, not that worried about it. I didn't get overweight until 2019, menopause and bad accident
So I am eating pretty much like I always have ( lots of carbs, some fat, not all that much meat, no soda, no chips, dessert once a week or so, lots of fruit, alcohol occasionally)
For me, yesterday was pretty stressful. I had to work on the dang laptop for hours and when I got done, I saw the temp had climbed to 95 degrees. I looked outside again at noon, and saw rain clouds and also saw the temp drop to 87 degrees. Yup, this was my window. I took a beautiful walk and it sprinkled on me most of the way. Yes, still hot and sticky, but I got my 4 miles in.

Sometimes all you need is a nice hot, wet rain to clear your head.
week 7 day 6, I think I missed a day, Saturday should be 6

anyway, made cheeseburgers and fries, plus tomato and cucumber salad today
we were bad at the market too had colombian pork empenadas , they are great junk food but I can only eat them maybe once a month, they are at the market most Saturdays ( food truck)
week 7 day 7

today not a good diet day either, son's friend is leaving tomorrow so I am making something he likes, fettucine with chicken, and a dessert, better than sex cake LOL, husband requested that a while ago, and at our age, it is starting to approach the truth...hahahaha!!

The recipe is easy: cup of flour , stick of butter, a few cups of either pecans or walnuts, I used walnuts. Bake until slightly brown. Cool

mix a package of cream cheese with some sugar, cool whip and vanille, spread on top , make chocolate pudding spread on top that, then when pudding is solid, spread more cool whip on top NO not healthy but good
weighed this morning...i pushed real hard this week and put in extra effort to not eat a bite extra....glad i did...burned 6# off.

keep pushing to the last breath !
88f and i hiked the river canyon...high humidity....glad i ended day with a hike and short drive long way home...seen about 20 deer.
Went and checked a gym membership at the community center in the next town over.
Nice facility, couple of pools indoors and outdoors, machines, different exercise programs,different skill levels of the instructors. Have to see if it's cost effective for me.
Between Medicare and VA Community Care cost will be zero.
Just waiting on Doctor's and Surgeon's approval.
week 8 day 1
Well back to 10 lbs , not surprised, being stressed will keep you from losing weight
plus I had a large bowl of dessert yesterday and some vodka at night, it was one of those days

today I am making stuffed cabbage casserole with ground goat and rice
I had an unusual sweet tooth yesterday. Went out to dinner with step daughter and family. A nice Italian restaurant. Afterwards, they ordered a creme brulee and a tiramisu for dessert. I sweated a bit, but purposely paused saying anything to the waitress, and she walked away without me ordering a dessert. Yeah, I watched their every bite going into their mouth, but I resisted!

Being 106 degrees today, I'd have a hard time walking that dessert off.

I confess, the dessert looked delicious!
86f and humid....i ran out of time was getting very late ...i wanted to just say heck with it and chill out...brain said go it ya lazy better than that...go push off i went and beat feet on river canyon trail...done it in record time and got home at dark.

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