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hiked...80f and super humid and bad storms to the east..unstable atmosphere..i was walking no matter what...done it no problems...i am enjoying being back to a great spot mechanically again....

hike...observe natures wonders and be happy out being a woodsbum !
hiked...80f and super humid and bad storms to the east..unstable atmosphere..i was walking no matter what...done it no problems...i am enjoying being back to a great spot mechanically again....

hike...observe natures wonders and be happy out being a woodsbum !
I took Otto for a short hike up the mountain yesterday and it started pouring
Hiked this afternoon...went to a harder place that requires more mind to foot placement thought because of roots and such in trail and it being over all harder trail...i pushed it real hard just to coordination was very satisfying...on way back to truck it was hot and humid so i started pouring sweat last part of hike and it was dripping off my back to truck and could tell i done trail but was fine...finished my water bottle off just to make sure no cramps driving home.

very satisfied right now with progress.
@MoBookworm1957 did you find a BD tutorial online or what? Please give details. Also, how did new Mo happen? I blinked and missed it!!
A few years ago Belly Dancing was poplar as Zuma,Billy Banks Boot Camp and I had reach a point where I wasn't loosing anymore weight. And I was getting frustrated. I had lost so much weight and inches. So I ordered it off Beach it was worth a shot. So several of military women and I all go to the same primary care doctor.
He suggested we try this program again. My Blood Pressure was dangerously high if it didn't come down I could possibly die sooner rather later in life. And I was tired of being tired all the time. So I decided to do something just for me for a change.Am I being selfish? Probably. But once in my life I need to put myself first. And there was the Irishman too.
I want a life with him. If I wasn't happy with me how could he be happy with me? So something had to change. I had to change first. One small baby step at a time.One of the hardest things to change is my outlook on my life. I had to find a positive attitude. My Irishman helps with that everyday. He's my friend, my buddy,my rock.Now I have a reason to get up. Laughter comes more frequently. So do giggles. I'm not as depressed. He was there when I was sick with chemo and radiation treatments, He was there when my hair fell out. My Irishman has seen me at my worst while sick. Now I want him to see at my best. I want him to be proud of me as a woman. Not one of the guys. So once a month we go shopping so I have more woman like clothing. I will probably never be completely lady like(girly girl) I hope this answers your questions.
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