This is all part of the plan to "nudge" (before they push) people into leaving rural areas and flocking to the cities....per the wildlands project developed by The Club of Rome and adopted by the UN decades ago. project_war.pdf
Investigative reporter Karen Lee Bixman, in her article, "The Taking of America," states that "each of the 21 bioregions will be governed by bioregional councils. Although in its infancy stage, the setting up of such a council is taking place [now] in the south in conjunction with the Smokey Mountain National Park in Tennessee. When these councils come into play, local, state and national government will not be able to interfere with their enforcement. It will be under the strong arm of the UN.Environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy and other green organizations will be given the green light [to be] the enforcement arm of these councils at the local level." [Karen Lee Bixman, "The Taking of America," The Investigative Reporter (Huntington Beach, CA), March 1996, .3.] It cannot be too strongly emphasized that this is a radical agenda designed to control not just the land, but all human activity, as well. Under the Wildlands Project, at least 50 percent of the land area of America would be returned to "core wilderness areas" where human activity is barred. Those areas would be connected by corridors, a few miles wide. The core areas and corridors would be surrounded by "buffer zones" in which "managed" human activity would be allowed, provided that biodiversity protection is the first priority. Reed Noss's words put it very, very plainly: "
the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans." ["Rewilding America," eco-logic Magazine (Publ. By Environmental Conservation Organization, Hollow Rock, TN), November/December 1995, p.20.
"The United Nations last year said more than 1 million plant and animal species are heading toward extinction. Species are dying out at hundreds to thousands of times the natural rate. For example, there are less than 400 North Atlantic right whales left, just 14 red wolves known in the wild in North Carolina, and likely around 10 vaquita porpoises in Mexico. In the Southeast extinction looms for 28% of the region’s fishes, 48% of crayfishes and nearly 70% of freshwater mussels.
A year ago the Center(Center for Biological Diversity) launched
Saving Life on Earth, a plan that calls for a $100 billion investment to save species and the creation of new national monuments and parks, wildlife refuges and marine sanctuaries so that 30% of U.S. lands and waters are
fully conserved and protected by 2030 and 50% by 2050.
"$20 Billion to protect wildlife habitat so that 30% of U.S. lands and waters are fully restored, protected and conserved by 2030 and 50% by 2050."
Not exactly a conspiracy theory since they are doing exactly what they said they would....just "progressively".