Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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--- This is a " MUST WATCH " video . It's happening . --- The video also confirms the earlier video that I posted yesterday . Wal Mart and Home Depot have serious trucking problems .

The video of the shopping frenzy is in Toronto and the signs are in French. If you want to talk about US Shoppers panicking, maybe you should show US shoppers panicking...ya think?
Food supplies are global . What the planet is now watching is the highest bidder countries get the food while the low bidder countries are facing starvation . We all know of the starving countries that couldn't outbid for the imported food and quite often their own food stock is exported as they were sent out to a higher bidding country . This is a growing trend that at the moment is seeing no reversal , except in the countries that were wise enough to ban certain food exports . --- From a preppers point of view it is interesting times to watch the un-prepared . The prepper prophecies are being fulfilled .
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From a preppers point of view it is interesting times to watch the un-prepared . The prepper prophecies are being fulfilled .

I thought I would feel better about being “right” on the preparation front. But I don’t. I am grateful for all the Blessings from God and for using some of those resources to put away what we will all need to get us through the tough times
How long before they will be thrown in prison?
It's since an while (before covid already) an movement in european cities and it calls "Urban Gardening". Countryside we have farm shops where you can buy directly from the farmer.
If they wanna fill the prisons with the buyers and farmers the gov needs to build houndreds of prisons more or let criminals free. Those days no prisons are planned, at least not in my area.
And then there will be still the possibility of the black markets.
Yesterday while driving down to the river, there was a section of road maybe 20 miles long covered with Morman crickets. They were smashed all over the road. I couldn't help but thinking, this is what the WEFers want to start feeding us. There was probably enough crickets in this one herd to feed my entire state.
Morgan crickets are huge and ugly, but make good bait for bass fishing.
--- At first it may seem that I posted this on the wrong thread , but as preppers we need to be thinking several steps ahead of the docile average citizen believing their aldolic life will not change . The link is only a projection , but for a prepper it probably will be a reasonable assumption as more far reaching weaponry is placed in Ukrainian hands . The results of the oil supply disruption regardless as to where it occurs will have a global effect . Higher priced fuel at the pump " or non-existent fuel " will mean supply chain failure of food as well as every product that uses a highway for delivery .
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Organ trafficking also exists in Ukraine, there is tangible evidence that the regime in Kiev sells a lot of organs from fallen Ukrainian soldiers to the West to get money. 🤮
It will be an agreement with the West, since in Europe there is a shortage of organs, the deal will be weapons for organs.
Hungary is in the middle of the greatest wheat crop in years!! We have corn and sunflowers still in the fields and they are bigger than I have ever seen them!! We are not exporting as far as I know also...
Wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, onions, hay, sugar beats are all doing good around here, no shortages. A lot of new farm land has gone in to production over the last couple of years in this area, I'm sure in other areas too. CRP contracts are for 10 years. After they expire much of that land goes back in to production.
New irrigation wells have been drilled and new center pivots have gone up. Farming is like any other business; they will ramp up and plant whatever is in demand, and cut back on anything that's not profitable.
--- Guys I don't know how you will react to this link . Some may go into denial , some may become angry or perhaps some will go into their happy dance . If you can't handle serious stuff , don't open it up .

Unfortunately I can't open any attachment. Maybe that's why I'm more optimistic than most. All I know is what I see in my little part of the world.
--- Guys I don't know how you will react to this link . Some may go into denial , some may become angry or perhaps some will go into their happy dance . If you can't handle serious stuff , don't open it up .

I have no doubts about rice going up. Thinking about adding another 3 yrs worth when I see the local rice starting to creep up like Indian rice had.
Prepaid for my propane for next year, so i might win. Last year they lowered the overage price to my prepayment price. Propane has always been a game. If I owned my tank, I could benefit from the market more. I just don’t want to get the county involved with new regulations on a tank that has been here 30 years.
Gas and diesel reserves get alway rotated.
I heard an good comment lately and somehow it's going along with my opinion those days:
The people aren't hungry enough and still are willing to pay the prices. The masses are still not ready to start to think by themselves. So let go the companies rising prices and shorten products. Let them do it fast as possible, then like this the masses are faster ready to think and fight for the own freedom.

It anyway will end in an desaster. But as faster this end comes as faster we can clean up and restart.
Myself, i prefer an fast end than suffering for years.
Interesting article on the great Sriracha shortage. Seems to be manufactured by the maker Huy Fong Foods. Cut their nose off to spite their face. never heard of Sriracha before moving west. I was more of a Franks Red Hot Guy. The green Sriracha from Idaho wasn’t bad.
I honestly LOVE Sriracha sauce. I have now made my alternative since it it hard to get now days. Franks Red Hot Guy is more vinegar based than I like.
I honestly LOVE Sriracha sauce. I have now made my alternative since it it hard to get now days. Franks Red Hot Guy is more vinegar based than I like.
That’s more of an East-West thing. I have learned to like both.
Bet the guys from Louisiana got a different opinion. :).
That’s more of an East-West thing. I have learned to like both.
Bet the guys from Louisiana got a different opinion. :).
I used to love Tabassco in my younger years growing up. Dad started putting that stuff on everything when we went out to a restraunt. He was originally brought up in New York, came down to Texas for college then out to California for an engineering job. Right back to Texas after just a couple years there. Here is where he passed.

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