Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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These high food prices and shortages should be here just in time for the election. Will sheople realize much of the problem is because of the left's radical green energy agenda, or will they vote for the left's welfare promising food for the poor (at the expense of the working)?

So many people are completely detached from the food chain, they can't even think through the process enough to reason it out. I am sure the left will come up with some other excuse and most will swallow the hook.
So many people are completely detached from the food chain, they can't even think through the process enough to reason it out. I am sure the left will come up with some other excuse and most will swallow the hook.

I have no doubt it will be "Trump's fault". That black woman's take in that video at the UK grocery store tells you the way most of these lefties think "I'll just go with the flow, you know? What else can you do"?

Lots, crazy lady, lots.

edit: I hate to say it, but I hope the wheels fall off the wagon soon; but not the media. I want to see all of those people crying. I want to hear the wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
We are going shopping again this week and filling two containers with rice, noodles and flour. Our staples are well stored and we have enough potatos, onions, garlic, canned tomatos, sauces, jelly, pickles and fruit for the winter. The chicken feed is still half full from last year and the dent corn harvest will be very good this year. We also still have about 120 lbs of wheat in a 55 gallon drum to mix with the corn.
It has been almost 100°F/35°C daily and the corn and sunflowers are well dried and ready to harvest. We get to collect any corn that the harvesters miss and we got over 400 lbs. last year without getting greedy. Others do the same and they even get into arguments of who was there first and has dubs on the FREE corn!!!...can't fix stupid...

September 13, 2023 9:49 pm

As an aside, I follow the global poultry industry – it’s my fractured means for assessing futures and the short/long term impacts on food prices. Poultry is one of those foods that involve feed, labor and consumer buying trends. I’m not sure how much this matter made US media, but back in Jan and Mar of this year Tyson foods closed down Glen Allen VA and Van Buren AR chicken facilities and now have closed down four more No Little Rock AR, Corydon IN, Dexter and Noel, Missouri. Aside from the economic blow to all those contract farmers who raise the broilers for Tyson to process, things are about to get worse at the grocery store…
Tyson stated: “Tyson Foods suffered an operational loss of $350 million in the second quarter of 2023, the third in its financial year. The company recorded a profit of $1,033 a year earlier over that period. The chicken division recorded a quarterly loss of $314 million, making it the worst-performing division of the company. Total turnover was $13,140 million, a decrease of 3% year-on-year.”
Think about those numbers for a minute. Yet no one is mentioning back in June of this year China announced that it was suspending ALL imports of chicken from a Tyson which is likely the real reason for all those 6 facilities closed down. In 2022 Tyson exported to China 440,000 metric tons of chicken. Shame on Tyson for casting the blame onto the contract farmers…
So if you’re planning to stuff your freezer with chicken you may want to do it now. Tyson is the LARGEST poultry processer in the US and by winding down 6 of their chicken facilities chicken will go the way of beef prices. I buy those cheap chicken leg/thigh quarters – 10lb for $8.00 at Walmart. They’re usually sourced within the region of your store and are perfectly fine just maybe the skin was torn or typically they are on the high side of std weight. I also buy thighs in bulk both bone in with skin and boneless w/o skin. I then raw pack one drum stick, one bone in skin thigh and a boneless thigh into a pint jar with 1/2t salt and can under pressure 70 min. The meat is tender and very flavorful. I add a sauteed cubed chicken breast and use the broth that’s produced to make a sauce, add the deboned canned chicken and make all kinds of chicken/rice or chicken/pasta or even chicken/dumplings. It’s relatively cheap and quick to can up a bunch and put on your shelf. I’ve even made chicken salad/sandwiches from it as well as soups. But if your thinking of doing that, buy up your chicken over the next couple of weeks because it will likely disappear from the stores.
Last edited 9 hours ago by Totally_Disillusioned
So, there is flat out inflation, and shrinkflation. We are paying more for everything, and more for less of it. THEN there is the thumb on the scale. Sometimes I check my bagged produce on my scaleS when I get home. It is NEVER as much as the store charged me for. I know things didn't dehydrate that much on the way home. Doesn't matter which store, or which checkstand. It is almost always at least 5% less weight than their scale; sometimes 10% or more. Sometimes I wan to take my scales and whip them out at the bagging area. Can you imagine their faces when I yell SHENANNIGANS!!!!! ?
If anyone is interested in the issues revolving around the government land grab to destroy agricultural production aka 30/30-50/50...there is going to be a seminar held in Irving texas the 21st-23rd held by the Texas Agriculture Commissioner to bring awareness to how this land grab is already moving forward and what you can do as land owners to combat it.
The website for the org is

I wish I could attend but, I have to be at the farm since the husband is traveling for business. I am hoping it will be available to view on line.

This is a good video made by a speaker at this conference for those who have never heard of agenda 21 (2030) or the great reset. Only the first ten minutes are free on the link though. I'll see if i can find a free link to the whole thing.

No Farmers No Food 10 minutes

Apparently the premier is on the 25th of this month, I did find a little more from Roman who put the documentary together.

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This is a BIG FREAKING DEAL!!! Call your House Rep today!

View attachment 21050

Allowing the USDA to stop allowing Americans from forming personal buy, sell and trade groups for food would ensure THEY CAN STARVE US ALL!!!

How do we stop criminals from harming us with criminal actions? You lock them up!
There is a reason all of the govt agencies are buying tons of ammo and guns, including machine guns. When the USDA needs machine guns, people should know something isn't right. But, the majority just calls you a conspiracy nut.

Again, I hope the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the big dem cities is televised.

When the people in the big dem cities are crying because they are eating bugs, cannot afford to drive out of those cities, and have no way to protect themselves from the lawlessness because they gave up their guns, I will call them conspiracy nuts. That time is rapidly approaching.
The amish will just keep supplying for each other and themselves. We do that now in my community.
My groups plan also , except I don't expect to need the community to lean on . I have tried to encourage folks in the prepper community to prepare for " full " self-sufficiency , even though I didn't expect anyone to listen to me . The squeeze is getting tighter and for most folks the opportunity to establish a self-sufficient homestead has already slipped away .
Yep, the feds like to make examples out of some amish, especially with raw milk or home remedies. And it is a pain, if the family has a farm store going. Not fair, if you ask me.
There are people here that barter or "sell" with donations. And auction is popular, too. Most people are pretty giving, and when things are offered for donation around here, the person usually ends up with a good amount of money donated. Raw milk is advertised as milk for animal consumption.
No offense to Massey but this bill is a mess. It has everything in it from work requirements for those on welfare, which flags can fly over the USDA buildings, funding to promote critical race theory. Reading through all the amendments I cannot tell if this part of it was gutted out or not!
No offense to Massey but this bill is a mess. It has everything in it from work requirements for those on welfare, which flags can fly over the USDA buildings, funding to promote critical race theory. Reading through all the amendments I cannot tell if this part of it was gutted out or not!

My understanding is that he added this to that bill you are referencing. He did not support everything on that bill. He also tried to make some other corrections to the bill.

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