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1. first web site you check.? Probably x (formally known as twitter)
2. what people do you call.? Family
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing? Nothing much, perhaps more seeds
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready? Feeling pretty good
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.? Still pretty good
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.? Just my brother, give him a heads up.
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2. Might try to fill up my empty Kerosene can
4. what is your stat of being ready? We will find out.
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.? Complete and utter chaos
Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days

Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.? maybe. Probably nothing...lots to do, not a lot of time to do it. I won't be wasting time on websites.
2. what people do you call.?
Local friend/prepper folks to coordinate who needs what. I'd also be meeting up with them to get them radios if they don't yet have them, and also be sure they're programmed the same way. That was already done way back when, but double-checking isn't a bad idea. Also, supplying them with Faraday cages to help prevent solar panels, charge controllers, batteries, radios and other electronics from frying.

My son and his family, of course, They would probably come to our house...more eyes, more firepower.
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
Nothing. Everything. We should be good, but I guarantee there will be moments of "gee, I wish I'd picked up a few of those".

Definitely top off gas tanks of every persuasion (car, generator, chain saws, etc.). Fire-making would be a good thing to add to, even though I'm pretty good there. Firewood is not a problem, but lighting it might become a problem. Remember Kamala's sage words:

"Each time you light your lighter, your lighter gets lighter until it gets so light it won't light."

Make sure the Berkey and other water filters are working as planned. We have a spring in the back yard, so I would't need to rely on town water.
morning day 2

4. what is your stat of being ready?
Probably pretty good. I'd want to touch base with a few neighbors I mostly trust. It helps to have a very localized, low-power communication group.
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
Anywhere from kinda quiet to riots. It depends on how the non-preppers are doing. The first week, they will probably still be doing OK, provided the .gov is doling out bottled water and food of some sort.

It's after the first week that concerns me.
Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.?
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?

1.) Probably my email, which would be Related stories and newsworthy items will abound.

2.) My daughter and family back East. My immediate family in Arizona.

3.) I'm really not missing anything. Rather than being out I would spend the time securing our home.

4.) We are quite ready. I would recharge everything that could be recharged while we still had electricity. I would fill every container I had with water, including bathtubs, and arrange outdoor catchment systems. Make sure all food was in a secure location. Make sure proper security measures were taken. Make sure all radios were charged, working, and had fresh batteries.

5.) IMHO it would take a day or so for reality to sink in. People will not know what to do. After that we will see what happens to the rule of law. It will last for the first week, but after that all bets are off.

Great questions, Tired Iron. I like the fact that they were focused on a single event and how you would react to it.
If my streaming video surveillance app and my motion sensor app counts as a website, then I would say those. If not then I would say NOAA weather. It seems the older I get the more weather concerns me.

I don't really talk to a lot of people. I spend most of my time alone. I occasionally call my pops and now the new Lady. That's about it. Lately I type a hell of a lot more than I speak.

I perpetually feel short on potable water. I'm probably not and have redundant supplies and sources, but I still feel that way. Plus can one ever have enough ammunition? I don't think so.

Like @Snowman, I am frosty.

Where I am right this minute, you would hardly notice. Generators would kick on creating a hum in the otherwise peaceful sounds of nature. In the closest city to me: mild chaos for an uncertain amount of time followed by mass panic or martial law. All depends on how fast the black boots can get them on the ground where it counts. Then my satellite phone would start ringing and job offers would start rolling in. Very lucrative job offers.
1. I'll check here (ha guys will, too)
2. Our kids
3. We're good, no store needed
4. Oh well...just hope it's not a heat wave. Otherwise ok
5. I think people in the bigger town might want to check with amish farmers to see what extras they have. Like eggs, milk, and the homemade breads. Kinda like what people would clear the stores for if a tornado is coming.
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)

I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.
1. White Sands Missile base, but not the reason you think probably.
Because of the walk way of the Dinosaur and First Peoples tracks found.
2. Depression era.
3. Jerky, cheese, granola, raisins,trail mix
4.The Pit and no it' not NASCAR.
5. Internet, Divine Justice,Newspaper, local channels
E. Been growing in a garden area for a couple of years now, and I've been intending to harvest part of the root (after the first freeze, I've read), but have not gotten to it at all...and have been warned to blend it outside because of the fumes. Husband likes it with roast beef and prime rib.
It's a definate grind up outside job.
Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days

Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.?
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
1. Space/ NASA solar flare
2. My Sons,my special friend
3. Nothing in pretty good shape
4. Good
5. Chaos, wide spread panic, untold deaths
Good questions @Tirediron
I didn’t know you’d go with prepping related questions, but it’s good to see them. Problem is… they make me see how screwed I’d be. I’m only here because of an invitation. I’ve always believed in prepping but I haven’t had the wherewithal to successfully follow through with it.

That said, I’ll answer questions from my position.
Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days

Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.?
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
1. This site
2. Family
3. Any canned goods left on the shelf at the grocery store after surviving a mob of people to get to the checkout counter with them.
4. For skill assets I’m good, for supplies… screwed.
5. In my neighborhood - no chaos in first week. Neighbors would bond and lookout for each other. After that all bets are off.
1: none- maybe weather to see predictions
2: family & 2 friends
3: top off any fuels possible
4: grid down, maybe forever- can/smoke what’s in freezer(s) otherwise fine
5: Next week- lay low, avoid people and/or answering any questions.

All things considered, we’re not in bad shape other than location 🥴
Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days

Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.?
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
1. If i know about it, I prolly learned on suspicious observers, so then check in here, HLC
2. family. close neighbors
3. top up my fuel slip tanks. make a run to costco grab a crap load
4. ready as anybody can be
5. Nice quiet meeting go over the "plan" then silent running.
Bonus question. Assuming the grid is fried (sats. too) and most electronics are fried that prolly means any kind of higher tech genset. and for this one baring marauders . describe life where you are three months from grid down. please try for a couple of sentences minimum
Bonus question. Assuming the grid is fried (sats. too) and most electronics are fried that prolly means any kind of higher tech genset. and for this one baring marauders . describe life where you are three months from grid down. please try for a couple of sentences minimum
Who is the next victim??
Bonus question. Assuming the grid is fried (sats. too) and most electronics are fried that prolly means any kind of higher tech genset. and for this one baring marauders . describe life where you are three months from grid down. please try for a couple of sentences minimum

I would like to think we would be in the same place, assuming we are still alive and not burned out by marauders. The great unknown will be how long we can last without maintenance medication. I could survive far better than my wife or son. If they were gone, I would have some big decisions regarding whether to stay or leave. My wife would be in dire straits, and I seriously wonder if she would last three months. My son is an entirely different story, but it would not be good.

I would probably stay where I am, and hope the family can find their way to me. IMHO my location is better than East or West. The resources are better, the weather is better, I am far better prepared and far more secure than any of them. Fingers crossed.
Bonus question. Assuming the grid is fried (sats. too) and most electronics are fried that prolly means any kind of higher tech genset. and for this one baring marauders . describe life where you are three months from grid down. please try for a couple of sentences minimum

I presume the metro citizens would start roaming like zombies into the mountains and wilderness. Most of them will follow roads and easy paths, but not all. Most of them will go the opposite direction of me because my direction means exerting a lot more effort and energy. Also because my direction takes you to where nature can also become your downfall.

My property is pretty well concealed from any ground level view and one would have to take a series of fortunate turns to even find it. Not to mention pass by a couple smaller communities and properties that would appear much more inviting but with equally or perhaps more uninviting residents. And those places have larger numbers of people who would not take kindly to guests of any kind.

If they did find me, they would face a security fence with secure gates and from what they could see the place would not look like a residence. The signage I have ready to hang indicates hazardous material storage and the place looks the part. I would have spent the 3 months setting up redundant means of perimeter-violation notifications that did not require my now fried alarms and cameras. I would also have put my two battle buddies on the roof or one on the roof and one outside the main building. They are semi-flexible dummies dressed up in milsurp gear with crappy scoped pellet rifles and old busted radios. There names are George and Bernard. I haven't purchase a Shaw yet.

I would spend most of my days on high alert while I went about the business of staying alive. I would at least consider walking to my neighbors and working together to keep us all fed and protected. Marauders would get to his place before mine.
Bonus question. Assuming the grid is fried (sats. too) and most electronics are fried that prolly means any kind of higher tech genset. and for this one baring marauders . describe life where you are three months from grid down. please try for a couple of sentences minimum
In my midsize SW Michigan town: I figure (thinking positively) that after surviving the initial panic and chaos… and assuming city water is still supplied, even if it has be boiled for drinking… things would be smoothing out at the 3 month mark as trains are rolling again and bringing in food and supplies from areas of the world that weren’t directly effected with a grid down situation. IF that would be the case - I’d probably be alright in the long run here, IF I had enough food.
You have a lot of faith in the govt in getting things going again in three months, Old School. I just don't see that happening.
But in case it you have three months of food and water?
I don’t have faith in the govt, I do though have some faith in businessman with more money than then they know what to with, and there are plenty of them. Would some of them step up in trying to do the right thing? I like to think so, but I wouldn’t count on.

As I said, a few posts ago, if it happened today I’d be screwed. But that doesn’t mean I’d be screwed a few months in the future. Getting there won’t happen overnight, but could be done before such an event. Lord willing and the Creek don’t rise.
I was just answering the questions from my perspective and an admitted optimistic point of view in one reply.

I’m all for conversation, but this thread should go only so far in some regards.

Don’t make me say "I’m done”
There are many "Levels" of prepared/prepper, my level and your level maybe are not the level of people with buried caches in the middle of nowhere, or those with gardens and cellars full of canned foods.

We prepare as we can.

I am a believer in community, the church, and standing with your neighbors.
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