Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)
So many ideas! Technology is amazing!
2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)
More modern times. I've lived without running water, as a child. It has been done for centuries and by many, but oh so much more work, especially in really cold weather, especially when blizzards are happening.
3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?
I keep a variety of bars, peanut butter and crackers, trail mix.
4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)
I think it was Survivalist Blog, James Wesley Rawles. It was in 2008 when I discovered forums, survivalist blogs and forums.
5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)
Definitely the Internet. Turned off the television the week that Fauci said, "No need for masks." "Wear masks, but only N95s are effective." "Don't use N95s. Save those for the essential workers, wear cloth or other masks." I was done listening to all the lies and manipulation.
I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)
1 yellowstone

2. I would like to go back to the 80s

3. trail mix, granola bars, peanut butter crackers

4. the very first forum I joined was called storksite, for pregnant women. It went down and a bunch of us that all had babies in the same month formed our own yahoo group. Many of us have met in person, and we are still friends with a few exceptions ( a few just sort of stopped posting and disappeared) , we are now just on FB since they did away with yahoo groups

5. internet , I used to listen to Rush all the time but he is gone now :(
Thank you kindly@oldschool these are great.

1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
I agree with d_marsh- the 60's 70's - for the music and bikes if nothing else. Though I'd be the hippy...

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food? I don't go that far- I have a protein bar and a snack pack of BBQ chickpeas in the car

4. What forum site was your 1st Home? It was a UK one similar to this, but no one owned ammo lol

5. What's your primary news source? TV, online newspapers from around the world, my daughter & my Dad
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)

1: The internet, it has changed the world.
2: I really liked the late 70's early 80's.
3: "New Millenium" energy bars in assorted flavors
4. Brotherhood of Catfishermen
5. Internet:
Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 2.29.17 PM.png
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)
The discovery and practical use of fission as a power source.
2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)
To visit? Pax Romana - 27 BC to 180 AD ancient Rome. To live out my life? The current time.
3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?
Jerky, Mountain House packs, water, a small stove and utensils.
4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it) - it was a conservative forum started by a guy who was upset that a very popular local radio host was fired and endured a lot of crap for being called racist, which he most certainly is (and was) not.
5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)
Internet. I trust these sources slightly more than I trust mainstream media, but I hit a lot of odd sources that are "boots on the ground" types without a lot of ideological baggage.

As Sam Clemens said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed." Nothing has changed since the newspaper was the only source of news.
I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.
May I recommend @dademoss? He's a curmudgeon and a damn good one. His questions are likely to be prickly, amusing, and thought-provoking. Or, he could just say no.
1. The other 7 are man made so I guess the Palm Islands in Dubai

2. 1930 to 2030 because the REAL expansion in human based quality of life is so great although it was terribly misused by the same people for all of that time just as it is right now.

3. Some type of cake, Apple, sweet and spicy trail mix or cashews. Water x 2 what I expect to use.

4. Al7bar .

5. Out of country news not connected to the us media and conservative commentary organizations.
The discovery and practical use of fission as a power source.

To visit? Pax Romana - 27 BC to 180 AD ancient Rome. To live out my life? The current time.

Jerky, Mountain House packs, water, a small stove and utensils. - it was a conservative forum started by a guy who was upset that a very popular local radio host was fired and endured a lot of crap for being called racist, which he most certainly is (and was) not.

Internet. I trust these sources slightly more than I trust mainstream media, but I hit a lot of odd sources that are "boots on the ground" types without a lot of ideological baggage.

As Sam Clemens said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed." Nothing has changed since the newspaper was the only source of news.

May I recommend @dademoss? He's a curmudgeon and a damn good one. His questions are likely to be prickly, amusing, and thought-provoking. Or, he could just say no.
I forgot about my Mountain house meals. I keep 2 of those in the GHB as well.
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)

I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.
1) The Eye of the Sahara
2) I have no idea what the future will be like, so the time I live in now.
We have the best meds,science, mathematics & physics. Our lives have never been better than the last one hundred year. To the doubter who say, but the evil, I say we will always have evil.
3)Granola bars & fruit, they are lightweight & granola bars keep well.
4) a Gardensite that was acknowledged by the White House.
5)Internet, do not trust t.V. & news papers.
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

The transistor. It was an experiment to see if quantum mechanical principles could be measured at macroscopic level.

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

The time I born into. While other periods could be interesting modern medicine kept me alive. Earlier I may not have survived or at best been deaf and dumb.

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?


4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

Ignoring an on-line forum to support an engineering software package ( LabVIEW) it was Mainstream Preppers.

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency

The Blaze. I check Fox web site for headlines but it is mostly click bait. I also read news letters from Paradigm press.

I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.

The discovery and practical use of fission as a power source.

To visit? Pax Romana - 27 BC to 180 AD ancient Rome. To live out my life? The current time.

Jerky, Mountain House packs, water, a small stove and utensils. - it was a conservative forum started by a guy who was upset that a very popular local radio host was fired and endured a lot of crap for being called racist, which he most certainly is (and was) not.

Internet. I trust these sources slightly more than I trust mainstream media, but I hit a lot of odd sources that are "boots on the ground" types without a lot of ideological baggage.

As Sam Clemens said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed." Nothing has changed since the newspaper was the only source of news.

May I recommend @dademoss? He's a curmudgeon and a damn good one. His questions are likely to be prickly, amusing, and thought-provoking. Or, he could just say no.
Dave had his turn, somebody that hasn't done it needs to step up.
Dave had his turn, somebody that hasn't done it needs to step up.
The thread is long enough now.... new questions might be a challenge, same goes finding a new questionnaire.

edit/ I just sent out an invitation on a whim. It it's a no (he's not here now) I look for volunteers here, rather than through PM's....
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The thread is long enough now.... new questions might be a challenge, same goes finding a new questionnaire.

edit/ I just sent out an invitation on a whim. It it's a no (he's not here now) I look for volunteers here, rather than through PM's....
lol everyone is probably afraid of what questions I would ask so I won't volunteer either....
Oh come on Sonya. Surely you got 5 good ones. Just don't do like I did. I had a list of 8, and when I was asked to take a week I couldn't find them or recall what they were to save my life
I can't even remember what all has been asked already! The easy ones ( um like what is your favorite color...) are all gone
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)

I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.
1. the reciprocating engine, be it steam, gas,diesel. they were the catalyst for growth
2. this is 2 part, Iwould have really fit in the 1950s -1960s. Now, this is the time of huge change, I would like to be 30 with what I know, but...
3. at least a 3 pond bag of roast almonds, a pint of coconut oil would be nice too, or ghee At least a gallon of water in srainless bottles
4. here is home, there were others ,but not home like this one.
5. very selectivley the internet,filtered by my intuition and the knowings that pop in, (I am so far outside the envelope that I hit the mail box a fair bit.
A recap of askers and questions, I believe it to be up to date and correct:

Friday Fives:

1. If you have a bumper sticker, what does it say?
2. Favorite ice cream flavor?
3. A famous person (dead or alive) - and not necessarily a favorite - who you would like to get some answers from?
4. Something you would like to be able to grow but cannot (due to area etc)
5. Best concert or gig you ever attended?

1) What do you wear to bed?
2)What is your biggest pet peeve?
3) If you could be any age, forever, what would it be?
4) If you could go back and give your teenage self one piece of advice, what would you tell you?
5) If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

1. Name a person that you most admire.
2. If you could go back in time what period or event would you most like to see?
3. What place would you most like to visit?
4. What event would you most like to attend?
5, What was/is your dream car?

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.

1) What is your favorite science fiction book and/or author?
2) Name the 1 or 2 things you are most skilled at.
3) What is your favorite fruit, nut, or veggie to raise? Or the one that performs best for you?
4) After a long hard stressful day workin, either at work or around your own place, what is your favorite way to relax and unwind?
5) Where is your favorite vacation destination? Could be your best trip ever, or the one you keep going back to.

1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your age? 20-30,30-40...
3.Who was your earliest crush?
4. What frightens you?
5. Heads or tails?
Bonus Q
The quantity (e raised the power of pi i), added to 1 equals?

1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?
2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.
3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?
4. Did you end up marrying your first love?
5. What's your favorite kind of pie?

1. If you had to choose your last meal ever, your favorite meal, what would it be?
2. What states and countries have you lived in?
3. What musical instruments do you play, or have you played? Or do you sing well enough so that others would want to hear you?
4. What languages do you speak?
5. What was your first paying job? How old were you?

1. If you have one, what is your “bump in the night/Fox in the henhouse” implement/weapon?
2. What species of bird gets you most excited when you see one?
3. Cat person or Dog Person, or Both?
4. How many states have you visited? (you can count the ones you lived in)
5. Do you garden and preserve/can your harvest?

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?

1. Who was Vesuivus Secret Victim?
2. Does bees have ears?
3. Is there a hole to Hell in the Arctic?
4. Who drilled the Hole to Hell?
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Bonus question?
Why was the Hole to Hell drilled to start with?

Weedygarden, (AGAIN)
1. Where were you born?
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?
3. What is the highest education you have achieved?
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?
5. What was your first car?

Winds of change:
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)
2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)
3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?
4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)
5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)
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A recap of askers and questions, I believe it to be up to date and correct:

Friday Fives:

1. If you have a bumper sticker, what does it say?
2. Favorite ice cream flavor?
3. A famous person (dead or alive) - and not necessarily a favorite - who you would like to get some answers from?
4. Something you would like to be able to grow but cannot (due to area etc)
5. Best concert or gig you ever attended?

1) What do you wear to bed?
2)What is your biggest pet peeve?
3) If you could be any age, forever, what would it be?
4) If you could go back and give your teenage self one piece of advice, what would you tell you?
5) If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

1. Name a person that you most admire.
2. If you could go back in time what period or event would you most like to see?
3. What place would you most like to visit?
4. What event would you most like to attend?
5, What was/is your dream car?

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
2. What was one of your most awesome experiences in your whole life?
3. What is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for you?
4. Let’s pretend you have been chosen to be in the White House cabinet under a president and vice president whom you agree with. You can choose any office you want. What would you choose?
5. What are your two favorite games and or sports? One could be a board game and another a physical sport.

1) What is your favorite science fiction book and/or author?
2) Name the 1 or 2 things you are most skilled at.
3) What is your favorite fruit, nut, or veggie to raise? Or the one that performs best for you?
4) After a long hard stressful day workin, either at work or around your own place, what is your favorite way to relax and unwind?
5) Where is your favorite vacation destination? Could be your best trip ever, or the one you keep going back to.

1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your age? 20-30,30-40...
3.Who was your earliest crush?
4. What frightens you?
5. Heads or tails?
Bonus Q
The quantity (e raised the power of pi i), added to 1 equals?

1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?
2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.
3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?
4. Did you end up marrying your first love?
5. What's your favorite kind of pie?

1. If you had to choose your last meal ever, your favorite meal, what would it be?
2. What states and countries have you lived in?
3. What musical instruments do you play, or have you played? Or do you sing well enough so that others would want to hear you?
4. What languages do you speak?
5. What was your first paying job? How old were you?

1. If you have one, what is your “bump in the night/Fox in the henhouse” implement/weapon?
2. What species of bird gets you most excited when you see one?
3. Cat person or Dog Person, or Both?
4. How many states have you visited? (you can count the ones you lived in)
5. Do you garden and preserve/can your harvest?

1: Name one thing on your bucket list (go ahead and dream big, something you want to see? do?).
2: What is your favorite sound?
3: If you were to write a novel, name your main character.
4: What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
5: What is the best one-liner you've ever heard or said?

Weedygarden, (AGAIN)
1. Where were you born?
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?
3. What is the highest education you have achieved?
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?
5. What was your first car?

Winds of change:
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)
2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)
3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?
4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)
5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)
You missed MoBookworm1957 who passed the torch to Weedy, for the second time.
1. the reciprocating engine, be it steam, gas,diesel. they were the catalyst for growth
2. this is 2 part, Iwould have really fit in the 1950s -1960s. Now, this is the time of huge change, I would like to be 30 with what I know, but...
3. at least a 3 pond bag of roast almonds, a pint of coconut oil would be nice too, or ghee At least a gallon of water in srainless bottles
4. here is home, there were others ,but not home like this one.
5. very selectivley the internet,filtered by my intuition and the knowings that pop in, (I am so far outside the envelope that I hit the mail box a fair bit.
Thanks for accepting my offer to carry on the thread with the next Friday Fives.

From what I gather we're on the same page with a few things and have similar knowledge, skills, experience.... thus you got the offer.

I'll answer my own questions when the thread needs a bump.

And.... I'll thank one volunteer, via PM. I hope the thread lives on and he'll have a chance. He was just a little too slow this time..... the punch bowl was empty when he got to it.
Thanks for accepting my offer to carry on the thread with the next Friday Fives.

From what I gather we're on the same page with a few things and have similar knowledge, skills, experience.... thus you got the offer.

I'll answer my own questions when the thread needs a bump.

And.... I'll thank one volunteer, via PM. I hope the thread lives on and he'll have a chance. He was just a little too slow this time..... the punch bowl was empty when he got to it.
May I please be as bold to remark on what seems to be enjoyable questions.

Questions that have one correct answer convey trivia but nothing about the character of our fellow contributors.

Open ended questions.

May I please be as bold to remark on what seems to be enjoyable questions.

Questions that have one correct answer convey trivia but nothing about the character of our fellow contributors.

Open ended questions.

Thanks, but I still fall to sleep every night with a headache trying to answer your bonus question. 🤔
1. The subduction plate boundary line in the Pacific Ocean.
2. 1868-1930+. (I particularly like the reconstruction era). I don’t think it was glamorous. This was when my gggma lived (born in’63). It wasn’t easy but there was something about it that draws me.
3. A jar of peanut butter and/or dried apricots and pumpkin seeds. (& water 💦)
4. I was on a homemaker’s forum that changed hands shortly after I joined so then I came here.
5. Internet & 1 radio station then try to figure out what’s actually happening 🤪
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)
I’d have to say the battery, a way to store energy and make it mobile was the leap that made so many other advances in technology possible.

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)
Same place post WWII

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?
Not really thought about food as I’ve always been able to procure that, but I’d need a mess of tobacco, can’t grow it but need it

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)
Didn’t have one until here. So here

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)
Used to be fox news, now it’s Newsmax or a couple of places on X