Friday Fives

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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I just came up with my bonus question. It’s not too late right? ….
Just for fun (and multiple choice to make to think) choose the most correct answer in your opinion.

Horseradish is…

A) A medicine plant

B) Has some medicinal properties and the best thing since apples in the garden of Eden

C) Only editable when free from Arby’s on a roast beef and cheddar

D) Vile…. Couldn’t pay me to eat it
1. What would you name as the 8th wonder of the world?
(an unofficial title typically given to the accomplishments of modern man)

2. What time frame or time period would you like live in?
(can choose the time and place)

3. When you leave the house with a get home bag... What's in your GHB for food?

4. What forum site was your 1st Home?
(a description is fine if you don't want to name it)

5. What's your primary news source?
(radio, TV, internet... particular news agency)

I encourage participation, even from newbies to this thread and this site. Feel free to pass on questions.
As for who's up next? I don't have any particular person in mind at the moment.... but I'll probably send an invitation via PM, or look for volunteers via PM.
To answer my questions:

1) I’m going with the man made category and say today’s cell phones.

2) I was born in the mid 60’s and figured I should have been born a decade earlier. Today… in today’s messed-up world… maybe if I was born in the 1930’s…. and born into my same family, I’d have survived the depression era and not been the wiser to it, till later. Would be born in same place. West Michigan.

3) Beef jerky, mixed nuts, salted pretzels, crackers with peanut butter or cheese.

4) A place called Glock Talk

5) Usually conservative news/talk radio

Bonus question: B
I just came up with my bonus question. It’s not too late right? ….
Just for fun (and multiple choice to make to think) choose the most correct answer in your opinion.

Horseradish is…

A) A medicine plant

B) Has some medicinal properties and the best thing since apples in the garden of Eden

C) Only editable when free from Arby’s on a roast beef and cheddar

D) Vile…. Couldn’t pay me to eat it

E) What Sushi restaurants serve mixed with green food coloring and pretend is wasabi.

From the established questions I would go with either B or none of the above. I like it on prime rib, mixed with mayo on a sandwich, in the above Japanese cuisine and mixed with ketchup as a dip for battered fish or crispy shrimp.
E) What Sushi restaurants serve mixed with green food coloring and pretend is wasabi.

From the established questions I would go with either B or none of the above. I like it on prime rib, mixed with mayo on a sandwich, in the above Japanese cuisine and mixed with ketchup as a dip for battered fish or crispy shrimp.
If you get to do the Fives… Do a “Love Is…” bonus question. 😉
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B would be closest for me. I like it on certain foods. I have 3 plants growing, going on 2nd year in the ground. I'll harvest a couple roots sometime and try it out.
My grandpa grow horseradish. He ground the roots in food grinder with attachment that made it the consistency of finely ground rice. Probably added vinegar, but not sure.

For me it was an acquired taste. Now it jazzes up a sandwich quite nicely.
E. Been growing in a garden area for a couple of years now, and I've been intending to harvest part of the root (after the first freeze, I've read), but have not gotten to it at all...and have been warned to blend it outside because of the fumes. Husband likes it with roast beef and prime rib.
E. Been growing in a garden area for a couple of years now, and I've been intending to harvest part of the root (after the first freeze, I've read), but have not gotten to it at all...and have been warned to blend it outside because of the fumes. Husband likes it with roast beef and prime rib.
We were chatting with an old timer over 4th weekend who said you did it out on the porch and make sure the wind was blowing away from you.
E. Been growing in a garden area for a couple of years now, and I've been intending to harvest part of the root (after the first freeze, I've read), but have not gotten to it at all...and have been warned to blend it outside because of the fumes. Husband likes it with roast beef and prime rib.
Absolutely grind it outside. It will make your eyes tear up and your nose run! I haven't ground any of it up since I was a child, but it was always ground up outside.
Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days

Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.?
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
😃😃😃 1) None, it's happening, decide if I should burn the phone because it can be tracked! 2) No one, Hubby knows the protocol ! 3) Nothing, animals already shot/euthanized, now decide when being mobile will be necessary!! 4) Ready as I can possibly be! Survival mode on, prepare to be mobile! 5) panic and chaos! I must get away from people!!
I just came up with my bonus question. It’s not too late right? ….
Just for fun (and multiple choice to make to think) choose the most correct answer in your opinion.

Horseradish is…

A) A medicine plant

B) Has some medicinal properties and the best thing since apples in the garden of Eden

C) Only editable when free from Arby’s on a roast beef and cheddar

D) Vile…. Couldn’t pay me to eat it
Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days

Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.?
2. what people do you call.?
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
1) none
2) famly
5) slow, no news with the grid down.