Greay, I slept in.
yesterday ,the sun pooped about a n X 14 away from us, in theory it would have wiped out most of the grid if it had been pointed our way.
-Let's Go with what we would do it it had been pointed our way
-Let's go with the theory that it takes time to effect us, 3 days
Questions (you hear about the flare mid morning day 1)
1. first web site you check.? maybe. Probably nothing...lots to do, not a lot of time to do it. I won't be wasting time on websites.
2. what people do you call.?
Local friend/prepper folks to coordinate who needs what. I'd also be meeting up with them to get them radios if they don't yet have them, and also be sure they're programmed the same way. That was already done way back when, but double-checking isn't a bad idea. Also, supplying them with Faraday cages to help prevent solar panels, charge controllers, batteries, radios and other electronics from frying.
My son and his family, of course, They would probably come to our house...more eyes, more firepower.
3. one day of perhaps chaos maybe to pick up supplies. what are you missing?
Nothing. Everything. We should be good, but I guarantee there will be moments of "gee, I wish I'd picked up a few of those".
Definitely top off gas tanks of every persuasion (car, generator, chain saws, etc.). Fire-making would be a good thing to add to, even though I'm pretty good there. Firewood is not a problem, but lighting it might become a problem. Remember Kamala's sage words:
"Each time you light your lighter, your lighter gets lighter until it gets so light it won't light."
Make sure the Berkey and other water filters are working as planned. We have a spring in the back yard, so I would't need to rely on town water.
morning day 2
4. what is your stat of being ready?
Probably pretty good. I'd want to touch base with a few neighbors I mostly trust. It helps to have a very localized, low-power communication group.
Bam grid down maybe for ever.
5. how do you think the next week would go.?
Anywhere from kinda quiet to riots. It depends on how the non-preppers are doing. The first week, they will probably still be doing OK, provided the .gov is doling out bottled water and food of some sort.
It's after the first week that concerns me.