Friday Fives

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1. Where were you born?
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?
3. What is the highest education you have achieved?
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?
5. What was your first car?
1. Pierre, South Dakota (in S.D. Pierre is pronounced peer, not pea-air)
2. 2nd of 4
3. Some graduate work and lots of credits beyond a B.S.
4. Never in the military
5. Toyota pickup--I'm a farm girl
I can't believe I'm actually gonna answer questions

1. Where were you born? Huntsville, Alabama.
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child? 4 brothers and 1 sister. I was the forgotten one next to the youngest.
3. What is the highest education you have achieved? Degree from community college in Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics. Never had less than 3 job openings waiting for me.:D
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank? No. Missed being sent to Vietnam by only 1 year.
5. What was your first car? A 1958 Austin Healey, that the cops could never catch.:p
I'm just looking at this thread for the first time in probably a week. I had no idea that I was nominated before now. I will not do this again. Everyone needs to take a turn. I just wrote some questions off the top of my head. If I get nominated again, this thread will die because there are thousands of other people who can have a turn. I asked people when I had my first turn, and several of you turned me down. This totally takes the fun out of this for me.

1. Where were you born?
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?
3. What is the highest education you have achieved?
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?
5. What was your first car?
Love your questions, I can actually answer all of them

1. Germany
2. 1 younger brother
3. BS in environmental engineering
4. no but daughter is currently in the Navy and her dad was in the Army
5. Ford Mustang ( I was married to a car dealer LOL)
I had a 510 wagon, manual transmission. I loved that car. Did you know they were used for racing cars for a while?
I bought it and did a little city driving in it. One time I was driving from city to city, first time out on the highway, and the needle on the temperature gauge kept creeping into the warm zone. Not good when I was just starting out on a road trip. I finally decided to just go the speed limit and that needle fell back down into the cooler range. It wanted to go faster and I was more than happy to help it!

Have you lived in the Denver area most of your life?
Except when I lived with Magus in GA.
1. Where were you born?
Springfield, Mo
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?1 older brother, 1 younger sister, I’m the middle
3. What is the highest education you have achieved? I have 2 masters degrees
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?yep, Air Force, 0-5
5. What was your first car?1976 Ford Ranger

Love the questions!
1. Where were you born?NSW, Australia
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child? Eldest of 6
3. What is the highest education you have achieved? Graduated with a degree last year, Working on my Masters now
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank? No
5. What was your first car? Oh gosh, a little Volkswagon that never got on the road, 😂 just drove around the house because husband had a chopper we used to go anywhere.

thank you!
I can imagine that in HS you were the top ‘cheer leader girl’ …. and it was fun for you but got old.

Just imagining…. I’m in a way different boat. I wasn’t the popular HS sports playing jock or the class clown. But it was cool when last year at my 40 year class reunion - the ‘girls’ liked me.

Guess I’m just saying: Don’t sweat it if you’re still popular today.
No, I was never a cheer leader, nor a popular person. I was very introverted when I was growing up, worked a lot, didn't ever really party much. I am still fairly introverted, but I am friendly with people that I see on a regular basis.
1. Where were you born?
Springfield, Mo
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?1 older brother, 1 younger sister, I’m the middle
3. What is the highest education you have achieved? I have 2 masters degrees
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?yep, Air Force, 0-5
5. What was your first car?1976 Ford Ranger

Love the questions!
Two masters 😲. May I ask in what? That’s a lot of work!
1 California but if you ask me or tell anyone, I’ll deny it 😂
2 I have one baby bro.
3 1 X BS and 2 X Assoc
4 Nope but received the letter stating I was to register or go to jail (they thought I was a fella by my name).
5 A1976 Mercury Capri (it wasn’t cool when I had it)
I'm just looking at this thread for the first time in probably a week. I had no idea that I was nominated before now. I will not do this again. Everyone needs to take a turn. I just wrote some questions off the top of my head. If I get nominated again, this thread will die because there are thousands of other people who can have a turn. I asked people when I had my first turn, and several of you turned me down. This totally takes the fun out of this for me.

1. Where were you born?
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child?
3. What is the highest education you have achieved?
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank?
5. What was your first car?
1. Kansas City, Missouri in my aunt and uncles bed.(premature)
2. 3 siblings all younger, 1 brother( 3 years younger) and 2 sisters.( middle sister is 4 years younger) (Youngest sister is 8 years younger.)
3. College(Forensic )(Forensic Accounting) Deuce and half Auto Mechanic(63B),Cooking classes
4. Yes, United States Army, SSG, (this is the rank on my first DD Form 214, it the one I am the most proud of.)
But I have other DD Form 214's and other ranks. 3rd Generation Army, first generation female.
5. 1975 Austin Healey- (manual).
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1. Where were you born? I was discovered under a lettuce leaf.
2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child? Living or dead? I am the oldest survivor in my family.
3. What is the highest education you have achieved? Doctorate from the School of Hard Knocks, Masters from Taco Bell University. My Bachelors was revoked when I got married.
4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank? If I told you, I would have to shoot myself :p
5. What was your first car? A 125 dollar POS. Went downhill after that.
This thread seemed to have petered out but I’m going to list my questions anyway. No one has bugged me about where the questions are. If this thread dies, it dies. Any volunteers for next week?
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

I hope none of these questions were repeats.
YAY!! Thanks Winds, I forgot it was Friday!! 1) Five acres, no livestock , just moochers! 2) I do garden. Squash, peppers, tomatoes, cukes, and whatever else the deer like 🙄!! 3) I clean! 4) Cooking a giant turkey on Thanksgiving. 5) Bury it, lol. All political worries and worldly issues aside, I would do all repairs and upgrades to my place. I would have my truck rebuilt ( motor, tranny, suspension ), keep some of my jobs, but work less!!
This thread seemed to have petered out but I’m going to list my questions anyway. No one has bugged me about where the questions are. If this thread dies, it dies. Any volunteers for next week?
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

I hope none of these questions were repeats.
Thank you!

1. How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock?
Not as much l want. No livestock, but I wanted to raise cattle when I was younger. The situation didn't work out. It wouldn't have been a good situation.

2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow? Garden, yes. Each year is a little different. Rhubarb, onions, potatoes, asparagus, tomatoes, peppers, greens, leeks, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce.

3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired. I was a teacher for decades, but also managed a warehouse, a meat wrapper, and now semi retired, house and pet sitter.

4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why? Thanksgiving meal, with all kinds of people who are not with their families.

5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it? I would buy land, and develop a homestead with hired help. Large garden, fields for cattle, farming, a few out buildings for storage and processing food (accessory kitchen, grain bins, etc.)
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?
1. .179 acre. Chickens.
2. Tomatoes, Peppers, Raspberries, Strawberries
3: Retired, Global Material Development/Project Management for P&G
4. Decorating the Christmas tree (cat resistant plastic ornaments)
5. Ask my Wealth Manager what to do with it.
Good questions Winds

1) 5 acres, just chickens for now
2) oh yeah, maters, taters, peppers, watermelon, cucumbers, garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, cantaloupe, asparagus, many kinds of beans, peas, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, squashes, pumpkin, corn, sunflowers, peanuts, wheat,. Probly missing some others and it varies some year to year
3) Industrial electronics/maintenance
4) Family gathering at Christmas
5) Retire, find a nice remote place in the mountains for a homestead and set it up for our remaining life
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

I hope none of these questions were repeats.
1. 1/2 acre suburban residence. No. Spent my youth doing 15 years at hard labor on a 350-acre beef-cattle farm. Swore an oath to myself that I would only see livestock in the meat section of the store.
2. I grow Dividends, does that count?:p
3. A specialty technician that is so sought after that I have 'Wanted' posters in 3 states.:(
4. April 1st, I love to play pranks on my intelligent friends.:D
5. First, I'd pay taxes on it so I don't end up on 'the list', then invest it in stocks and enjoy a $300K/yr income.:)
Edit: Forgot to take out for the taxes.
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This thread seemed to have petered out but I’m going to list my questions anyway. No one has bugged me about where the questions are. If this thread dies, it dies. Any volunteers for next week?
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
About an acre, and there's no shortage of deer, turkey and other critters wandering through all the time. But no, I won't raise any livestock. Yet.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
Yes, gardens are a thing. We grow standard stuff: tomatoes, cukes, bell peppers, hot peppers (several varieties), eggplant, broccoli, dill, cilantro, basil, rosemary, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and inedible weeds.
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
Software developer
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
My wife: Halloween. The whole front and side yards morph into a graveyard with spooky lighting. The neighborhood folks love it.

For me, it's Chrismas, and most of the decorations are indoors. I like it because it's warm and the grandkids love it.
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?
Hand it to Elon and ask if it's enough to get me the heck off this nuthouse.
This thread seemed to have petered out but I’m going to list my questions anyway. No one has bugged me about where the questions are. If this thread dies, it dies. Any volunteers for next week?
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

I hope none of these questions were repeats.

1.) Probably about 1/4 acre. We don't have livestock, but we rescue dogs.
2.) No we don't garden.
3.) First half of my career was in Procurement. Second half was in Sales. I was also a Director for a Sports Club, and ran both Adult and Youth programs.
4.) Putting up the Christmas tree.
5.) I would split it equally 4 ways: me, wife, daughter, son. Daughter and son would get half now from a trust with monthly installments. The other half would go into an IRA for their retirement. I would buy a nice conversion van and travel the country.

Thanks for keeping the thread going, Winds. Good questions, and I think everybody enjoys the thread.
This thread seemed to have petered out but I’m going to list my questions anyway. No one has bugged me about where the questions are. If this thread dies, it dies. Any volunteers for next week?
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
We have 5-6 acres spread over 8 titles. We may combine two properties to be able to keep goats. The Princess has talked about chickens and bees. No livestock now.

2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?

Apples, pears, cherries, walnuts, chestnuts, sugar maples, blackberry, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, elderberries, blue berries, tomatoes, broccoli, figs, potatoes, onions, radishes, lettuce, beans, Brussels sprouts oranges. Coffee and olive trees are young and yet to produce.

3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.

I was a senior measurement and automation architect. I designed software architectures that controlled and monitored the process.

The video below is from a modular spark plug line where the spark plugs are loaded into carriers that feed the testing and final assembly line.

It ended up in China. The work was fun but the travel sucked.

4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?

Thanksgiving dinner

5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

What ever my financial advisor recommends.

I hope none of these questions were repeats.
No repeats. Great job!

1. Where were you born? Brevard County, Florida (shhh, everyone thinks I'm a

2. How many siblings do you have? Where are you in the sibling pack, oldest, youngest, middle child? I am the middle of 3. Younger brother, older sister

3. What is the highest education you have achieved? HS decades ago, then Associates in Biblical Studies just 4 years ago.

4. Were you ever in the military? What branch did you serve in? Highest rank? never in Military

5. What was your first car? 197? Mercury Monarch, white w/red interior
We have 5-6 acres spread over 8 titles. We may combine two properties to be able to keep goats. The Princess has talked about chickens and bees. No livestock now.

Apples, pears, cherries, walnuts, chestnuts, sugar maples, blackberry, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, elderberries, blue berries, tomatoes, broccoli, figs, potatoes, onions, radishes, lettuce, beans, Brussels sprouts oranges. Coffee and olive trees are young and yet to produce.

I was a senior measurement and automation architect. I designed software architectures that controlled and monitored the process.

The video below is from a modular spark plug line where the spark plugs are loaded into carriers that feed the testing and final assembly line.

It ended up in China. The work was fun but the travel sucked.

Thanksgiving dinner

What ever my financial advisor recommends.

No repeats. Great job!


I forgot to add fruits and nuts
1.) How much land do you have and do you raise any livestock.
2.) Do you garden at all, if so, what do you grow?
3.) What do you do for a living, or had done if you are now retired.
4.) What holiday tradition is your favorite and why?
5.) If you were given 5 million dollars, what would you do with it?

I hope none of these questions were repeats.
LOL these questions almost made me write something that would probably offend some people.....hmmmmm

anyway my answers:
1 enough to raise goats and sheep, and chickens , currently have about 50 goats and 30 sheep give or take, I need to count them
2 yes, a lot of stuff but not the same stuff all the time, this year's garden is mostly a fail however
3 farmer , yes we actually have a schedule F on our taxes ( before that civil engineer ),
4 Used to be New years eve, we always had a big party and set off lots of fireworks now nothing really
5. buy a new truck and a new UTV , pay someone to put really good fencing all around our property, buy son a new vehicle
hmmm....I guess put the rest in the bank? Not sure, I don't need much, probably ask our tax accountant what to do with it

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