From down under

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....Hello from ...down under... (?)
G'day mate... Are you actually from Australia ??
Greetings from just west of Lake Superior...
Tom thank you. Am I actually in Australia ? I think so last time I looked. I see plenty of kangazoo’s bouncing around and sneaky koala bears piddling on unsuspecting tourists from up yonder in their gum tree hideouts . : ) Greetings from Brisbane
Magus thank you . You say welcome to the wild side of staying alive : ) I’m a good wriggler when it comes to staying alive . Thank you
You'll like it here I think. we're eat up with sourdoughs, hillbillies, and off-the-grid folk.
Welcome. Nice to see an Aussie here. But I think we are fresh out of Vegemite to offer
Welcome. Nice to see an Aussie here. But I think we are fresh out of Vegemite to offer you.
Swinger one not worry Vegemite kids be in abundance in Aussie we have ample supply. Thank you for your welcome
We're doing good here. Recently our Thai friend (who lives in Australia now) came for a vist. She spent several weeks here. She has this funny Aussie accent now.
Mountain trapper the English language in motion I guess , evolving or devolving ? They had to create a whole new dictionary you know just for Aussie speech and Aussie slang