Today at lunch I went looking for some deer netting that I just knew was near my growing station, I moved some stuff and saw a box with what looked like seed packets.... Yep, a small Amazon sized box will all the seed packets that I was using last year, I think I will sort all my seeds tonight and put them in ziplock gallon bags... Ho yes, I did find my deer netting, it was under a box of seeds...
Last year was the first year that I was able to enjoy the harvest off my grape vines, I have them on a 10' long trellis and I am thinking of making 3 brackets to hold the legs of a hoop tent along the top of the trellis, then I can throw the netting over the hoops and attach it to them. I think it will allow the grapes room to grow and protect them from the birds without getting the vines all tangled up in the netting.