Man, that brings back memories!
We 5 boys were avid hunters and shot a majority of the meat we ate growing up.
My mom, who was tasked with feeding 6 teenagers with ravenous appetites, was a wizard when it came to preparing absolutely
anything to feed the hungry hoard.
She only had one rule: "if you shot it; you ate it".
We'd come bouncing in after a hunt: "Mom! you've got to see this! It's the biggest owl you ever saw! We just wanted you to see it!
Her reply:
"Let me know when you get it cleaned and I'll put it in the freezer".
She referred to items in the freezer as "UFO's" (unidentified
frozen objects). No telling what it was until it was thawed out.
I distinctly remember us coming back in from the hayfield, starving. The whole house smelled like heaven.
I asked her, BBQ beef or BBQ pork?
Her reply: "BBQ
We gleefully ate every shred.
No clue what it was, but it was delicious!
I do
know we shot doves, quail, squirrels, rabbits, possums, raccoons, beavers, ducks, deer, a cow or two... and occasionally, the biggest owl you ever seen!
And as I'm a scientific guy, I know that there are atoms from all of the above, still circulating in my body

... And they were delicious!
I'm pretty sure groundhog would be really good...if my mom cooked it and set it on plates in front of hungry teenagers
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That's how I'd like to go.