Now you don't have anything to remind you of me,damn it!!!Good & tired!
Spent the day stacking the remaining fresh cut firewood!
Now my back is sore from all that bending!
Other than that, I'm doing good there buddy.![]()
Now you don't have anything to remind you of me,damn it!!!Good & tired!
Spent the day stacking the remaining fresh cut firewood!
Now my back is sore from all that bending!
Other than that, I'm doing good there buddy.![]()
He was too small too keep,plus I'm not sure how many are in there so I'm putting all the bass I catch back in so they can multiply.Hey Jerry...!!
Catch & Release...!?
PICS or it's just another fishy tale...
Sounds to me like your "living the dream brother"!Most excellent my friend...!!
Had lunch with the people I love...shared many a laugh !!
Wife had to leave for work...will be out till 1am or later...and I will wait up like I always do.
Yeah I put it in 4 years ago after the pond was frozen over too long and killed about all of the fish. The only ones that lived were the Crappie and I had to restock the entire pond,over $400 if I recall. With the aerator it doesn't freeze completely and I don't have trouble with moss and cattails anymore,I love it.Jerry, you got aerators in your
You are serious bro!
It's Kevs Birthday??? Damn,I wish I'd known,I'd brought the beer :wink:Oh yeah, I almost forgot:
A Happy belated Birthday to my "Main Man Shooter".![]()
Helping Mrs squirrel move some stuff upstairs. Was going to either trim the ducks fence rows or shoot the Desert Eagle & Mini 14 but I can do those things tomorrow.Hey Jerry...
What's todays plan of action...!?