Dutch...If you ever run for a SC Justice slot and need a character witness... I'm your man !!

I was fine until a little bit ago. I was helping the Mrs. carry some limbs to a brush pile and stepped in a hole,twisted my ankle and fell. It only hurt my ankle and pride luckily. I haven't fallen in quite a few years now,almost do a lot but haven't went all the way down. Makes me feel like a little kid.Hey Jerry, how goes it man?
Nothing.And...what did we learn Jerry !?
Thanks buddy, I'll keep that in mind for when I get nominated!Dutch...If you ever run for a SC Justice slot and need a character witness... I'm your man !!
Shooter, I'm sure you know just how hard it was to bite my tongue! Old school Philly boys just don't do that, we speak our minds & stand by what we say! (Reminds me of good ole Frank Rizzo, who never ever backed down!)Amen...well done on your part Dutch !!
Nottin much there buddy.Hey Dutch...
What's up My Man...!?
You can say that. My wife and I have owned our own business for 26 years. We are still going at it.Hey Dancer, you still punch a clock?