We may be having another 'magic-month' with our power bill!Y'all are gonna love this. You already know I'm mean right
Last year during winter had one power bill over $500 then got it down to about $480-something. I went through everything with a meter and determined it was the heater. It was nearly 20 years old and not efficient (what I was told). The landlords refused to "fix" or replace it because technically it was still workingIt's now only blowing cool to tepid air. The good news is since last year, I purchased a small plug-in whole house heater. It doesn't do a great job at heating the main portion of the house (maybe 700 ft2) but keeps the monstrosity from kicking on. We also have a small kerosene heater we turn on in the evenings to help. Since the big heater isn't working I put in a maintenance request. Someone is coming out tomorrow to look at it. If you are the praying sort - might I ask? I would really love to have an efficient heater. Furthermore, I received our power bill today. The temp difference from last year is 1 degree. Our usage and bill was less than half than it was last year same time. Also, for what it's worth: keep the heat at 63-64 during the night and day when we are at work and 67-68 when we are home in the evenings - and yep that's what costed over $500 last year.
Sorry that this borders on the rant line, but I'm glad to have half the power bill and praying for an efficient solution![]()
Normal is about $200. Month before last was $153, last month $146.
That was for 1290 kwhrs. End of period is 12-07 and I checked the meter today....
We haven't even broken 1000 kwhrs yet!