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I thought it was called a bunch of old bats who kept wondering:
Where did all these roofing tacks come from?

What is that? what are those letters on my lawn? F...U...C OH MY GOD!

What is that smell?

What is that smell in my car?

Where's my dog?

Where is my mailbox?

Why do I seem to have a flat every Monday?

Who changed my porch bulb to red and put up a sign reading "who**house?"

The use of the tie wrap is inventive! I used them for decades but never to hold pliers on a battery! 🙃 Have to remember that one.

I'd rather use vise gripes! 🤣 Been using vice grips a lot longer than tie wraps, hundred of things. I admit i've used them to hold a lug on a battery. I once had to share a battery between 2 tractors and my truck for a few days til i could get to town. What a pain that was... 😁
A young lady from the Midwest goes to Hartford University and politely says to a football jock, "Sir, can you tell me where the library is at?"
He says in a very snobby way, "Here at Hartford we don't end sentences with prepositions."
She walks up to him and nose to nose she says, "Okay, I'll rephrase it. Where is the library at *******!"

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