The abominable snow monster from Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer?
The abominable snow monster from Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer?
This could be me
Do you have a sister, my wife can't name a quarter of my tools, and parts, forget it.After 30years my husband has no clue where anything is in the house!! I always ask him if can open drawers or cabinets and LOOK for what he's after! Guess not!! If anything were to happen to me, I have a big folder titled "Upon my death"! Besides all the necessary business, it also has a room by room list of where to find things! I know I have to outlive him! He even has asked me where things are in his shop! "Where do you think I might have put such and such?", And I usually know! Maybe I spoiled him over the years?!
Our joke is "but did you look 3" to the left?"
Yes, but she is nothing like me!!Do you have a sister, my wife can't name a quarter of my tools, and parts, forget it.
And great avatar!!
Here's the one they have at The Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville Alabama.I'll never forget touring the Museum at Warner Robbins AFB in Georgia. They had a SR-71 right out in front of the Museum. AWESOME plane.
The performance of that plane that was built in the 1950's is somewhat comparable to the hypersonic missles china and russia are building today. No way I believe we don't already have stuff way past what they are building.