Klaus Schwab and the WEF (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM)

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Beck has been attacked over exposing these goals by the climate liars. Parts of another article about this subject…


“..Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

…But this paragraph, likely included in the report as a liability in the case of pushback, seems to directly contradict the meaning of “target,” which in this context can be defined as a “desired goal.” The target of eliminating meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 is “based on a future vision of resource-efficient production and extensive changes in consumer choices,” the report notes — something its authors clearly hope to bring about. If these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them “ambitious targets.”

The “fact-checker’s” insistence that C40 Cities’ explicitly stated climate goals are somehow insincere is even more unconvincing, given that we are watching them start to unfold right now. This year, in lockstep with C40 Cities’ 2030 aims, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons.”
Thought long and hard about answering to the direction this topic has gone.

Back in the the 70’s, there was that one lunch table. B was a very flamboyant person, the other 2 guys you just knew. The female at the table did not seem to be (and trust me most of the cheerleaders of my class ended up being.) In the long run F has grand kids now.

Fast forward 15 years, One of family of 6 kids we all partied with in our 20-30s came out to us. 6 months later He decided to come out to his father (Ret Marine Corp SGT, 3 Tours of Nam, did the notifications to families). I said R, I am sure he has seen it and he will be accepting. After R told him, That tough old coot gave him a hug. Only time I ever see him give one of kids a hug.

20 yrs later, I reconnect with my HS sweetheart. She put her 12yr old on the phone and we talk about music, I knew where he was coming from. She told me her Ex uesd to go off on her not to let him play with dolls, do girl things, be a Miley Cyrus fan. After their divorce, he marries someone with the same name as me and promotes the life style. Let’s just say the boy has gone the Kaitlyn way. He moved to Dads a week after i moved in. Was afraid I was going to make him a wrestler rather than a swimmer.

There is grooming. It does happen. When Dad has the bucks to pay for transformations……. He didn’t earn them, inherited. The practice went down by 75% after he got divorced. And she took the time off to do all the kid things like volunteer at the school.
Beck has been attacked over exposing these goals by the climate liars. Parts of another article about this subject…

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“..Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

…But this paragraph, likely included in the report as a liability in the case of pushback, seems to directly contradict the meaning of “target,” which in this context can be defined as a “desired goal.” The target of eliminating meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 is “based on a future vision of resource-efficient production and extensive changes in consumer choices,” the report notes — something its authors clearly hope to bring about. If these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them “ambitious targets.”

The “fact-checker’s” insistence that C40 Cities’ explicitly stated climate goals are somehow insincere is even more unconvincing, given that we are watching them start to unfold right now. This year, in lockstep with C40 Cities’ 2030 aims, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons.”
Unfortunately a couple cities here in Texas has been mentioned. . Houston and Austin. I'm not seeing it happen in Houston. . . It's just too big.
Unfortunately a couple cities here in Texas has been mentioned. . Houston and Austin. I'm not seeing it happen in Houston. . . It's just too big.

This is right up Austin's alley and at under 1million....glad we plan to get as far away from here (and every city) as possible, as soon as possible. Still, I think the vast majority of people, if this were proposed to them would tell the mayors to go blow a goat.

The only thing they got wrong on that is it wasn't just the big bad corporations acting on their own. It is going to be public private partnership corporations doing it with the full backing and support of the government. The government refuses to stop and prosecute crime, defunds the police, tanks property values and then Blockrock sweeps in to buy everything up.
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What is dismaying to me is the number of people who simply dismiss it as pie-in-the-sky wish list by crazy people and yet, they are telling us what our future is going to look like.

C40 cities was started by Michael Bloomburg; billionaire, owner of multiple news sites and former Democrat candidate for president (who stated he could teach anyone to farm, just put a seed in a hole, cover it up and water).

No. They really want zero meat consumption. Zero dairy consumption. Zero personal car ownership and you getting on a short plane flight only once every three years. I highly doubt, like the other elites, Bloomberg will even attempt to live by the rules he wants government to foist upon others.

The comments I have seen elsewhere are that it won't happen, people won't let it. Really? If I had told them 20 years ago, that half of what we see going on today would be happening, they would have said the same thing.

The very fact that the elites are putting large sums of money into using the power of government to force it upon people, should tell people what is coming.

Fact: we are seeing thousands of cattle being eliminated in Europe in the name of "methane reduction". They are going after farming in the Netherlands, the second largest food producers in the world, in a government takeover of farmland to "protect the environment" from contamination of fertilizers (which produce 30% more food than organic). They are putting in place regulations here, that will severely limit the goods you can buy or afford to buy....such as a personal vehicle.

Still, they just look at you with a blank stare. Until they show up at their favorite steakhouse to see a "closed indefinitely" sign on the door or find the only vehicle they can buy is going to cost them $100 k... which they can no longer afford to own, just lease (you will own nothing el al), until it personally affects them, they won't take notice and then it will be too late to do anything about it. The WEF is counting on exactly that.
Thing is, they'll be progressive about it.

First it will be raise prices through regulations, high fuel, fertilizer prices and general inflation (already there). Further limit availability (in concert with progressive stores like whole foods), then they will push the whole, "help save the planet by consuming less meat." to the public.

Increase the amount restaurants must pay their employees within the city limits; raising the cost to the businesses. Inflation and increased cost of living and operation is all part of it.

Citizens will not be able to eat out as much, the restaurants will start seeing their bottom line hurting.

Then they will start pressuring local restaurants and groceries in the name of "helping".; Tax breaks if you sign onto the cause, while raising taxes across the board. "Just reduce the amount of meat and dairy you offer." They say. Then that morphs into eliminating it from menus altogether.
Italy has been using real meat for centuries. Don't mess with a good thing.
My husband's great g-ma immigrated from Sicily. She went on to own a resort on a lake in Minnesota where she also had a restaurant. She swore up and down that the secret to good cooking was having the best, freshest ingredients you could buy.
My husband was telling me he heard a good podcast today. I don't know which one. But apparently the guy made the connection with these flash mobs stealing and biometric payments.

He said some corporations have tossed around the idea of only allowing access to stores if you scan your palm prior to going in and then you would pay with biometrics directly linked to your bank account. Supposedly, that would inhibit these mobs. And, of course, any business who chose not to participate would be at the mercy of the mobs.
Well, maybe it's not that far away as you think or hope.
In Sweden exists since two, tree years already the possibility to plant an chip under the skin (like an ID chip by an dog). With this chip you can buy your coffee, pay your food or it open the door of your house.
So why it shouldn't work with biometric datas? Your passport already has them.
My husband was telling me he heard a good podcast today. I don't know which one. But apparently the guy made the connection with these flash mobs stealing and biometric payments.

He said some corporations have tossed around the idea of only allowing access to stores if you scan your palm prior to going in and then you would pay with biometrics directly linked to your bank account. Supposedly, that would inhibit these mobs. And, of course, any business who chose not to participate would be at the mercy of the mobs.
That's all well and good in therey. What if the mob overcomes the entrance? If there's enough of a mob it's possible.
I posted a while ago about this land grab that was going on in Cali near the AF base....here is an update: They plan on building a "walkable city", aka "15 minute city.

The company is being backed by billionaire investors including venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman and Laurene Powell Jobs, Steve Jobs' widow, The New York Times first reported.

The Silicon Valley elites have purchased about 52,000 acres of land around Travis Air Force Base since 2018, leaving "no part that isn't touched by Flannery," Moy told ABC 7 News. "

The company is called "California Forever"

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I posted a while ago about this land grab that was going on in Cali near the AF base....here is an update: They plan on building a "walkable city", aka "15 minute city.

The company is being backed by billionaire investors including venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman and Laurene Powell Jobs, Steve Jobs' widow, The New York Times first reported.

The Silicon Valley elites have purchased about 52,000 acres of land around Travis Air Force Base since 2018, leaving "no part that isn't touched by Flannery," Moy told ABC 7 News. "

The company is called "California Forever"

This was the thread you started. Since I am within an hour away, I have been updating.
This was the thread you started. Since I am within an hour away, I have been updating.

Thanks. I couldn't find it yesterday for some reason. I copied and pasted to that thread too.

Now we can see that this is how things are going to go at least here in America. They will buy up large swathes of land as "investment companies" in rural/conservative areas and then basically start PRIVATE cities. That way they have and maintain complete control over them. Kind of like a Home Owners Association from Hell.

At 52,000 acres, even if they only put one home per acre, which is doubtful, that is 52,000 residences. Enough to sway the politics of the county....
The militant left has lost its mind. If you want to be weak, in spirit, dis God and the Constitution. If you want to be weak in mind, take up time in school teaching everything except reading, writing, math and science. If you want to be weak in body, stop eating protein laden foods.

Just weak....

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