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HCL Supporter
Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Got to keep "The Mobility Option" in the prepping reality. From "both" points of view, the migrator and/or from the point of view of being "part" of the social system to be overwhelmed by massive influx of desperate humanity.

We are at the end of an eighty-year cycle. It was a wonderful cycle to have experienced. Now migrate or die, the renewed old reality.
We are at the end of an eighty-year cycle. It was a wonderful cycle to have experienced. Now migrate or die, the renewed old reality.
wait till the reality of we are producing less overall on all levels sets in...we are seeing it now...most dont see it that way. around here you cant get anything from a thrift store anymore...all the parking lots stay full from opening to closing too.

also distance from manufactured goods to where you are at...thats going to be a biggie too. we are just edging into post industrial society..its not going away but will decline much much more....people might find out the value of a sleeping bag,collapsible fishing pole,small day pack and a few other key items.

p.s. i am trying to source some raw resources and to be honest having a huge problem finding it.
Cities are not viable for much other than control. most of the populous in a city have no idea that the are huge warehouses and distribution centers. and would "migrate" right past them.
I know everybody has the golden horde stuff trapped in their brain. BUT most people don't know where anything comes from and so will stay where they are if left to their own devices, the mass border crossings are instigated by the "unseen government".
For an person who knows the hows and whats just "Bugging out" is a borderline insane concept unless it it to a pre organized and established location.
I agree to a point that piles of stuff are not agile.
Being mobile successfully in the "rough" future requires being mobile successfully in the "good" now
of course you could just live so far out of the city where there is no work and the rents are so high none of the migrants want to live there.
There are many factors & issues that could make "ANYONE" a migrant.

Every prepper should have mobility as a developed option as part of their prepping program.

I'll bet millions of humans in Gaza City never considered the possible need to migrate south.

I wonder how many Americans living on the southern border have either already moved or have a back-up plan.
I wonder how many Americans living on the southern border have either already moved or have a back-up plan.

As an example: if living near southern border of America, one plan could be to sell your home and lease it back from the buyer. Lock-in a five-year lease rate.
As an example: if living near southern border of America, one plan could be to sell your home and lease it back from the buyer. Lock-in a five-year lease rate.
Perhaps a quick study of "The Great Migration" in the American past will shed some light...
6-million African-Americans fled the 'poor south' to northern states for good factory jobs.
Back at that time, it was nearly half of the black population in the southern states.
Wiki: The historic change brought by the migration was amplified because the migrants, for the most part, moved to the then-largest cities in the United States (New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Washington, D.C.) at a time when those cities had a central cultural, social, political, and economic influence over the United States; there, African-Americans established culturally influential communities of their own.
...After the 20-million immigrants we imported, finish turning this country into garbage, we will probably invade Canada. :oops:
You won't skip the invasion by heading for Canada. It's here as well.
Except way woker in the cities, and its cold as all get out, unless it is hot plus we have bears, and cougars (the 4 legged kind that jump out of trees on you.
Isn't it "Mutate, Migrate, or Perish?" My opinion, there are as many who do not want to change their ways as there are folks who do not want to move.
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History is a good source of lessons on mobility as a survival strategy and capability.

Some of those lessons include:
  1. Have plans and backup plans for the destination - be prepared to change the destination in real time as the situation changes/unfolds
  2. It is much better to hit the road a day early than a day late
  3. Work out how to take all your key capabilities with you
  4. Try to structure your wealth/assets so they can come too and can be hidden while you travel
  5. Plan your route very carefully - anticipate the behavior of others and use that to avoid the worst of the crowds
  6. If there are no safe routes from where you live, then identify staging locations that do have good routes
  7. Take special notice of geographic bottlenecks
  8. Use tools that allow you to get real time intel on the route ahead - drones are great for that.
  9. Have plans and procedures for whenever you stop - both in planned and unplanned stops
  10. Have a deception plan that makes you a more difficult/less attractive target
  11. Have plans for exactly what you will do when you arrive at your destination
  12. Conduct drills and practice runs to identify problems with plans and to perfect your mobility capabilities
When in the 1930s the persecution of the jews in Europe started to ratchet up, the people with abnormalcy bias accepted that the Nazis really did intend to get rid of them for good and bugged out (on what survivalists call an INCH journey - ie I'm Never Coming Home)......those with normalcy bias could not believe that the intent and threat of genocide was real....and stayed....and died.
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Since I can see Canada from my front porch upstate, I'll save you seat.
that ain"t really Canada it is just a socialist wasteland and the cause of most of the good part's problems
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So, where y'all planning on goin? Talking about mobility is great and all. But where 'ya goin to? I think that's the toughest, and most important question of all.
Somewhere safer....preferably a lot safer.

For most people, that is less difficult than you think.....as most people live in cities or suburbs.....both of which are unsurvivably dangerous, in a very severe crisis.
History is a good source.
  1. Work out how to take all your key capabilities with you.

Looks like a used tractor can be had for $20k with high miles. Add a trailer maybe $30k total.

It will only be making a limited number trips so used may be good enough. My brother has a CDL and could drive it prior to the SHTF.

Will have to talk to The Princess.

Somewhere safer....preferably a lot safer.
Yes. And my question is, where would that be?
For most people, that is less difficult than you think.....as most people live in cities or suburbs.....both of which are unsurvivably dangerous, in a very severe crisis.
Yes again. But where will these city people go? They will need a way to support themselves, housing, food, etc. Millions and millions of them. Where will they find this?
Yes. And my question is, where would that be?

Yes again. But where will these city people go? They will need a way to support themselves, housing, food, etc. Millions and millions of them. Where will they find this?
Most failure occurs in people's heads.....failures of imagination....failures of will.....failures of logic.....cop outs.

The more dangerous the location a person lives in now, the more options they have for somewhere safer.

The best location for each person will vary depending on where they are now.

If you are hoping for someone to give you a grid reference for where you should go, then you are out of luck and you will have to think up a solution to your situation for yourself.

.....but most people give up on prepping mobility before they even seriously consider where they could/should go.

Survival is not for the unimaginative.

A credible mobility capability is quite advanced survivalism.
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Looks like a used tractor can be had for $20k with high miles. Add a trailer maybe $30k total.

It will only be making a limited number trips so used may be good enough. My brother has a CDL and could drive it prior to the SHTF.

Will have to talk to The Princess.

I have collectable military vehicles.

It has been a fun hobby.....and they have been an appreciating asset.......and we use them to go camping in very remote locations, far offroad.........sometimes more than a thousand miles from home......and guess what they can also do........
Yes. And my question is, where would that be?

Yes again. But where will these city people go? They will need a way to support themselves, housing, food, etc. Millions and millions of them. Where will they find this?
Time for me to share ( once again) that program that got me started prepping some 40 or so years ago.

Connection by james Burke episode 1

If you are hoping for someone to give you a grid reference for where you should go, then you are out of luck and you will have to think up a solution to your situation for yourself.
I think it should have been fairly obvious that I was not asking for GPS coordinates of where to go. I was looking for general concepts, like "a rural town", "into the mountains", "inside a national forest", "somewhere in northeastern Greenland" ... things like that. Maybe with a tad more detail than those examples. But I don't see how anybody could reply that I was fishing for their secret location (except to use as a diversion when answering).

So I wasn't hoping for a grid location one bit. I asked a valid question, which was evaded. It's fine not to have an answer to every question, but pretending you do is fairly obvious to most readers. I'm thinking that the majority of the people who imply they have some kind of secret location ... probably don't. For the ones that might, why aren't they there already, if it's such a better place?

Saying something so general as "You should bug out to a safer place" is ... pretty dang obvious.
The best location for each person will vary depending on where they are now.
This is kind of obvious too.

So my question still stands, "Where are all these people going to go?" Generally. Being all dressed up and mobile is futile if you don't have any place to go. I think that is the actual problem. These is no place to go for most people.
That is an excellent show!
p.s. - While this is the show that got you into prepping, it is the same show that got me thinking about how impossible it would be to live for long in the post-apocalypse after society has collapsed. Things are so intertwined these days - building off of each other - A depends on B, which depends on C, all of which will be gone in the post-apocalypse - that to go off thinking you can fend for yourself all alone is just a false dream. Sure, you can live for a while. A very short while.

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