New CDC mandates for dogs

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Dec 8, 2017
Apparently the CDC is not just satisfied with human mandates, but are now imposing their rules on your dog. These mandates take effect this summer. It may not apply to many people (who don't travel internationally), but it is yet another over reach by the CDC in meddling in our lives. This will be a real PIA for those who live close to the Canadian or Mexican border. I've heard vets are opposed to these mandates and it will negatively affect commerse in border towns. Want to go bird hunting in Canada? Well, you have to get your dog chipped. Then you have to have your vet send the CDC their rabies vax form which they will approve (or not) and send back to you with a fee (of coarse). Who knows how long that will take? Since when is a rabies vax form in your possession not good enough? Well, there is no fee for that, so NO, it's not good enough.

One vet I heard said it's a ridiculous amount of hoops and people should contact the CDC and complain about these rules. He said there are no issues with rabies coming in from foreign dogs.

Is this just a step in the direction of banning animal movement to and from other countries? How about beef, pork, chicken, keep us all 'safe.' :rolleyes: Isn't this what they wanted to do to humans during Covid? Hmmmmm........
It is about control and getting us used to being frogs. This is just bringing the water up another half a degree. The fee is another way to bleed us.
Here's my take on any local or federal job. You take over & you have the power of the government behind you. You want to make your mark on that job so you start looking for something to fix. And sometimes you have to find something (as in it "could" be a problem) to fix even if it's not broken. And the results are more laws or regulations. Those laws or regulations make things more complicated & cost more for the individual. Over time regulations go on top of regulations & that causes the cost of things to skyrocket. Now I'm not saying that every new requirement is bad but a heck of a lot of them weren't needed in the first place.

I saw that a LOT in the military because new "leaders" all ways had to leave their mark on things.
I know a family who has raced horses at a track near Winnipeg Manitoba for close to 50 years now.. They have to truck horses to mid state Iowa to get a vet clearance acceptable to Canada so they can cross with horses.. I have no idea what the rules are, were about hunting dogs, or pets...

I did get a chuckle out of the tourist while going through one of the big federal parks in Alberta were stopped on the road as a bear crossed.. Little Fluffy dog raised a fuss over that, jumped out of the car window, the bear made one ...swat... and carried Fluffy into the bush for a snack... Of course the tourists were livid over this event, but everyone else cracked up each time the story is retold...
All 3 of mine are chipped. 2 are master level retrievers (and we paid a lot of training fees) One is my little rescue girl. We protect our investments.
If Canada wants them chipped to bring in, that’s their rules
The only authority the CDC has is about bringing them back into the US. Mine got their shots, my DVM wife makes sure of it. I will check with her on this new stuff.
There have been a lot of rescues trying to bring dogs in from earthquake or war torn areas. These may not have had their shots. So maybe this is not a bad thing.
. So maybe this is not a bad thing.
I respectfully disagree. IMHO it's another example of govt' over reach. If someone wants their pet chipped, then it. But, that should not be mandated. It's your pet. You should be able to choose whether or not they get shots or chipped.

Does this not remind anyone of the whole Covid fiasco? They mandated shots to work and travel. Yet, now they say that they never mandated anything. Total gaslighting. These pet regulations are the same thing. Just get used to being told what to do.....and do it. It's for your own good doncha know? We wouldn't lie or hurt you!....and it certainly isn't about money. No, we're govt' do-gooders and just want what's best for you but have to madate it b/c you're too stupid to figure out how to protect yourself. Ummmm.......NO! The CDC and all the other 3 letter agencies can stick it where the sun don't shine.
All 3 of mine are chipped. 2 are master level retrievers (and we paid a lot of training fees) One is my little rescue girl. We protect our investments.
If Canada wants them chipped to bring in, that’s their rules
The only authority the CDC has is about bringing them back into the US. Mine got their shots, my DVM wife makes sure of it. I will check with her on this new stuff.
There have been a lot of rescues trying to bring dogs in from earthquake or war torn areas. These may not have had their shots. So maybe this is not a bad thing.
I respectfully disagree. IMHO it's another example of govt' over reach. If someone wants their pet chipped, then it. But, that should not be mandated. It's your pet. You should be able to choose whether or not they get shots or chipped.

Does this not remind anyone of the whole Covid fiasco? They mandated shots to work and travel. Yet, now they say that they never mandated anything. Total gaslighting. These pet regulations are the same thing. Just get used to being told what to do.....and do it. It's for your own good doncha know? We wouldn't lie or hurt you!....and it certainly isn't about money. No, we're govt' do-gooders and just want what's best for you but have to madate it b/c you're too stupid to figure out how to protect yourself. Ummmm.......NO! The CDC and all the other 3 letter agencies can stick it where the sun don't shine.
Then fine, I will respectfully disagree too.
I see from my perspective My DVM wife has to reach into a bag of tricks (knowledge after 30 years) What these rescue dogs might have that is native to the area they are from.
She has saved a lot doing her internship in Louisiana . She can pull from her knowledge of common diseases of SoCal and the south.
Now she has to pull from world wide diseases from dogs being brought in from rescues.
Just yesterday, they had a patient that was in enophalactic shock. Just like our dog had. Bee sting allergy. She called me to find out the name of the Dr. I couldn’t remember.
I did remember the clinic 200 miles away, remembered asking why I was taking him to a Chain clinic she hates , and she told me this Dr wrote the white paper on this.
My poor memory info gave her the info to contact this expert and save the patient.
You should be able to choose whether or not they get shots or chipped.
You do get to choose. And your choice has consequences. That's the nature of most everything we have to deal with. Sometimes the consequences are to our liking, sometimes they are not to our liking. There are import restrictions on just about everything you can imagine. Ever tried taking your Colorado banana with you when you get off the plane in Hawaii? That banana was probably shipped to Colorado from Hawaii in the first place. But it's not the individual holding the banana (or dog) that gets to choose where it can or cannot go, like it or not.
You do get to choose. And your choice has consequences.
Ah, but those choices are getting to be fewer and fewer..... Very soon, there will be no choice. That's what I'm concerned about......just like the Covid vaxxes. It's totalitarian control.
If/when you get a dog chipped, what does that do for whomever is reading the chip? I doubt it has vaccine history or much of anything else. Also, what is the initial and ongoing fees for the chip. There's places like homeagain that chip your dog in case it gets lost then found but besides the initial chip price, there's a monthly fee.
No different then sending dogs or pups to Hawaii.
Hawaii has no rabies and they intend to keep it rabies free. Biggest problem with pups is the age. Rabies vaccine is given at 12 weeks .then for transporting to Hawaii pup needs a second rabies vaccine within a short time of the first the 3 sets of puppy vaccines. Usda health certificate. Most times pup is 6 months before buyer gets the pup. If any paperwork hits a problem pup is stuck in quarantine.
What are the long term health effects of that chip in your pet?
Do chips contain metals that are toxic?
What about those rabid animals who don't ask permission to cross the border but manage to do so anyways? ie: wildlife
If my dog has a chip, that is trackable and I'm always with my dog, doesn't that make ME trackable?
What if I don't want to be tracked?
Is it OK to let the CDC mandate all these shots on our pets? How about our kids? How about us?
What if the CDC thinks it's in our best interest to reduce the lives of our pets? know b/c of their carbon footprint?
Do you think if the CDC can get away with this that they won't push it to further restrict movement and impose more mandates down the line?....including state lines?

There is a vet on the border who says there is no 'crisis' in which the CDC imposed these mandates. So, now it's OK to solve a problem that's not even there? Who gave the CDC these powers? Where does that end?

The Plandemic didn't work as well as they had planned b/c there were people out there to refused to comply. These new mandates won't directly affect me, but I see where this is going. By the time the 'CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiStS' go from being crazy to being's too late.
If my dog has a chip, that is trackable and I'm always with my dog, doesn't that make ME trackable?
The scanner works at a distance of a few inches.

This is how you scan for a chip (I'm guessing the young lady on the right must be the true target of the tracking we are observing here):


What if I don't want to be tracked?
Don't take your dog to the vet.

What about those rabid animals who don't ask permission to cross the border but manage to do so anyways?
Those are usually killed outright when they find them.

What if the CDC thinks it's in our best interest to reduce the lives of our pets? know b/c of their carbon footprint?

Really, they've been chipping animals forever. I've never heard of a single case of harm. It's a fantastic option if you care about being reunited with your lost pet. But it is an option. If you don't want to chip your dog, don't chip your dog. If you don't want to vaccinate your dog for rabies, don't vaccinate your dog (that's illegal is many places, but do as you conscience directs). There will be some places you cannot take the dog because of your choice. Across most first world international borders are one such place. This is not new. Importing animals is serious business, and has been for a long time.

If/when you get a dog chipped, what does that do for whomever is reading the chip? I doubt it has vaccine history or much of anything else.
The chip only holds a unique number. If you bother to register once you've chipped your pet, this number will be traceable back to your contact information. You need to keep this information up to date if you move, change phone numbers or email address, etc. If you don't register in a fit of ignorance (why would you have your pet chipped without registering?), the number held in the chip will reference back to the veterinary practice (or animal shelter) that implanted the chip. If you got your pet from an animal shelter, most of them have already chipped your pet before you were allowed to lay hands on it. Your vet almost certainly enters this unique number into your pets medical record. So vaccination and medical history can be tracked. However, I am not aware of any central pet medical database. This medical information would have to be tracked down in much the same way as the ATF tracks down a gun - the serial number (equivalent to the chip unique number) references back to an FFL (equivalent to a vet), where the information is stored.

There's places like homeagain that chip your dog in case it gets lost then found but besides the initial chip price, there's a monthly fee.
Maintaining your pets registration in their database is lifetime, and free. They offer other (useless IMHO) services for an optional fee. Like an "emergency hotline" you can call with pet questions. Why you wouldn't just call your vet instead, is beyond me. I believe other services are similar, but of course I can't speak for every one of them. Our recent pets (all gone now) have been registered with Home Again. No monthly charges. They allow you to pay monthly charges if you like to waste your money (IMHO) on useless extra services, but that is 100% optional and the registration is free for life.

Many countries require pets to he chipped to enter the country. The US is apparently now one of them (I thought it already was). They also usually require medical checkups, paperwork and sometimes quarantines too. If you think it's tough to import your pet into another country, try importing yourself (ignoring, for the moment, the southern US border under a democrat administration).
Like during the scamdemic companies and people will follow and enforce"mandates" mostly because they do not want hassles in their jobs or friends or lifestyle, basically no guts.
A mandate is not a LAW!...
The PTB or your boss can threaten or bluff but if you cave then legally you made the choice.
The scanner works at a distance of a few inches.
And?....... The chip still stores information.

This is how you scan for a chip (I'm guessing the young lady on the right must be the true target of the tracking we are observing here):
Nice jump there. Snark all you want, but that clearly is not what I was referring to. If I'm at a vet office, I'm quite well aware that they already know who I am. And I don't need a condescending post to 'mansplain' it for me. :rolleyes:

Don't take your dog to the vet.
So if I don't want a chip or booster shots I don't get the choice of whether or not I take my dog to the vet if there is an immediate unrelated life threatening situation? Hmmm.....kinda sounds like if you don't get the jab, you don't get medical care. Yeah, that was what the left was pushing during Covid.

Those are usually killed outright when they find them.
If that was the case, then rabies shouldn't be a concern.


Really, they've been chipping animals forever.
No, they have not. In the grand scheme of things, putting computer chips in live organisms is relatively new.

I'm so old that as a kid, I remember when we had hunting dogs. They got dewormed and had rabies shots as pups and that was it. They generally lived long and healthy lives......without chips and repeat vax after vax.

I've never heard of a single case of harm.
Yet. And just b/c you haven't 'heard' of it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Ever heard of a dog dying of cancer? Don't you think it's possible that a foreign object in their body could possibly have been the cause? There's no way to ever know for sure is there? Unless, the foregin object doesn't get put there to begin with. I'm not saying there aren't other cuases of cancer. But, I'm am saying that you can't prove that chips aren't a cause.

It's a fantastic option if you care about being reunited with your lost pet.
That sounds like 'if you care about grandma, then you'll get the shot'. To suggest that I don't care about my dog b/c I don't get it chipped is pure crap!

But it is an option. If you don't want to chip your dog, don't chip your dog.
Wonderful......glad we can agree on something. But, I'm sure the mandate is coming......

If you don't want to vaccinate your dog for rabies, don't vaccinate your dog (that's illegal is many places, but do as you conscience directs). There will be some places you cannot take the dog because of your choice. Across most first world international borders are one such place. This is not new. Importing animals is serious business, and has been for a long time.
This is not what the new law is about. I am well aware that the rabies vax is required to cross borders. What's new is how that is being handled. More bureaucreatic red tape, useless hoops to jump through, and fees......

If you think it's tough to import your pet into another country, try importing yourself (ignoring, for the moment, the southern US border under a democrat administration).
Why ignore it? All these rules and regs only apply to those who comply. I think it's mostly overkill, especially considering there is NO crisis. All these regs are shoved down our throats and they can't even cite WHY. They've lied so many times that I doubt I'd believe them anyways, but if they stated where the problem was, then perhaps going to the source for investigation would be an option. We don't even have that to go on.

That you can't seem to see the deeper long term implications of this is confusing to me. But, if you agreed with all the Covid mandates, then I suppose it's not shocking at all. I refuse to just go along without a fight just becuase some unknown supposed buggy man is hiding in the shadows. This is not about 'health''s about money and control. If the Covid debacle didn't convince you of that, then absolutely nothing I say will make any difference.
And?....... The chip still stores information.
Actually, it doesn't. For someone so worked up about this, you don't know much about how microchipping works. The only thing stored in the chip is an ID number that came with it from the manufacturer, and this number never changes. The chip does not gather or store any subsequent information. It is a "read only" device. And what you can read from it is a single ID number - and only if you're really close to it and have the appropriate scanning device.

Nice jump there. Snark all you want, but that clearly is not what I was referring to. If I'm at a vet office, I'm quite well aware that they already know who I am.
I was showing you how these chips are read. With a bit of humor added poking fun at the concept that you could be tracked by one of these microchips. Which you can't.

You appear to be under the false impression that these are sophisticated tracking devices that can be used to track and report locations and personal information to the government. But they aren't this. The only way to "read" the ID number from one of these tags is to have a device that you wave over it - a few inches away - as illustrated in the picture.
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Actually, it doesn't. For someone so worked up about this, you don't know much about how microchipping works. The only thing stored in the chip is an ID number that came with it from the manufacturer, and this number never changes. The chip does not gather or store any subsequent information. It is a "read only" device. And what you can read from it is a single ID number - and only if you're really close to it and have the appropriate scanning device.
Worked up? LOL! Condescending much?

This post isn't about 'how microchipping works'. You have missed the point entirely. But you go right on ahead and mansplain a piece of the post that is fairly insignificant. If you want to split hairs, go ahead and knock yourself out. By the way, nowhere in my post did I indicate that tracking was done from a distance. You just decided to assume that on your own.

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