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We got sucker patties, we would spend the spring snagging a truckload of white, yellow and redhorse suckers. We would clean them and my mom would can the nasty things. She fried sucker patties all winter and always told us they were just as good as salmon patties. To this day I never had a salmon patty but if they are just as good as sucker patties I'd just as soon eat cat food patties!
@Amish Heart I haven't done well with my bees. The photo is from 3 or 4 years ago. Insects took 2 hives the first year... lost one to a hard freeze then another... Last year my cataracts were so bad I couldn't see the bees to take care of them. I have one last hive. I've had eye surgery. If I can get this hive through the winter I'm thinking I might get some splits from my uncle. He's up to 15 hives now and said I could get some splits for new hives in the spring... I have to think this through, lots to consider. :)
Full tank of gas!

200 miles from home!

And a great pair of sunglasses!

Oh… and did I mention the 21,000 honey bees in the cab with you? :D

View attachment 26861
I love it! Bees are on my bucket list, but I want to have the time to care for them properly and hopefully an experienced mentor.
Not even chocolate?? With a graham cracker crust? And whipped cream???:eek:
Nope. My mom would eat sawdust if you put enough whipped cream on it, but I don't like it (but do like butter which happens shortly after whipped cream.) I'm not a fan of puddings. I would eat a graham cracker though.
Jim, you might not like me any more when I tell you this, but I don't like pie. None sorry - unless quiche counts. I like that.

Well, you just messed up..

I was gonna adopt you...and make you strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, and apple pie for you

Guess I won't now.:)

Jim, you might not like me any more when I tell you this, but I don't like pie. None sorry - unless quiche counts. I like that.
I'll gladly take @LadyLocust's slice of pecan pie to go with mine:D.
The choice is obvious. The other 2 pies you can always find in stores.....but not pecan pie, unless it's the holidays.

Edit: Forgot the pic. It should look like this too:

Pecan pie is my favorite. But as I get older, I notice more and more how almost sickeningly sweet it can be. Lot's of sugar in there. I'm liking them not so super sweet these days. Pumpkin pie is yummy too, but requires 3lbs of Cool Whip on top for bestest taste.

I don't touch sweet potatoes. Put 'em in a pie, and I still wouldn't touch 'em. Sorry. Just not my cup of tea.
When I was a kid it seemed on thanksgiving and christmas, every female in my huge family would suddenly develop a case of the “idiots”. It wasn’t just pie, pretty much any dessert was fair game.

As soon as the leaves changed color they would scour every magazine for every dessert recipe they could find. Any magazine was fair game, the doctors office, beauty parlor, any waiting area was attacked with glee like laughing hyenas.

Instead of making pies or cakes the family knew and loved to celebrate the holidays the men and children of the family were subjected to nameless absurdities from magazines that should have been taken to the outhouse and used appropriately! I remember myself and other kids looking at the big dessert table wondering “what the #$%^ is that??????”

Thankfully there were always a handful of elderly matriarchs of the family who knew better than this nonsense and would make the classics, pecan, peach, pumpkin pies, chocolate, coconut cakes, banana pudding… This continued several years until this disease ran its course…

Moral of the story… don’t bring a kitchen experiment to a holiday meal! :p

Edited to add... If you bring something to the dessert table that wiggles and is filled with marshmallows you have to eat at the little table with the kids! :D

Just to clarify... the above has been a running joke in my family since the 60's when several young ladies decided to have a dessert contest one christmas... It didn't go over to well and they were teased for many years... ;)
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