@Terri9630 I know where you might be able to find one. If this man does not have it, it don't exist. He is an East Coast US collector/reseller who refurbishes. Sold him a few truckloads of old, old stoves and lots of parts. His property has a few old barns.. PACKED with stoves and parts. All over the yard too!! Send him an email and see what he can come up with.
I can recommend him to anyone else looking to buy a refurbished parlor, cook or any other antique completely redone stove. Prices are a tad more than I could come up with, but does an A+ job of restoration. If you do not see it on his page, drop him a note with whatever you are looking for. I bet he has one in his collection he can strip down, blast, re nickle and ship to ya.
Love salmon patties, ate them all my life or the part I remember anyway..Funny! Wouldn't have worked around my house, we were commercial fishermen and salmon patties were a treat. You remember Forest Gump's friend? Shrimp this and shrimp that? Replace it with salmon.
Your killin me Jim. Thats the dragon, 318 curves in 11 miles. Actually world famous to motorcyclist and sports car enthusiast. We were just up thru there over labor day weekend. We used to lead a bicycle ride of 115 miles, and the dragon was a portion of it. Normally had close to 200 riders. Our group provided comms for the ride.
A storm was rolling in across our neighbor’s field
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