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p.s. - Tannerite isn't supposed to explode from low velocity bullet impacts, only high velocity. So, if you're the type prone to shooting high powered rifles at rocks drilled-n-filled with Tannerite, this just might be the ticket for you. More likely a ticket to a Darwin Award though. Good thing you're a doc. You'll probably need your medical training if you decide to try this.

"Hey y'all, watch THIS!"
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When I was a kid you could just go to the local hardware store and buy dynamite. I remember my Dad blowing stumps out of the ground. One went about 50 feet in the air and landed right back in the hole it came from.
In school there were always posters telling kids to stay away from blasting caps with pictures of what to look for.
We looked hard but never found any. Probably a good thing.
Been hard at work the last couple weeks. Got rained out last week, put some sticks across the road and then got a complaint from the county because we were "contaminating the wetlands". We knew exactly who made the complaint.
Anyway, been drilling holes in rock, busting those up, getting sunburned and generally enjoying the empty nest lifestyle! Can't wait to get out of the RV park though, we are so close I can almost taste it! Just wanted to stop by and say hey, now that we have better internet. Hope everyone is doing well. Back to my day job tomorrow 😣
Nice lookin property. Lots of work already done. The complainer needs a flaming bag of dog crap left at their door. Glad yall are doin good.

Weedy the only time I've saw the sky look near that was April 27th 2011. Lot of storms, hail, and tornados. Lots of people killed across the southeast that day. We had a tornado touch down less than a mile from us. Totaled 2 cars, our camper, and nearly 30,000 damage to the house.
Don't care if I never see that color sky again
@DrJenner Tannerite is usually mixed in what looks like a plastic peanut butter jar. You shoot it, and it goes boom! There are different grades of tannerite - there's low power stuff made to be shot with rimfires, and the good stuff made to be shot from over 100 yards away with high power rifles. Last I knew, it was illegal to set off more than 49 pounds of it unless you have a blasting license. I don't actually know if it would break rock - but I do know that it'll destroy furniture and old cars. (You're supposed to be over 100 yards away from it)
And yes, the ricochet factor would be high. But probably not as high as the granite shrapnel factor!🤣

Please note, this guy in the video is a moron, and completely violated every known safety idea. He was only a few yards away from an enormous charge of tannerite, and was standing upright with no cover. A person should be 100 yards away, minimum, from a high power charge, and if flying debris may be a concern, should be prone behind a berm or some other form of protection...
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some of the remnants of our coast to coast Solstice trip, though not mine
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No, you mix it in a little plastic jar and then you shoot it with a rifle. It's 100% stable until there's a high velocity impact like from a rifle bullet striking it at 2000 feet per second...
Yes, it is very safe because it requires a big supersonic shockwave to set it off.
No, a 5.7 will not work.:(
I have always loved the stuff :thumbs:.
I made exploding pumpkins one year when we were at Phideaux's.:D
Required photo to stay on topic:

(yes, people actually had fun..... once upon a time:()
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I made exploding pumpkins one year when we were at Phideaux's.
I remember that well. Because I had to be the slave-master forcing all the gleeful exploding pumpkin shooters to clean up the mess afterwards. I'm afraid I lost many friends that day. Everyone was smiling and high-fiving after blowing up the gourds, but you should have heard the grumbling when I started cracking the whip on the cleanup. Picking up eviscerated pumpkin shards was not popular amongst the troops.
I remember that well. Because I had to be the slave-master forcing all the gleeful exploding pumpkin shooters to clean up the mess afterwards. I'm afraid I lost many friends that day. Everyone was smiling and high-fiving after blowing up the gourds, but you should have heard the grumbling when I started cracking the whip on the cleanup. Picking up eviscerated pumpkin shards was not popular amongst the troops.
Well I helped, but yes it was all my fault. :(
I didn't even know greencast was a thing. Wow.
Awww. Meadows is adorable!

This is my calico, Aminatu. We call her Aminatu- bright. because it sounds like not-too-bright.


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Sticking with the cat theme- here is one of ours Phoebe, who got caught out after a one night stand with the local bad boy. They are three weeks old now, eyes open etc. The mum was rescued last fall as a kitten- she might be a purebred? My other three are more outdoor cats, I'll pop photos of them another time.


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One of my cats went full shark mode on me while I was petting him. Chomped my forearm. I had a hard time getting a good pic. Pic doesn't show it, but there is a big bruise in the middle of the toothmarks.
Hiwall, that is adorable!!

Frodo, that is very cool!

My arm today:

Fortunately, it doesn't hurt and its not infected (and I'm using triple antibiotic to keep it that way). I know some find it somewhat gory but I'm actually fascinated with how bruises look, the colors they change, and how they heal.

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