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I don’t know if I’ve ever posted this one before.
Out at the back edge of our woods, I keep a lawn chair to sit in, watch the animals, and cogitate.
On the left side of the fence is mine, on the right side is a neighbor who has 500 or 600 acres.
The weapons are: New England Firearms .410 Pardner single shot, Ruger Single Six wearing the WMR cylinder, and a fixed blade knife.
The blousing bands around my legs are to keep out ticks.
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I don’t know if I’ve ever posted this one before.
Out at the back edge of our woods, I keep a lawn chair to sit in, watch the animals, and cogitate.
On the left side of the fence is mine, on the right side is a neighbor who has 500 or 600 acres.
The weapons are: New England Firearms .410 Pardner single shot, Ruger Single Six wearing the WMR cylinder, and a fixed blade knife.
The blousing bands around my legs are to keep out ticks.
Only 4 times, but hey, it is still a great picture. :D
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Do you hunt with that .410? What kind of animals? I've always wondered. I think it would be good for snake control. Maybe a bit of overkill there, but with venomous snakes - overkill is better than underkill.

I've seen deer killed with a .410. Great for dove, quail, rabbit and squirrel, any small game. Also great in a swamp when fishing, cottonmouths are notoriously aggressive.

Around here its a common gun for young hunters. It's lighter than a typical shotgun and a little less dangerous, an entry level weapon.

f stairs.jpg
Do you hunt with that .410? What kind of animals? I've always wondered. I think it would be good for snake control. Maybe a bit of overkill there, but with venomous snakes - overkill is better than underkill.
No, I don't hunt. After the war I tried turkey hunting with a friend, and even had one in my sights, but could not bring myself to pull the trigger. Something about ambushing an animal that is minding its own business and doesn't even know I'm there.
However, I have used that very .410 to dispatch more than one rooster, and a raccoon I trapped after killing several hens, and some rather large corn snakes that were terrorizing our hens and eating their eggs.
I have also had to shoot a feral pitbull that was attacking me. Luckily I had a 20 ga pump in my hands and not the .410.

So, you see, my views on killing things is limited to self defense. I have nothing against hunting, it's just not for me.
In fact, I have two deer out in one of the freezers that were given me by a friend.

A .410 is a great farm gun, handy. In .410's I have a Stoeger Uplander double barrel, a Mossberg bolt action, a Rossi single shot and the NEF in the picture.
Used shotguns are cheap to buy and feed. I've got more than a dozen pumps, doubles, singles, and bolts. in 12. 16. 20 gauges and .410 bore.

And I love the OTHER great farm gun - 22LR and 22WMR. I have "a few" rifles and pistols in those calibers.
I gave up on hunting in my 30's. Where I'm from it's a chore. I can either buy a hunting license and a permit, drive gods knows how far, and sit on the wet ground getting gnawed on by bugs and eyeballed by copperheads and rattlers and spend 100$ plus, then get a couple of buddies to help me carry it out and buy the beer, OR go buy a couple of steaks for 20$.
My 8MM and 300 are wall trophies now. the last thing I shot was a rowdy neighborhood dog, and even then it was bird-shot in the butt from my judge at 30 feet. he lived but he got the message loud and clear!
My money is better spent on prepping.
A short video Labeled 'London street food'. Looks like cultural diversity hit London hard. I got a bit queasy just watching this. None of the comments know what exactly this person was serving.
That is so disgusting. And the people buying that fare didn’t seem phased by the flies.

No, I don't hunt. After the war I tried turkey hunting with a friend, and even had one in my sights, but could not bring myself to pull the trigger. Something about ambushing an animal that is minding its own business and doesn't even know I'm there.
However, I have used that very .410 to dispatch more than one rooster, and a raccoon I trapped after killing several hens, and some rather large corn snakes that were terrorizing our hens and eating their eggs.
I have also had to shoot a feral pitbull that was attacking me. Luckily I had a 20 ga pump in my hands and not the .410.

So, you see, my views on killing things is limited to self defense. I have nothing against hunting, it's just not for me.
In fact, I have two deer out in one of the freezers that were given me by a friend.

A .410 is a great farm gun, handy. In .410's I have a Stoeger Uplander double barrel, a Mossberg bolt action, a Rossi single shot and the NEF in the picture.
Used shotguns are cheap to buy and feed. I've got more than a dozen pumps, doubles, singles, and bolts. in 12. 16. 20 gauges and .410 bore.

And I love the OTHER great farm gun - 22LR and 22WMR. I have "a few" rifles and pistols in those calibers.
RPD, we share similar views on hunting. I don’t object to other people hunting, I just can’t do it. I don’t trust my shooting abilities to make a clean kill.
We can't have cats, wife is allergic, and has bad asthma. The combination of the two can be deadly for her.
We rescue dogs instead. From the county shelter, from the side of the road where they've been dumped.

However, we do have feral cats that pass thru the property. They hang around the out buildings, we leave them alone, they leave us alone. There was one up by the house when I came home tonight, in fact. The dogs have their own fenced in area when we let them out, so the cats are safe from them. But not from coyotes or the big owls around here. The ferals have a tough life for sure.
Around here feral cats became a disaster. I was over run a few years ago, live trapped about 35. There was a large pack of them, more than 50. Traveled between several farms doing all sorts of damage.

I'd never seen that kind of feral cat population. Farmers like critters and several people were feeding them. They didn't realize how many cats there were until it was a full blown disaster. Most were night creepers, might only see 7/8 during the day. My dad was even feeding them, kept thinking the dogs were eating the food so he kept pouring out more cat food.

It was bad, my shop got so infested with fleas I used 2 gallons of serious spray from the farm supply to get then under control (nuked'm). They had pi$$edall over everything. I had to throw away a stack of saddle pads. 5 were brand new! never been on a horse!

We had 3 cats now that were offspring of the huge cat herd. Couldn't touch them but would sit on dad's porch... almost completely feral but he likes them. I like cats myself, and most critters here on the farm.

The shepard i have now, like all country dogs loves to chase critters. I've never discouraged him from making those 3 cats duck and cover... sounds mean but no. I can't allow another feral cat herd. Everyone had damage, even lost pets. We had a little cat here that someone threw out. Dad liked it so I had it fixed, lived in the shop, ate well, loved dogs... until she got killed traveling with the ferals. Shame, i liked that cat. This pic was the day someone tossed her out in front of the house. My dog joe had been raised with a kitten, didn't mind a bit.

Kitten get along (1).jpg
Around here feral cats became a disaster. I was over run a few years ago, live trapped about 35. There was a large pack of them, more than 50. Traveled between several farms doing all sorts of damage.

I'd never seen that kind of feral cat population. Farmers like critters and several people were feeding them. They didn't realize how many cats there were until it was a full blown disaster. Most were night creepers, might only see 7/8 during the day. My dad was even feeding them, kept thinking the dogs were eating the food so he kept pouring out more cat food.

It was bad, my shop got so infested with fleas I used 2 gallons of serious spray from the farm supply to get then under control (nuked'm). They had pi$$edall over everything. I had to throw away a stack of saddle pads. 5 were brand new! never been on a horse!

We had 3 cats now that were offspring of the huge cat herd. Couldn't touch them but would sit on dad's porch... almost completely feral but he likes them. I like cats myself, and most critters here on the farm.

The shepard i have now, like all country dogs loves to chase critters. I've never discouraged him from making those 3 cats duck and cover... sounds mean but no. I can't allow another feral cat herd. Everyone had damage, even lost pets. We had a little cat here that someone threw out. Dad liked it so I had it fixed, lived in the shop, ate well, loved dogs... until she got killed traveling with the ferals. Shame, i liked that cat. This pic was the day someone tossed her out in front of the house. My dog joe had been raised with a kitten, didn't mind a bit.

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You posted this pic before and I took a screenshot of it, have it in my phone's gallery! ♥️♥️ All three of my outside kitties are fixed. Sammy and Annie have run that bad tom off!! My two inside are fixed too, they wouldn't make it outside. Bear likes his kitties, but would bark at the tom when he came around!!
Do you hunt with that .410? What kind of animals? I've always wondered. I think it would be good for snake control. Maybe a bit of overkill there, but with venomous snakes - overkill is better than underkill.
I use a .410 for shooting chipmunks, squirrels and rattlesnakes. I keep it out on the back porch so it's always handy.
Years ago when we lived in an area with close neighbors (within 1/4 mile) cats were a problem. I shot and trapped about 2 dozen of the nasty vermin before they quit coming around. Never could understand why some people get so many of them, and then let them run loose. Not everyone appreciates other people's critters running around on their property. Fortunately where we live now there are no cats around here. Maybe the coyotes, bobcats and mountain lions kill them all.
Awww. Adorable cow! My older cow is a brahma + jersey mix. Her baby is half Brangus. The baby is very gentle but skittish. The older one is cuddly and playful but has zero awareness of her horns. I kind of want one of those mini-cows that I keep seeing pictures of on the internet but I don't need any more responsibilities at this point.
Awww. Adorable cow! My older cow is a brahma + jersey mix. Her baby is half Brangus. The baby is very gentle but skittish. The older one is cuddly and playful but has zero awareness of her horns. I kind of want one of those mini-cows that I keep seeing pictures of on the internet but I don't need any more responsibilities at this point.
The really furry ones??? I want one so bad!! Although I'd settle for a mini donkey lol!
The really furry ones??? I want one so bad!! Although I'd settle for a mini donkey lol!

Couple of donkey fans here in the forum. Had to sell my horse and donkey in June... Got both the same month, the donkey was a month old, the horse 3days old. With me a decade, miss them... :(

Couple of donkey fans here in the forum. Had to sell my horse and donkey in June... Got both the same month, the donkey was a month old, the horse 3days old. With me a decade, miss them... :(

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How are they doing, you said they were not too far away?!
@Pearl I saw them in august, looked good. I was driving by, didn't stop. Winter is when i'll be driving by more often. I'm unsure of the guys ability to feed them properly. I'll give him a couple rolls of hay if needed.

I'm just glad i found someone who wanted both, so they could stay together. My cousin runs cattle here on the farm now. They were an annoyance he didn't need. He didn't ask me to sell them but it was best for everyone. He also baled 25rolls of good bahia recently that i can use.