Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Junk blender rant. Splurged on a ninja blender from Costco to blend up freeze dried foods to powder and make smoothies during the summer. VERY loud. Have ti wear headphone or earplugs when using it. Started hearing an intermittent noise that sounded like a bearing going out less than 2 months into using it every other day. Tonight came a burning smell with the noise. It didn’t blend as it normally did either (worked great when it worked). Went to move the unit back to the back of the counter and the entire housing fell apart. Went onto Costco reviews and many more recent complaints just like what I’m experiencing. Most were just 1 complaint. Mine is all of them together apparently. This is the first and last ninja I will ever buy. Now I have to try and find a blender, chopper that will make purée’s and blend up the dried purée’s once freeze dried.
I’m so disappointed and angry. Went to write them an email and you can only call the company. I have a food processor so I guess I’ll use that for now but it won’t do as good of a job.
You must mean the missing packages.
Yeah. Oops, replied to wrong post.
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Double R, Costco has the best customer service I’ve ever seen. Take it back. They can look up the purchase and you can get your money back with a smile and no hassle. No receipt needed.
They want customers to be happy and are very nice about it. I don’t think there’s another company anywhere that compares.
Double R, Costco has the best customer service I’ve ever seen. Take it back. They can look up the purchase and you can get your money back with a smile and no hassle. No receipt needed.
They want customers to be happy and are very nice about it. I don’t think there’s another company anywhere that compares.
Wow! I will give that a try. Thank you for the information!
I have a package that is tracking as "invalid" as well. If I don't get it in a couple of weeks I'm going to do a chargeback and tell Paypal they never provided a valid tracking # so I assume it was never sent & it was fraud. If tracking comes up as invalid you might want to ask for a refund as they can't prove it's actually a valid # or that they really sent it.
I have a package that is tracking as "invalid" as well. If I don't get it in a couple of weeks I'm going to do a chargeback and tell Paypal they never provided a valid tracking # so I assume it was never sent & it was fraud. If tracking comes up as invalid you might want to ask for a refund as they can't prove it's actually a valid # or that they really sent it.
I got one package today and JCPenny is sending a duplicate order, by Monday?! The package from Amazon ???? Who knows! I contacted the seller and they overnighted a replacement product, the package I got today!😃
I hate holidays, Christmas, my birthday, new years etc. I have good reason to hate this one.
Due to a perfect storm of events, I'm flat line broke. at least I have a computer sort of, if I don't take a ball bat to it first!
At least I have food, booze and weed. F**k it.

Life is out to get me, feeling is mutual.
I hate holidays, Christmas, my birthday, new years etc. I have good reason to hate this one.
Due to a perfect storm of events, I'm flat line broke. at least I have a computer sort of, if I don't take a ball bat to it first!
At least I have food, booze and weed. F**k it.

Life is out to get me, feeling is mutual.
You have us😉
I hate holidays, Christmas, my birthday, new years etc. I have good reason to hate this one.
Due to a perfect storm of events, I'm flat line broke. at least I have a computer sort of, if I don't take a ball bat to it first!
At least I have food, booze and weed. F**k it.

Life is out to get me, feeling is mutual.

Thats an everyday thing here with me. Don't care. I'm gonna live, have fun, and tinkle off the world. For now at least I'm not broke financially at least. Got enough computer parts to survive. Plenty of wine, plenty of beer, no interest in smoking the lawn. Not gotten to the private stock of medicinal bottles yet. Ain't gonna get better but at least it's entertaining watching from the sidelines.

You have us😉

Hmm, scary thoughts???? :p:cool::D:eek::coffee:
Thats an everyday thing here with me. Don't care. I'm gonna live, have fun, and tinkle off the world. For now at least I'm not broke financially at least. Got enough computer parts to survive. Plenty of wine, plenty of beer, no interest in smoking the lawn. Not gotten to the private stock of medicinal bottles yet. Ain't gonna get better but at least it's entertaining watching from the sidelines.

Hmm, scary thoughts???? :p:cool::D:eek::coffee:
You have us too Guardian,😉
Magus, I don't like holidays either. So much has been monetized. New holidays spring up for them to say "Oh spend your money on this $#!+" and then all the gifts/purchases are expected. Whatever happened to handmade gifts and cards? Or, you know, just wishing each other well?

I still have a sinus headache that doesn't want to go away. It's not a major one, but still annoying. My guts aren't too happy with me either. Upside is my kitties are all super cuddly. Looks like it's going to rain or something and they are in here piling on.
@zannej We had the discussion of home made heart felt gifts last night. I think I’ve finally (hopefully) leaned my lesson. I hope.
Buying gifts has never been my thing. I always felt like it was just “because the gift was an obligation” or a fast way to fill the gift when I did that so for the most part cards are made, gifts are made except for the little goodies that go with a gift at times. When someone likes something particular I can’t make I will buy that item but for the most part it’s always been as much made by me as possible.
For years I’ve felt like the gifts go unappreciated for what they are because they aren’t “brand name” or store bought. The time, energy, thought and love that goes into them doesn’t even cross the receivers mind. Like homemade is a bad thing. A cheap thing when usually it’s far more expensive. I kept doing it because well insanity I guess is the reason at this point.🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe it’s just a California people thing. I don’t know but I think I finally have given in.
@zannej We had the discussion of home made heart felt gifts last night. I think I’ve finally (hopefully) leaned my lesson. I hope.
Buying gifts has never been my thing. I always felt like it was just “because the gift was an obligation” or a fast way to fill the gift when I did that so for the most part cards are made, gifts are made except for the little goodies that go with a gift at times. When someone likes something particular I can’t make I will buy that item but for the most part it’s always been as much made by me as possible.
For years I’ve felt like the gifts go unappreciated for what they are because they aren’t “brand name” or store bought. The time, energy, thought and love that goes into them doesn’t even cross the receivers mind. Like homemade is a bad thing. A cheap thing when usually it’s far more expensive. I kept doing it because well insanity I guess is the reason at this point.🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe it’s just a California people thing. I don’t know but I think I finally have given in.
I so agree with this, handmade gifts. Some people are not as able to do this, and that makes it even more interesting.
I know a family that only allows homemade gifts for the extended family gifts. Mom and Dad (grandma and Grandpa, great grandparents too) are gone. They had 5 children (I think), the grown grandchildren and now great grandchildren. They get together for an annual Christmas party. All names are put in a hat and each person gets one person to gift. Sometimes this is not an easy thing to make something for someone, but that pushes the boundaries of what a person thinks to do and can do. If everyone is doing this, because of the guideline, then it is a challenge and understanding for everyone.
Not sure if everyone here is familiar with the concept of "the five love languages" but receiving gifts is one of them. It's not my love language, although I do appreciate the sentiment when someone gives me something. Doesn't matter if it's storebought or handmade- to me its the thought that counts. Even if I don't like it, I appreciate it and express gratitude. Handmade stuff does have sentimental value though. I think I'm more of a "quality time" and "acts of service" type person. I like it when someone spends time with me, listens to me, etc. I do appreciate when people help me with things and cook for me or bring me food (I consider food more of act of service than a gift). I still remember getting annoyed with my sister's friend for yelling at some of their other friends for going out of their way to get some discontinued shake from a local place for her and my sister. They knew my sister and the friend liked the shake & asked for it to be made specially for them (since the place still had the mix) out of kindness. My sister's friend was mad bc she hadn't asked them to do it and was completely ungrateful. Even if I told someone I didn't want something, I would still say "thank you" if they got it for me because I know it was coming from someone meaning well.

As a kid I was not appreciative of gifts, unfortunately. I was a very grumpy bah humbug kid who was crabby if I got stuff I didn't like. But, in retrospect when I saw how it made my parents feel that I didn't like the gifts, I felt bad-- but that came when I was old enough to understand and empathize. As a little kid I was a crabby little brat. But, gifts did not translate to love for me. Getting a hug was preferable.

It's weird when I think about it... I used to hug my dad every single day (unless he was out of state or something). He hugged all of us every day. The last time I saw him alive he gave me a big hug. The background on this computer is of him sitting on a camel in front of the pyramids with his arms spread wide. If I position windows on my screen just right, it looks like he's opening his arms to hug me. I'm really missing him. It's been over 10 years but holidays always bring it back and make me miss him even more. My brother and mother rarely hug me and I miss the hugs.
It's weird when I think about it... I used to hug my dad every single day (unless he was out of state or something). He hugged all of us every day. The last time I saw him alive he gave me a big hug. The background on this computer is of him sitting on a camel in front of the pyramids with his arms spread wide. If I position windows on my screen just right, it looks like he's opening his arms to hug me. I'm really missing him. It's been over 10 years but holidays always bring it back and make me miss him even more. My brother and mother rarely hug me and I miss the hugs.
My mother was a hugger, and hugged me everyday as I was getting out of the car to go to school. My daughter and I are huggers as well. We hug people and we hug each other. We hug people that we are just meeting and people we have known for a while. It is just who we are. I thank my Mom for that. I do know that not everyone is comfortable with hugging, but I also know that there is actually a health benefit to hugging. I want everyone to be healthy and whatever the benefit is to hugging, it costs nothing, and the benefits are good.

After my mother died when I was six, I had to walk 7 blocks to school everyday, instead of getting a ride from our farm which was further from school. I remember when I first left to walk to school, I tried to hug the adults before I left. It was like hugging rocks, because there was no return on those hugs and it didn't take me long to figure out not to try to hug anyone, because my first hugger was gone. My other grandmother, my Mom's Mom, was a hugger, so when I saw her a few weeks here and there throughout the year, I could get some hugs.

I think of older people who are at the end of life. How much a hug must mean to them and not a hard thing to do.
(More to this article before this)

How many hugs do we need?

Family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” While that may sound like a lot of hugs, it seems that many hugs are better than not enough.

So, how many hugs should you have a day for optimal health? According to the best science, we should have as many as possible if we want to reap the greatest positive effects.

Unfortunately, most Western people today — especially people in the United States — are touch-deprived. Many people live solitary or busy lives with reduced social interaction and touching.

Our modern social conventions often push people not to touch others who aren’t directly related to them. However, it seems people could benefit a lot from touching others a bit more.

So, if you want to feel better about yourself, reduce your stress, improve communication, and be happier and healthier, it seems that giving and asking for more hugs is a good place to start.

If you feel nervous about seeking out more hugs, start by asking for them from friends and family members closest to you first.

Science proves that regular hugs with those closest to you, even if brief, can have especially positive effects on your brain and body.
I'm not a hugger. I grew up with 3 younger brothers and no sisters so that may have something to do with it.
If my brothers and I were hugging you can bet one arm was around a neck.
LOL! The males of the species are much more likely to be physical in an aggressive or playful way. I used to have a few young men in my classroom who would try to wrestle during class time, transition time, the challenging time during any class time.

I am glad that my daughter is a hugger. She may not even realize that our hugging comes from her grandmother and great grandmother. She is a people person and never meets a stranger. She welcomes everyone, until she realizes that some are not really worthy of being welcomed. Her ex-roommate's girlfriend is a perfect example. The girl was really unkind to my daughter and was hurtful and nasty. Girlfriend was included in a few holiday meals, Christmas stockings, etc. It got so if gf was around, daughter would go to her space and stay away from her. The best I could figure out was jealousy of daughter's relationships.
My mother was a hugger, and hugged me everyday as I was getting out of the car to go to school. My daughter and I are huggers as well. We hug people and we hug each other. We hug people that we are just meeting and people we have known for a while. It is just who we are. I thank my Mom for that. I do know that not everyone is comfortable with hugging, but I also know that there is actually a health benefit to hugging. I want everyone to be healthy and whatever the benefit is to hugging, it costs nothing, and the benefits are good.

After my mother died when I was six, I had to walk 7 blocks to school everyday, instead of getting a ride from our farm which was further from school. I remember when I first left to walk to school, I tried to hug the adults before I left. It was like hugging rocks, because there was no return on those hugs and it didn't take me long to figure out not to try to hug anyone, because my first hugger was gone. My other grandmother, my Mom's Mom, was a hugger, so when I saw her a few weeks here and there throughout the year, I could get some hugs.

I think of older people who are at the end of life. How much a hug must mean to them and not a hard thing to do.
(More to this article before this)

How many hugs do we need?

Family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” While that may sound like a lot of hugs, it seems that many hugs are better than not enough.

So, how many hugs should you have a day for optimal health? According to the best science, we should have as many as possible if we want to reap the greatest positive effects.

Unfortunately, most Western people today — especially people in the United States — are touch-deprived. Many people live solitary or busy lives with reduced social interaction and touching.

Our modern social conventions often push people not to touch others who aren’t directly related to them. However, it seems people could benefit a lot from touching others a bit more.

So, if you want to feel better about yourself, reduce your stress, improve communication, and be happier and healthier, it seems that giving and asking for more hugs is a good place to start.

If you feel nervous about seeking out more hugs, start by asking for them from friends and family members closest to you first.

Science proves that regular hugs with those closest to you, even if brief, can have especially positive effects on your brain and body.
And now with covid, even handshakes are frowned upon. Another way to divide and keep people from being too close. Sad.
My mother is somewhat of a hugger but she is rarely standing up or in a position where giving a hug is possible. My brother is also a hugger but he keeps to his room most of the time. My best friend likes hugs. When he was having bad kidney stones my brother went over to give him a big bear hug. When he was recovering from a bad wreck and was bedridden, my brother laid on the bed and spooned him. No insecurity or worries it might seem "gay". I give him big hugs too but feel self-conscious because I often see him when I've been cleaning up or lifting stuff and I have a sweating problem. That 48hr antiperspirant doesn't even last 2 hours on me.

Weedygarden, I'm so sorry you lost your mom at such a young age. I was thinking about my dad again and how he would feel about our cats. He loved cats and he had a particular fondness of orange cats (because of one he had in childhood) so I know he would have adored the orange cat on my lap. He is the sweetest kitty. It still breaks my heart that my did only made it to 61. I still remember how devastated we all were. An elderly friend of ours just couldn't believe it. He'd been giving stuff to my dad bc he expected my dad to outlive him. That man was very sweet but he didn't like hugging anyone but his wife. Told us how he would hide from the aunts that would give him big hugs when he was a kid. When we were leaving to go overseas I gave him a huge hug. He didn't reject it at least, but he felt awkward.

My gripe is that my brother is cooking something I'm allergic to and the air is coming in from the kitchen & it's making my eyes burn and water.
I love my DIL but. She said she wanted to get the kids new pillows. I said cool, I will order some from Mike Lindell. I like to support him when I can.
Her; who is Mike Lindell?
Me; he is the owner of My Pillow. He helped out Kyle Rittenhouse.
Her; who is Kyle Rittenhouse?
Oh but she knows why Jennifer Aniston didn't have kids. She read up on that.

She also offered me a plant based burger and said you can't even tell the difference. Like I said I love her but Brandon could give her lessons on boosting approval ratings right now.
I love my DIL but. She said she wanted to get the kids new pillows. I said cool, I will order some from Mike Lindell. I like to support him when I can.
Her; who is Mike Lindell?
Me; he is the owner of My Pillow. He helped out Kyle Rittenhouse.
Her; who is Kyle Rittenhouse?
Oh but she knows why Jennifer Aniston didn't have kids. She read up on that.

She also offered me a plant based burger and said you can't even tell the difference. Like I said I love her but Brandon could give her lessons on boosting approval ratings right now.
I love "my Pillows". Best pillows EVER.
My rant for the day, the week, the year, the decade.

I love my wife. I have posted concerns here previously. I know that no-one here is a counselor as far as I know. Regardless.... Every single year; we were married in 2005 in a church, Both of us seemed to share religious bases, and here we are.

Around this time of year, the woman I married seems to go "berserk" . She treats me and my family like trash while those parts of her family are golden people in her mind. I keep bringing the issue up and only after being treated like a doormat every single year.

There is no connection here anymore. I need physical contact. Not sexual; physical. Hugs. A caring touch. Anything similar.

At this point I am torn. As I said; I love her. That said. I want a divorce. It almost seems like mental illness but I have tried to get her to visit someone to help us but she is unwilling. Her family is important yet me and mine are not. I decided to wait until after the holiday aka Christmas and we are now past that.

I am strongly considering meeting with a divorce attorney this week yet I stand by my vows which is now causing conflict. It has been for months and actually years. I have no idea where to turn at this point. I am over it. I am over the vid, I am over the bs surrounding it, I am just over the ******** in general.

My rant. Sorry for the waste of time. Good night all.
My rant for the day, the week, the year, the decade.

I love my wife. I have posted concerns here previously. I know that no-one here is a counselor as far as I know. Regardless.... Every single year; we were married in 2005 in a church, Both of us seemed to share religious bases, and here we are.

Around this time of year, the woman I married seems to go "berserk" . She treats me and my family like trash while those parts of her family are golden people in her mind. I keep bringing the issue up and only after being treated like a doormat every single year.

There is no connection here anymore. I need physical contact. Not sexual; physical. Hugs. A caring touch. Anything similar.

At this point I am torn. As I said; I love her. That said. I want a divorce. It almost seems like mental illness but I have tried to get her to visit someone to help us but she is unwilling. Her family is important yet me and mine are not. I decided to wait until after the holiday aka Christmas and we are now past that.

I am strongly considering meeting with a divorce attorney this week yet I stand by my vows which is now causing conflict. It has been for months and actually years. I have no idea where to turn at this point. I am over it. I am over the vid, I am over the bs surrounding it, I am just over the bologna in general.

My rant. Sorry for the waste of time. Good night all.
In many of the narcissism groups, people apologize for posting. IMHO, that is a sign of them being beaten down, emotionally abused, and if I respond in any way, it is to ask them to please not apologize for sharing what is bothering you, especially in a thread like this. So no waste of time. If you would rather have a private conversation, a PM, I am willing to do that. Others may as well. You are not alone in your situation. I'd be willing to bet there are a couple of others here who have experienced similar treatment from now ex-spouses.
In many of the narcissism groups, people apologize for posting. IMHO, that is a sign of them being beaten down, emotionally abused, and if I respond in any way, it is to ask them to please not apologize for sharing what is bothering you, especially in a thread like this. So no waste of time. If you would rather have a private conversation, a PM, I am willing to do that. Others may as well. You are not alone in your situation. I'd be willing to bet there are a couple of others here who have experienced similar treatment from now ex-spouses.

Weedy, thank you. I did send a pm to you and while I may not answer with a response tonight, I will do so tomorrow.
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