Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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The possums or the leftist scum? I'm seeing a veritable banquet of chigger dishes for leftist libtards:

---Southern Fried Chiggers

---Chigger Loaf

---Chigger Gumbo

---Oven-Baked Chiggers

---Chigger Flambe

---Chiggers A La Mode

---Chocolate-Covered Chiggers

---Frosted Chiggers (doused in vaxxer cr@p)

And the list goes on... ;)
I water the squash then sit and pick off the bugs and squish them. Then look at the underside of each leaf for eggs, which I scrape off. This takes me forever with 25-30 squash plants. So talked to my son this evening (the plant expert) and he told me what to order to mix with DE to kill them. I did try spraying the base of the plants with Neem Oil, but he didn't think it would do anything except maybe for the newly hatched spidery ones.
My mother said that its considered rude to call them chiggers but its ok to call them chiggas now. :p

The electric company that my friend has continues to pull their crap. I have asked him to report them to any authority he can find. I mentioned before that their corporate policy on their website says they don't cut off power if partial payment is made & they are supposed to give a 10 day grace period. However, they shut off my friend's power before when he only owed $2 and it was within the 10 days. Anyway, his paycheck lands one day after the bill is due. They treat him like he's months in arrears when he is up-to-date. Every time he receives a bill now they tell him if it is not paid by 3pm on that day his power will be shut off. They charge a hefty reconnect fee every time. He has pleaded with them to move the due date to after his paycheck lands but they refuse. He got notice again about the shutoff pending and was short $70 to pay them before paycheck. He has argued with them that they violate their own policy by not even allowing a one day grace period. I suspect they are doing this to a lot of people to charge reconnect fees. They shut off power in dead of winter when it is cold-- even for people with infants and in extreme heat with people who are on cpap machines. They do not care. I'm trying to find out if there is someone I can call to help him on this. It's an election year but the schmuck for my area doesn't give a rat's behind about anyone unless they can pay him tons of $$$.
We had a couple possums decide to come in during winter. I didn't know it but my brother saw one and started feeding it cookies. At first it played dead, then it growled while playing dead and my brother shoved a cookie in its mouth. It growled, tasted the cookie, stopped, ate the cookie (while still playing dead), then sat up and wanted another cookie. It actually reached out its little paw for a cookie. One day I came in and the possom had the cookie jar (it was plastic) trying to remove the lid. I opened it and gave it some cookies. We had a cat bed near the doorway and the possum curled up there to sleep on cold winter nights. Didn't bother the cats, ran from the dogs, and once it realized we weren't going to hurt it, it just asked for cookies or ignored us.
My brother is having pain in his rotator cuff (probably from falling in the shower the other day) and has declared that he won't be doing anything around the house (not that he did much to begin with) but he won't do the heavy lifting that I can't do myself. I'm not mad at him. I understand. My rotator cuff was sprocked for a long time so I know what its like. I just have to figure out how to get stuff moved/lifted now.
Possums are easy to tame, once they figure out you have the food, you're daddy!
I had one that was hooked on hot dogs and Mexican food.

Put some liquid heet on a clean cloth and bind his shoulder in it, then apply ice to the top of that for an hour coupled with two packets of goody powder in a tall glass of frosty lemonade. after two hours, tell him its work time!
The Hallmark Channel has started up its Christmas movies.
6 months of that to endure, all day and all night, in the living room. :mad:
For the MIL, they are all brand new🤪.
I, on the other hand, can quote the scripts word-for-word because I have seen them so many times.
Just for fun, I tell her what is going to happen and she thinks I'm a savant when it does.:rolleyes:
The Hallmark Channel has started up its Christmas movies.
6 months of that to endure, all day and all night, in the living room. :mad:
For the MIL, they are all brand new🤪.
I, on the other hand, can quote the scripts word-for-word because I have seen them so many times.
Just for fun, I tell her what is going to happen and she thinks I'm a savant when it does.:rolleyes:
And LadyLocust hasn't started our Christmas countdown! Think she's got a PM coming her way!!😉
The Hallmark Channel has started up its Christmas movies.
6 months of that to endure, all day and all night, in the living room. :mad:
For the MIL, they are all brand new🤪.
I, on the other hand, can quote the scripts word-for-word because I have seen them so many times.
Just for fun, I tell her what is going to happen and she thinks I'm a savant when it does.:rolleyes:
I always tell the wife to watch for the snow. A kiss is comin up.

I always tell the wife to watch for the snow. A kiss is comin up.

A beautiful girl (early 30's), and a totally handsome guy (early 30's), both astoundingly, are still single:oops:, just happen to be standing under the mistletoe😍.
No, you can't make this stuff up..... but THC can! :thumbs:
I think the most important part of 'make-believe' is that it should be at least slightly believable.:rolleyes:
(sorry, still on a rant about the 6-month sentence that the judge handed down:()
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Today I have a FEDEX rant.

I had a number of things being delivered today and as a result I took the day off and tried to stay close to the door. The BIG reason was one of the packages was HAZMAT that required a signature for delivery. So yesterday I get 2 e-mails, the HAZMAT package will be delivered between 8AM and 1PM, the second says my electronic equipment will be delivered today. This morning I check and they are on the truck out for Delivery! I need to go to the landfill, the truck was loaded last night, but the land fill closes at 4PM, it's only 15 minutes away, no problem. 09:00 FEDEX delivers a medi-pack, they drop it on the landing of the side door and are gone.... Then at 12:00 while I'm fixing lunch for the wife, FEDEX makes another delivery, they leave my electronics packages balanced on top of my trashcan in the driveway and Poof, they are racing down the street... Then at 13:00 I hear the truck pull up, I jump up go to the door and see the FEDEX driver running down the side walk, my new scope is sitting on the porch.... I check the tracking page, my HAZMAT package is now scheduled for delivery before the end of the day. I have spent the day like a deer frozen in headlights and I still don't have my signature required package. Now it's 16:00, I go to the bathroom and leave the door open just in-case the doorbell rings, hark I hear a sliding door shut. I race to the side door pulling up my pants, I see the driver next to the truck getting ready to leave, I wave frantically at him. He sees me and Hollers, "It's at the front door!" I said, I have had 4 packages delivered by FEDEX today, each with a different driver and truck, what's the deal? He replies, That's FEDEX for you! and drives away. As I pick up my HAZMAT shipment, I look at my watch and the landfill is closed. Then I look at the shipment and realize that I never signed for it!!!

I have wasted my whole day thanks to FEDEX! I need to go to Home Depot and pick up materials for this weekend's project but the truck is full of rubbish and the landfill is closed till Tuesday! I think I'm about to go postal :)
Today I have a FEDEX rant.

I had a number of things being delivered today and as a result I took the day off and tried to stay close to the door. The BIG reason was one of the packages was HAZMAT that required a signature for delivery. So yesterday I get 2 e-mails, the HAZMAT package will be delivered between 8AM and 1PM, the second says my electronic equipment will be delivered today. This morning I check and they are on the truck out for Delivery! I need to go to the landfill, the truck was loaded last night, but the land fill closes at 4PM, it's only 15 minutes away, no problem. 09:00 FEDEX delivers a medi-pack, they drop it on the landing of the side door and are gone.... Then at 12:00 while I'm fixing lunch for the wife, FEDEX makes another delivery, they leave my electronics packages balanced on top of my trashcan in the driveway and Poof, they are racing down the street... Then at 13:00 I hear the truck pull up, I jump up go to the door and see the FEDEX driver running down the side walk, my new scope is sitting on the porch.... I check the tracking page, my HAZMAT package is now scheduled for delivery before the end of the day. I have spent the day like a deer frozen in headlights and I still don't have my signature required package. Now it's 16:00, I go to the bathroom and leave the door open just in-case the doorbell rings, hark I hear a sliding door shut. I race to the side door pulling up my pants, I see the driver next to the truck getting ready to leave, I wave frantically at him. He sees me and Hollers, "It's at the front door!" I said, I have had 4 packages delivered by FEDEX today, each with a different driver and truck, what's the deal? He replies, That's FEDEX for you! and drives away. As I pick up my HAZMAT shipment, I look at my watch and the landfill is closed. Then I look at the shipment and realize that I never signed for it!!!

I have wasted my whole day thanks to FEDEX! I need to go to Home Depot and pick up materials for this weekend's project but the truck is full of rubbish and the landfill is closed till Tuesday! I think I'm about to go postal :)
I have nothing nice to say, so........🤐
I wonder if each package came out from a different delivery location? That is the only reason I can think of for that mess. They just leave stuff that is supposed to be signed for- like a laptop which they left out in the rain. Fortunately, it was well-packed and the water didn't soak through.
Minor gripe: The stores in my area are terrible at keeping things in stock. I don't know why. I went to a larger Walmart an hour away (per mom's request) to look for stuff she might want in the frozen section. I found this:

The food on the shelves is a reflection from across the way. These were all completely empty. Not sure if it was an inventory issue or failure of the cooling units though. Ended up leaving without any food.

Biggest gripe is the stupid dogs chewed my laptop cable. If they had chewed the removable part that plugs in to an outlet it would not have been so bad. I could have replaced that part. But no. They chewed the hardwired part attached to the brick. Cost $108 to replace. I just caught the dog chewing the strap to my fanny pack and stopped him. Wish I hadn't been asleep when he chewed the laptop cable.

Someone claiming to be a dermatologist is saying she wants to adopt them, but I'm not sure if she's legit or a catphish or worse. Talked about having Jimmy Choo shoes and wants me to come to her house. Kinda throwing up red flags. I said I would only meet somewhere neutral in a public location.
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