Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I didn't catch the dog in the act and he's really really dumb. Plus, I don't have hot sauce. I'm allergic to some of the ingredients. LOL.

I'm guessing it was the male but it could have been the female. I always stop them if I catch them chewing something but I slept through this one.
My rant of the day:
I have a teeny tiny habit...No, I'm lying, I have a huge, slobbering, unquenchable ADDICTION to the movies about the paranormal, I've watched every one on you-tube and google more! UFO's,ghosts,
Bigfoot, demons, the rake, slender-man, the dog-beast, the SCP series. (Yeah, I know they're probably fake, One can pray.) BUT ANYWAY...I'm noticing one huge thing and its bugging me to death, Well a bunch of things really. I'm no stranger to the paranormal, I'll likely write a book, disguise it as fiction and get rich eventually. I've seen my share of unusual unexplainable things, from aliens, to ghosts to an Egyptian goddess, angels, demons and Lucifer himself. (At least I think it was him. He seemed like a nice guy.) BUT ON TOPIC, I'm looking for something I think, something to coroborate some of the weird crap I've gone through, and in my search, I have discovered paranormal hunters, both professional and amateur going into places NOBODY in their right mind would go to get evidence of....Well, if they believe, why do they need evidence. I don't need evidence or to prove what I've lived with, I'm looking for, perhaps kinship? Perhaps my kin? Matters little. I see these jokers go places hardcore Satanists would shun with their EMP meters, ghost boxes, motion sensing gadgets and of course, cameras, then they act all freaked out when a door slams, they hear a voice or even when a randy spook pinches the obligatory cute camera woman on the butt! OH BUT THEN, not only do they hang around wanting more, some even try to tick off whatever is there. I saw this one guy mouth off and get dangled by his ankles over a stairwell while he peed his pants and screamed for mercy! BUT THEN, they hung around another hour or two recording creepy whispers and a couple of shadows in the hallways. IF you're looking for something, chances are you'll find it! Now back to where you find such beings, first category are homes and offices, schools seem to attract things worse, probably low end astral critters feeding on all the angst and suffering the kids provide, others MIGHT just be people who loved their jobs or the kids, but I can't imagine why else a normal human spirit would hang out there. Imps, low end demons etc like places where there is a lot of stress to feed on, some might get trapped in these places, maybe they just like it there? Other places like say homes fall into two categories, always haunted and suddenly haunted, if a place has always been haunted, like say you were dumb enough to build on top of an old cemetery or burial ground, I don't care who you pray to, what kind of incense you burn, they're not leaving, you're on their turf, you're in their home, they have a right to it. better pack or make peace with them somehow. the second category is suddenly haunted, you've done something to attract whatever it is, maybe innocently like having teenage kids, an unhappy marriage or even long term illness in the family, OR not so innocently such as playing with an Ouija board or tinkering with magic without proper training or precaution. Maybe you just brought something home a spirit was attached to, you have a good chance of getting rid of these intruders with a few prayers or a house blessing, or even just getting rid of what you brought in its linked to, but better do it fast or it'll start considering your place as home! even if it leaves, if it can't find a better lair, it WILL be back! (That's bible BTW. not to mention ever book of Sorcery ever written!)
Now to the other group, I'm pretty sure are 90% demons. Old, abandoned places, graveyards, the middle of deep woods. (There are OTHER things to worry about out there!) Any place humanity has abandoned and forsaken inevitably attract things that just want to be left alone, the wise tread softly in these places, and maybe, just maybe you'll get out with clean underwear. things that hide in these places tend to be POWERFUL! So if you have to be there for whatever reason, you're in their home, act accordingly and don't take souvenirs! Have you seen any videos? I notice 90% are peeking around corners or skulking in they dark like they're afraid of you! They may be, may not, but obviously they want left alone! What POSSIBLE logic could you have for being there anyway? leave them alone and likely they'll leave you alone or at worst, hustle you on your way with something "spooky" OR if its ANY level of demon, scare the living hell out of you first thing! they feed on that kind of primal emotion, and if they're hungry, you're dinner! expect to get the crap scared out of you or worse before you get out of there! And now the last part, a part I hate to even bring up, that being the subject of a child ghost! the very existence of which flies in the face of pretty much every holy book I've ever read unless they are in error. I really hope its just imps or something being mistaken for kids or some kind of psychic echo, the alternative is too horrible to dwell on.

Alright, all done.

Here is one of mine.


Why is it that even those who know better refer to all bovines/cattle as cows, including calves, (not calfs, sheesh!)?

A newborn bovine of either sex is generically a calf.

An orphan range calf is a dogie, (long O sound) not a doggie, (short O sound) all hat and no cattle dudes please note.

A newborn male is a bull.

If he is castrated, he becomes a steer.

If he is castrated and used for draft, he becomes an ox.

A newborn female is a heifer and remains so until parturition, (has a calf) she then becomes... Drum roll please... A cow.

You're welcome. ;)

Here is one of mine.


Why is it that even those who know better refer to all bovines/cattle as cows, including calves, (not calfs, sheesh!)?

A newborn bovine of either sex is generically a calf.

An orphan range calf is a dogie, (long O sound) not a doggie, (short O sound) all hat and no cattle dudes please note.

A newborn male is a bull.

If he is castrated, he becomes a steer.

If he is castrated and used for draft, he becomes an ox.

A newborn female is a heifer and remains so until parturition, (has a calf) she then becomes... Drum roll please... A cow.

You're welcome. ;)
So I'm guessing you don't like people referring to them as a momma cow, baby cow and poppa cow. :D
I buy Cat Chow and Dog Chow. Both from Purina. It's what my kitties and doggies like. Although, mom's spoiled little dog likes Incredibites.

I can't find where my vitamins fell and I need to take some. Been having charlie horses and knees are not wanting to cooperate. My charging brick didn't come with the necessary cables to charge stuff. It only came with the right cable to charge itself. I will have to order the right type.

My brother ate too much of the rice I made yesterday so there were no leftovers. I'll have to make another batch. I'm hungry but not feeling up to cooking. Firstwoldproblems.
I am nearly as impressed with those terms about as much as when a liberal politician drones on and on about how our democracy is in danger.
Democracy is three sheep and a wolf deciding on dinner if its done their way. in fact, Democracy has utterly failed, bring back the Republic! Better yet, a confederation.
Two posts which popped up consecutively on my Facebook feed. My dad’s generation, and the current. Generalizing, but fairly accurate.
Miss you, Dad.


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On the scale of things- not an important rant, but this bugs me all the same.
Shops that don't look after the plants they have on sale. I'm talking big supermarkets and hardware stores, mainly selling flowers, shrubs, herbs and seedlings indoors. They don't water them, they die quickly and then get chucked out. Occasionally they put a discount on them, but its usually too late- there's not a deity that can revive them. Such a waste- and more plastic into landfills. Sigh...
On the scale of things- not an important rant, but this bugs me all the same.
Shops that don't look after the plants they have on sale. I'm talking big supermarkets and hardware stores, mainly selling flowers, shrubs, herbs and seedlings indoors. They don't water them, they die quickly and then get chucked out. Occasionally they put a discount on them, but its usually too late- there's not a deity that can revive them. Such a waste- and more plastic into landfills. Sigh...
Saw that exact thing today at TSC. Not all plants looked bad, but many did if not already dead
Saw that exact thing today at TSC. Not all plants looked bad, but many did if not already dead
Plants at TSC are scan based. If they don’t sell, they get tossed and it doesn’t cost the company a penny. There’s not a lot of incentive to put a lot of time into them. Some stores have a good team and a good manager, but most are after quick sales and profit.
And I know that the Bonnie plants are replaced free by Bonnie, even if the store kills them. Maybe that's why their plant prices are so crazy.
I'm going to have older granddaughter give me the evil eye for awhile. She is 17 and will be a senior next year. The boy she likes just graduated, she's been seeing him for a year. He lives in mamas basement, and mows lawns for money. He is signed up to attend the junior college in our bigger town in August to learn computer stuff. He loves video games. He finally got his driver's license. His mom is a helicoptor mama, and also wants to still be a teen at the same time. Wants to be besties with our granddaughter and it kinda gets stupid. Well the mom called my husband and asked if our granddaughter can go on their family vacation for a week and a half this summer. They are going to Colorado, renting a cabin, doing water sports. Nope. Not appropriate. She does not need to be thrown in with a family of her first boyfriend. She's 17, still in High School. Told her that she can decide for herself whether she would like to go next year when she's 18. I thought it was creepy that they want her to go. I know, I'm a mean granny. I'll get the stink eye for awhile.
Seriously frustrated right now. Took my dog to vet last week and something's up with his liver so we started him on supplements at vet's direction. The past couple days though he started coughing up water after he drinks, at first it was a little bit but last night it was quite a bit. That's a symptom of collapsed trachea, which is a possibility. So I called the vet today and they had a cancellation to examine him again and do some x-rays and I was like awesome, my husband's home today, he can take him cuz I can't make it there in 30 mins, it would take me at least an hour to get home, pick up the dog and go back to vet.

So I call my husband (glad they can see him today) and tell him and he's giving me crap about his truck not running right (so how are we going fishing this weekend then??) and working from home today. I said do you want me to call them back, cancel and try to get him in later under an emergency visit? And he's just like I'll be late and can't talk and whatever.

🤬??? We've had a awful year so far and the last thing we need is to lose our dog too. I don't get it, he can do the work after, he only has to put in four hours today. UGH!
How big a dog is he and how much natural meat is in his diet? I'm betting his natural cell salts and iron are low. a good way to test this is with Spinach, offer him a cooked gob, and if he tries to eat your arm too, give him the rest of the can and start mixing some meat and greens in his food. He's an inside/lot dweller dog am I right?
Seriously frustrated right now. Took my dog to vet last week and something's up with his liver so we started him on supplements at vet's direction. The past couple days though he started coughing up water after he drinks, at first it was a little bit but last night it was quite a bit. That's a symptom of collapsed trachea, which is a possibility. So I called the vet today and they had a cancellation to examine him again and do some x-rays and I was like awesome, my husband's home today, he can take him cuz I can't make it there in 30 mins, it would take me at least an hour to get home, pick up the dog and go back to vet.

So I call my husband (glad they can see him today) and tell him and he's giving me crap about his truck not running right (so how are we going fishing this weekend then??) and working from home today. I said do you want me to call them back, cancel and try to get him in later under an emergency visit? And he's just like I'll be late and can't talk and whatever.

🤬??? We've had a awful year so far and the last thing we need is to lose our dog too. I don't get it, he can do the work after, he only has to put in four hours today. UGH!
So sorry to hear this I have a similar thread. Just returned from the vets. Saving all the details, he needed to be euthanized. Enjoy the dog as long as you can. We did all we could as I'm sure you would and had to accept it was his time to go home.
He's a small indoor dog, 12 years old. The vet thinks it's his heart and possibly collapsed trachea but his weight loss is really concerning her. My husband left him there for x-rays and hopefully the cardiologist can take a look at them. They're going to give us a couple prescriptions to help his cough and appetite, I'll pick him up on the way home from work.

@Guardian I'm really sorry to hear that. :(
And I know that the Bonnie plants are replaced free by Bonnie, even if the store kills them. Maybe that's why their plant prices are so crazy.
I'm going to have older granddaughter give me the evil eye for awhile. She is 17 and will be a senior next year. The boy she likes just graduated, she's been seeing him for a year. He lives in mamas basement, and mows lawns for money. He is signed up to attend the junior college in our bigger town in August to learn computer stuff. He loves video games. He finally got his driver's license. His mom is a helicoptor mama, and also wants to still be a teen at the same time. Wants to be besties with our granddaughter and it kinda gets stupid. Well the mom called my husband and asked if our granddaughter can go on their family vacation for a week and a half this summer. They are going to Colorado, renting a cabin, doing water sports. Nope. Not appropriate. She does not need to be thrown in with a family of her first boyfriend. She's 17, still in High School. Told her that she can decide for herself whether she would like to go next year when she's 18. I thought it was creepy that they want her to go. I know, I'm a mean granny. I'll get the stink eye for awhile.
That is creepy!
He's a small indoor dog, 12 years old. The vet thinks it's his heart and possibly collapsed trachea but his weight loss is really concerning her. My husband left him there for x-rays and hopefully the cardiologist can take a look at them. They're going to give us a couple prescriptions to help his cough and appetite, I'll pick him up on the way home from work.

@Guardian I'm really sorry to hear that. :(
Hope you get some good news!! Glad the hubby got him to the vet!! Keep us updated!!
So sorry to hear this I have a similar thread. Just returned from the vets. Saving all the details, he needed to be euthanized. Enjoy the dog as long as you can. We did all we could as I'm sure you would and had to accept it was his time to go home.
Sorry for your loss♥️
I'm going to have older granddaughter give me the evil eye for awhile. She is 17 and will be a senior next year. The boy she likes just graduated, she's been seeing him for a year. He lives in mamas basement, and mows lawns for money. He is signed up to attend the junior college in our bigger town in August to learn computer stuff. He loves video games. He finally got his driver's license. His mom is a helicoptor mama, and also wants to still be a teen at the same time. Wants to be besties with our granddaughter and it kinda gets stupid. Well the mom called my husband and asked if our granddaughter can go on their family vacation for a week and a half this summer. They are going to Colorado, renting a cabin, doing water sports. Nope. Not appropriate. She does not need to be thrown in with a family of her first boyfriend. She's 17, still in High School. Told her that she can decide for herself whether she would like to go next year when she's 18. I thought it was creepy that they want her to go. I know, I'm a mean granny. I'll get the stink eye for awhile.

Not only no, but "HELL, NO!!!" :mad:

Sounds like a recipe for disaster... or at the very least, an unwanted pregnancy. Just for the day at some nearby venue, that would be different, but you're right, it does sound creepy, and the distance sounds far enough to become a negative factor in the equation (in case you had to go pick her up). The way I see it, you're not being a "mean granny"---you're being sensible and looking after your granddaughter's best interests, including her safety. End of story. :confused:
Guardian, I am so sorry for your loss. No matter how many times it happens, its always hard to lose a furbaby. I'm not looking forward to losing any of my current ones but I know its inevitable.

Chaosdown, I hope your doggy will be ok.
Thank you. So update, I picked up my pup and talked to the vet. She and the cardiologist looked at the x-rays and cardio said that he has an enlarged heart and prescribed medication for it that should come in the mail in a couple days (cheaper that way, he'll have to be on it for the rest of his life). Vet said his liver looked small on the x-ray, so I have an appt at a specialist facility the end of August for an echo cardiogram and an ultrasound to give us a better idea of what's going on. The x-rays are being sent to a radiologist to get their expert opinion and we should get those results early next week. His trachea looks fine, so there's that.

The biggest issue right now is his weight loss, he was 15-16 lbs and has dropped to 11 something in about a month's time. He doesn't want to eat much of anything, so the vet gave us an appetite stimulant for four days to see if that helps. He'll eat meat but he's still losing weight so I'm trying to sneak carbs in. I made him liverwurst and rice balls the past couple days and he's been eating them.

I kinda hinted in previous post, we've had an awful year, we lost my MIL in Feb after long battle with cancer (at 69) and FIL less than three months later to a sudden unexpected heart attack (at 70) which devastated the whole family. Literally, my SIL and him went to dinner, she brought him home and two hours later he was gone. I just can't deal with more loss this soon. It's too much.
And I know that the Bonnie plants are replaced free by Bonnie, even if the store kills them. Maybe that's why their plant prices are so crazy.
I'm going to have older granddaughter give me the evil eye for awhile. She is 17 and will be a senior next year. The boy she likes just graduated, she's been seeing him for a year. He lives in mamas basement, and mows lawns for money. He is signed up to attend the junior college in our bigger town in August to learn computer stuff. He loves video games. He finally got his driver's license. His mom is a helicoptor mama, and also wants to still be a teen at the same time. Wants to be besties with our granddaughter and it kinda gets stupid. Well the mom called my husband and asked if our granddaughter can go on their family vacation for a week and a half this summer. They are going to Colorado, renting a cabin, doing water sports. Nope. Not appropriate. She does not need to be thrown in with a family of her first boyfriend. She's 17, still in High School. Told her that she can decide for herself whether she would like to go next year when she's 18. I thought it was creepy that they want her to go. I know, I'm a mean granny. I'll get the stink eye for awhile.
I would have been the mean granny as well. Young people want what they want, without any thought about the consequences.
Well the mean granny was played. Yesterday was a girls day for big granddaughter, little granddaughter, and I. Had a great time. Big granddaughter was talkative and we did lots of shopping. Then evening came, and grandson was home from work, didn't know where he was...supposed to be shutting up the coops. He was behind them, rapping out to music on his phone, vaping something. I went nuts, of course. Took the vape things and his phone. Lectured him up and down. Came in and gave husband the phone and vape stuff. Big granddaughter had a fit. Said I had no right to bug him. Went and grabbed the phone from husband, went out the door, told me she was calling the cops and the child services to report me for taking his phone. She did. Long night last night. Three sheriffs. She told the cops that they were emotionally abused and I had taken the phone. Evidentally that is a crime. They took the twins and put them in protective custody per their request. We have a meeting Monday to discuss our guardianship of them and conditions. Tuesday is court. We are releasing our guardianship. Granddaughter made it very clear that night that if we say no to anything, she will call the cops on us. That's not a way to live for us. Found out that she's been recording us for months. She gets a good argument going on one of us, and then records the end of it where we've had enough. She was mad that she couldn't go on vacation with the boyfriend. We had them for seven years. Waste of time.
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