Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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The people who are replacing the outgoing members will simply undo their idiotic decisions at their first meeting
For executive orders at least. But I don't think pardons work like that. Nor do laws that have been signed - to the best of my knowledge. To repeal the bad law, I think you need to vote on and sign a whole new law to do the repeal. Or get a court to declare the previous law invalid. My understanding may be wrong, but this is the way my brain is remembering things at the moment.
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For executive orders at least. But I don't think pardons work like that. Nor do laws that have been signed - to the best of my knowledge. To repeal the bad law, I think you need to vote on and sign a whole new law to do the repeal. Or get a court to declare the previous law invalid. My understanding may be wrong, but this is the way my brain is remembering things at the moment.
I was talking about a local situation. The reversals will be decisions, not laws.
I was talking about a local situation. The reversals will be decisions, not laws.
That part is good. I don't keep up too well on local decisions. Because it doesn't seem they reverse things often around here. Nor do they decide on things all that often either. Our town just seems to putter along. But the adjacent towns seem to be much more active in creating bad city ordinances.

I have no idea what it takes to reverse a city ordinance. I can't recall ever having seen it done, outside of a court order. But I don't pay that much attention - except to the ordinances that affect me directly. Which are mostly gun laws. Most of the ordinances seem to be neither here nor there - they just passed one that is going to create municipal garbage pickup - the same company for the entire town. As opposed to our previous method of 25 different garbage companies roaming the streets. I see pluses and minuses for either way, and that's the way it seems for most ordinances around here, so I don't get all excited about them. Again, except for the ones that affect me directly or are strongly one-sided.
Mini rant: I don't think anyone will be happier than me when November 5th has come and gone.
I watch FOX News all afternoon and evening for, (who woulda guessed), NEWS!
For the last 6 months, nothing but nonstop yap about the 2 candidates, all damday!

Like there is no news going on in the whole world. :(
I would give anything to be fly on the newsroom wall when they all stare at each other and scream:
"What are we gonna talk about now!!!gaah"
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Mini rant: I don't think anyone will be happier than me when November 5th has come and gone.
I watch FOX News all afternoon and evening for, (who woulda guessed), NEWS!
For the last 6 months, nothing but nonstop yap about the 2 candidates, all damday!View attachment 164950
Like there is no news going on in the whole world. :(
I would give anything to be fly on the newsroom wall when they all stare at each other and scream:
"What are we gonna talk about now!!!gaah"
sick of hearing both names....i dont hardly turn tv on now and i used that new ignore feature on forum and turned sections OFF and selected single threads.....sick of it all....!!
Sorry to hear that, Is it an injury Joel or has it come on suddenly?
Maybe Bursitis, have not bush hogged or fail or chopped wood, so I am not sure.
Hopefully, I just slept wrong.
Mini rant: I don't think anyone will be happier than me when November 5th has come and gone.
I watch FOX News all afternoon and evening for, (who woulda guessed), NEWS!
For the last 6 months, nothing but nonstop yap about the 2 candidates, all damday!View attachment 164950
Like there is no news going on in the whole world. :(
I would give anything to be fly on the newsroom wall when they all stare at each other and scream:
"What are we gonna talk about now!!!gaah"
Georgia is one state that is wanting to take DAYS to count ballots even though they will not be hand counting!!🤔 So be prepared for total BS days after!!🙄🙁
Georgia is one state that is wanting to take DAYS to count ballots even though they will not be hand counting!!🤔 So be prepared for total BS days after!!🙄🙁
Well, at least hopefully it will not be days of endless: "He said, she said". :rolleyes:
You gotta love Amazon's attempts at price trickery:

Screenshot at 2024-10-18 13-43-50.png

No, the price did not drop by 21% ... the die now costs 2¢ more than it originally did when it came with free shipping. Plus, if I have to return the thing, they'll keep the original shipping charge so I'm out an additional $9.12 in that case. Higher prices with lower shipping charges are to the customers advantage when something has to be returned.

But I'm sure there are at least some people who will scramble to click that "Add to Cart" button to snag this new "massive discount". 🫤

BTW, this die has been on my Watch List for many months. It's price has changed multiple times - always with a matching shipping charge change to bring the total cost up to where it was before, or slightly above. Can't blame Amazon though. They're just taking advantage of stupid people. Why not?
I fired Costco today. A little backstory last night I jacked my back up breaking up a dogfight. The short version is we have 2 big dogs that don't get along and them getting at each other was my fault. Today I was in pain and mad at myself. My wife and I were heading to Costco to get a hotdog and then shop. Well we went in the right side to the cafeteria just like always. The little fella at the door said something to my wife which I ignored and we kept walking.

Well apparently he ratted us out to his supervisor. She walked up to my wife and was giving her a hard time as I was bringing the hot dogs. I do not lose my temper often or quickly. Nor am I impolite to service people. Today was exception. I was instantly pissed off and said lady I don't know what your deal is but you need to walk away! Apparently 2 days ago a new policy started that members need to scan their card at the other door. Even for a return etc. Ok, copy. Next time we will. We sat down and were almost done. Along comes rat #2 with her boss. He says I understand you were swearing at an employee? I said that never happened. I just want to eat my hotdog and be left alone and you can just walk away now or I will cancel my membership and never darken your doorway again. He said do you need me to walk you over to customer service? I said nope I can see it just fine. As he walked away I said just for the record, I still didn't swear at anyone.

I went to customer service and the lady asked if I had a return. I smiled and said yes I want to return my membership. She said ok. Sorry etc. It seems she was somewhat aware of the situation. I said do your managers have any de-escalation training? Because all they wanted to to be right and escalate the situation. They was no, sorry for the confusion of the new policy. How could we improve? How are you doing? Are you Ok?

I looked up the Costco new policy. Apparently it is to reduce people from scamming the system and using someone else's card. I just thought it was to log when you enter and how long you shop. Along with documenting everything you purchased as always.

Costco can suck it. On a positive note it is the first time I ever went there and got money back.
I fired Costco today. A little backstory last night I jacked my back up breaking up a dogfight. The short version is we have 2 big dogs that don't get along and them getting at each other was my fault. Today I was in pain and mad at myself. My wife and I were heading to Costco to get a hotdog and then shop. Well we went in the right side to the cafeteria just like always. The little fella at the door said something to my wife which I ignored and we kept walking.

Well apparently he ratted us out to his supervisor. She walked up to my wife and was giving her a hard time as I was bringing the hot dogs. I do not lose my temper often or quickly. Nor am I impolite to service people. Today was exception. I was instantly pissed off and said lady I don't know what your deal is but you need to walk away! Apparently 2 days ago a new policy started that members need to scan their card at the other door. Even for a return etc. Ok, copy. Next time we will. We sat down and were almost done. Along comes rat #2 with her boss. He says I understand you were swearing at an employee? I said that never happened. I just want to eat my hotdog and be left alone and you can just walk away now or I will cancel my membership and never darken your doorway again. He said do you need me to walk you over to customer service? I said nope I can see it just fine. As he walked away I said just for the record, I still didn't swear at anyone.

I went to customer service and the lady asked if I had a return. I smiled and said yes I want to return my membership. She said ok. Sorry etc. It seems she was somewhat aware of the situation. I said do your managers have any de-escalation training? Because all they wanted to to be right and escalate the situation. They was no, sorry for the confusion of the new policy. How could we improve? How are you doing? Are you Ok?

I looked up the Costco new policy. Apparently it is to reduce people from scamming the system and using someone else's card. I just thought it was to log when you enter and how long you shop. Along with documenting everything you purchased as always.

Costco can suck it. On a positive note it is the first time I ever went there and got money back.
show your papers so you get permission to buy groceries....yea..i just pass on all that crap...deals or not....if corps want to do business open doors and let folks in....

everybody is wanting to be rude right now too....society is under to much pressure from everything from each other to costs to more.
I fired Costco today.

That "little fella" was no doubt telling your wife that they have a new policy that requires customers to scan their membership cards to get it. You said y'all ignored him and walked on past. Then a supervisor came up and you said you were instantly pissed, were impolite, and dropped a threat on her that she needed to walk away.

Sorry to tell you this, but by your own description of your behavior you don't really come across looking like a saint in this situation. I know you're a good and decent person by your posts on this forum. But that supervisor you threatened didn't.