Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I could rant about my computer reprogramming plan that keeps getting pushed back. My house cleaning and organizing is one thing after another. I keep finding stuff to put away. Then I find something that reminds me of something else.... and I'm like where the H is that?? Then I find an item that goes with another item, and I'm like which box did I put that in and where is it?? Then I'm like why do I have 20 of these when I only need 10. lol
People who shouldn't even be employed at a place being put into management roles there. The "motion light" employees that like to try to tell you how to do your job and accuse you of never working or doing anything.

I usually keep a pretty level head during confrontation but today I was soooooooo tempted to just say "letter you" and walk out. Stuff has been building up and it's gonna have to come to a head soon because I'm done. Started seriously looking at new jobs again.
We have one called 2 stroke. Hard to get started and smokes all day.
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For a rambling rant: Today I was outside brushing snow off vehicles, including two backup vehicles. Both with issues but would get me around town if necessary. I'm dressed for temps in the teens. The sun is shining. I see water dripping from icicles hanging from my gutters. 😦 They're growing.... RANT. My house is at 68 degrees, I turn it down to 64, it's still set there. I warmup the Suburban, after charging the battery, again. Last time it didn't hold. I warm it up this time. I let heat soak into the battery after warm and with engine off so not drawing in cold air. I run it some more. I see I'll need to add gas for the next time or two I warm it up. RANT
Back in the 1950's my dad had a small paraffin heater that he would hang in the engine compartment in winter [ in London in the street ] to just keep the air in there warm , how good it was no idea as I was young , but he used it each winter , today Health & safety would have a fit
Yesterdays rant, but no doubt it will continue to happen - firstly, people who park, say outside a house on the side of the road, and sit with FULL BEAMS on. Dim your lights, you morons.

Secondly, I drove into the garage to pump gas. Couldn't get to the side I needed because of a parked car in the way, waited a minute or two, then drove around to get to the other side, but someone there also. There was no room to squeeze in front because of a delivery van. Anyway ended up sitting for a few minutes, I could see drivers in the car, but presumed the passenger had gone into pay.
Eventually got a spot, by driving around again. It was just after 5pm, a busy time.
Then I realised, having pumped gas and paid, that the other drivers were sitting looking at their phones. Not waiting on anyone. Just. Sitting. Texting. Hadn't even pumped their gas.
Sometimes I understand Karens. I nearly turned into one. But I had my son with me, and I had just had a long talk about turning the other cheek. So damn, I couldn't ruin my Mom lecture.
Menfolk are on my crap list this morning. A whole year of planning a pollination cross of apple trees, getting one apple with good seeds, and then having the seeds labeled and in the fridge for cold stratification was a complete waste of time. I was going to start some this week and they are not on the fridge. Apparently someone cleaned them out. The menfolk who never clean anything tossed them in the trash when I wasn’t watching. It will be another whole year to cross my Wolf River with the King David apples. I may have had a full meltdown.
Did you label the seeds telling what they were and that they should be kept?
Yup. Giant sharpie message on the bag. And I showed it to everyone the day it went in the fridge. Pretty certain it was the husband. He has 10 mile wide ocd streak and tends to chuck stuff without checking first. You would think after 26 years of getting in trouble for this tendency that he would occasionally think 🤔 “maybe I should ask first?” Nope. Never crosses his mind.
All the fires in California could have easily been prevented if California government would create stricter gun control legislation.
Really, I think many people are getting a harsh awakening about what liberal government did to them. I don't know about guns, but I think there are changes coming to California. Too bad it takes such devastation to wake people up.
I could rant about my computer reprogramming plan that keeps getting pushed back. My house cleaning and organizing is one thing after another. I keep finding stuff to put away. Then I find something that reminds me of something else.... and I'm like where the H is that?? Then I find an item that goes with another item, and I'm like which box did I put that in and where is it?? Then I'm like why do I have 20 of these when I only need 10. lol
I don't think you are alone.
You would think after 26 years of getting in trouble for this tendency that he would occasionally think 🤔 “maybe I should ask first?” Nope. Never crosses his mind.
It's only going to get worse as you get older. Set yourself up for success, and get something like below to keep your valuables in the fridge. $13.99 spent now beats crying about things a year from now and resenting someone who was probably trying to do something he thought was good, albeit not to your wishes.


Dang, I am getting old. Shoveling snow just now, my fingers got so cold as to be almost useless. And it was only 10° outside. Not THAT cold. This temperature never used to bother me when I was younger. My body was fine today. Just those fingers. Brrr. I did have gloves on - I guess they weren't heavy enough. When I came back in I had to stand there with my hands under the kitchen faucet for 5 minutes. Under cold water (and it is indeed pretty cold coming out of the tap here in Colorado). After that they were still hurting, but ten minutes of holding them about two feet away from a space heater finally got them back to near normal.

We got about 5 inches of snow. It was dry and light. I was able to clear the cars using our Stihl leaf blower. It was too much for the leaf blower on the driveway and I had to shovel the old fashioned way. Hey, when it works, a leaf blower is tons faster and easier than a shovel! Wet and heavy snow need not apply though.
Tell the cops gramps is a sexual predator and he's stalking the kid, you'll never see him again!
Unfortunately, the cops know him and he gets special treatment. His late wife was the sister of the former chief-of-police which left him with get-out-of-jail-free cards. Not only did they not arrest or even ticket him for driving without a license with my friend's kid unseatbelted in his front seat and having an accident (in which the child injured her back), they didn't bust him for being under the influence of narcotics while driving, and when my friend changed phone numbers and refused to give him the new number he sent cops to my friend's door to harass him and order him to call the old man. Friend refused and told them to stop harassing him or there were going to be problems. Small town bs where certain people can get away with murder-- literally. The town jeweler's son murdered his gf and got away with it.

Magus, I hope your ankle heals quickly.

Magpie, I hate when people just sit there at the gas station while others are waiting. I try to get done with the pump as quickly as possible. Once I get back in my truck I'll pull out of the way and park somewhere if I want to mess with my phone or look at something. I won't sit there hogging the spot.

Meanwhile, state sales tax went back up and my local sales tax is now 11%. Ugh. It had been a little below 10% up in Alexandria but now it is over 10%.
The catscans I used to work on used a vacuum chamber held at about 60 degrees kelvin or -370 fahrenheit. The chamber at university of california san francisco was one of the first. It had glass view ports for camera’s to see in the chamber. Inside a view port was a house fly that got frozen when the chamber was first sealed. I’d seen the fly many times, just standing there looking out the glass tube.

I replaced that system with a new one and had the honor of removing the fly that had been frozen almost 8 years at minus 370f… The ‘Fly’ was legend in the company…

🤣🤣 True story... and no, he didn't wake up when he thawed out! 🤣
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My friend forgot he was supposed to come work on plumbing today but he was super busy unpacking and trying to fix plumbing issues at the new place. Whoever lived there before dumped a ton of grease down the drain. I did convince him to NOT use "liquid fire" or "draino" down his vent pipe. I got him to use a garden hose with the bladder attachment. But bladder attachment wouldn't go around the bends. He insisted he had to do it from the roof and while he was up there, water came out from a pipe in the ground and revealed a shutoff that had been hidden in the grass. He had a few choice words when he realized he got up on that roof without needing to. Tons of solidified grease came up but his drain is now cleared.

I think the shutoff for his water supply line for the fridge is shot though. I recommended replacing it. It's on copper lines so will be a pain.

I was told to pick my brother up "by 6am" and my brain wouldn't let me sleep so I was up all night. Left the house around 4:45am, made it to the sleep center at 5:50am (they had said between 5:30 and 6 was when people would be getting up). Doors were locked. I sat there waiting and saw lights come on around 6:10 and my brother appeared around 6:15. I could have left the house a little later and maybe gotten a nap in if my brain hadn't pulled the "can't sleep, have to get up early" crap.

My body absolutely hated me today and I could barely move. I was moving at snail pace and limping around most of the day. Mom got crabby with me because I couldn't jump up and do stuff. Oh, speaking of Mom, her dexcom sensor fell off so had to put a new one on a few days early. The sensor pulled away from its adhesive.

I'm still mad about the sales tax going up bc they are also adding more service taxes as well and they raised the income taxes last year. On paper they claim to have reduced them but they effectively increased them by eliminating the deduction for federal taxes from taxable income.
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