I felt sick most of the day. Was nauseous and fighting the urge to throw up. Pepto eventually kicked in, but I was curled up in a ball until 4pm and then went to go get the JB Weld to see if I could glue the pump casing back together. My friend's idea that I doubt will work. Had one idiot run through a stop sign when I had right of way and I had to slam on the brakes. Then I got stuck behind another idiot who decided to drive in the middle of the road (blocking me from getting around) while going 20mph. I eventually managed to get around him when the road widened in a spot.
Then Mom was angry at me because she didn't want it to be Friday and apparently I'm the villain for letting her know what day of the week it was. She argued with me and screamed at me. No idea why she was angry about it being Friday or angry at me in particular for letting her know. She was hungry but refused to tell me what she wanted bc she was screaming at me about "why is it Friday?" I had to ask my brother to find out what she wanted to eat so I could make it for her because she refused to communicate with me. She's never been mad at me over telling her what day of the week it was before so I don't know WTH that was about. Brother managed to slowly pull some words out of her to find out what she wanted and I made it for her. She did start communicating a little better after she found out I was cooking for her.
The reason Fridays matter to her is bc some ******** religious figure said that all Catholics should stop eating meat on every Friday and not just during lent. She doesn't go to church, doesn't practice any aspect of the religion, doesn't give up anything for Lent, doesn't celebrate any of the holidays anymore-- but the ONE thing she does to pretend she is still part of the religion is to refrain from eating meat on Fridays, making a big deal about it, and making my job harder.
Sometime in the middle of the night after 2am she woke me up saying she needed water to take her medicine. I'd just gotten into dream sleep. Haven't been able to get back to sleep since. But she appreciated the water.
Meanwhile. I paid expedited shipping for the new jet pump and they claimed it shipped yesterday but when I checked UPS they said the label was created and they haven't actually received it yet. I will be so mad if it doesn't arrive on time.
Meanwhile, my brother will not shut up about how much "this house sucks", "there's no space on the counters" (which are piled up with HIS stuff), the water not working sucks, etc. Yeah, I get not having running water sucks but its not like he ever washes dishes or cleans the toilets. And its not like I can make the new pump arrive faster or magically fix the broken one. Trash on the floor that he trips over? Not his fault even though he's the one who is supposed to take out trash and the trash he's tripping over is his own that he dropped on the floor instead of putting in the trash can-- but "this house sucks" is his excuse. No accountability whatsoever.