Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I've always liked that song Ha
I did a big oops. Took me almost an hour to clean it up. Must of had a hairline crack in an extra lg pyrex pan. Took out a ton of roasted tomatoes in olive oil from the oven, and it shattered everywhere. What a mess. Dinner will be late. Had to cool down the oven and clean up glass
A scratch may have been the culprit, too. I had a glass Pyrex with fish in it that did that. Never really did figure out why. I pamper my stuff with wood spoons, rubber spatulas, etc.
If you go for a new glass dish, look for Pyrex with a capital ‘P’. Don’t know if it’s true, but last year I read that Pyrex is made in US, and pyrex, small p, is made overseas, lesser quality.
Wow! (Wingnut's input needed on this)...New Mexico gov decided to enact a "health emergency executive order", because an 11 yr old was shot after a baseball game...so no firearms in the county where Albuquerque is for 30 days. Meaning no open carry or concealed carry. Currently, NM is an open carry state, but I lived there long enough to know that someone would call the police on you for feeling unsafe if you open carried. Have to keep your guns at home. Our old range we were members of just sent out a notice. I guess to shoot there this month, guns have to be brought in a lockbox and unlocked at the bench. The lovely gov said she'd re evaluate in a month. We lived less than 5 minutes from this county (Bernalillo), and that's where I'd go do my shopping, and I always conceal carried when I shopped. This crazy gov kept NM schools closed for over a year for covid. Also hair places, nail salons for a year. But of course, she wanted to buy fancy jewelry, so she made a special Santa Fe place open up just for her shopping pleasure.
Eye rolls.

In-laws: it’s hot in here! What do you keep your thermostat at?

Me: 72.

In-laws: It’s got to be hotter then that in here!

Me: it’s because of all the people in the house. I can crack a window…

In-laws: Don’t do that! That would cause a draft. Why don’t you just turn down the thermostat so the furnace doesn't run.

Me: Furnace will not run until the house gets cooler not warmer.

In-laws: Refuse to believe me and roll their eyes.

Wife: Just turn it down to make them happy.

Me: Nope.
OMG, that reminds me of an idiot coworker years ago. One winter I would get in the truck and see the AC was on. Well I would push the button and turn it off. This went on for weeks. One day he saw me and said why do you keep doing that? We was really irritated about it. I said that is AC it's for cooling. We went back and forth a bit. He said you mean to tell me if the AC button is on and I turn the temperature knob to hot it won't get warm in here. I said well let me ask you this when you go home do you turn your AC on and you're furnace to warm the place up?
My memory has been sucking lately. Went to the store today to pick up Mom's RX and get bread. I forgot to get the RX. Derp. At least I remembered the bread. I knew I was forgetting something when I was leaving but couldn't figure out what it was.

Also, my arthritis is acting up and I have some inflammation on fingers and toes from ingrown nails. More of an irritant than anything else.

I've also been bad about eating too many carbs and sugars and really need to cut back and work off the calories.
I make lists for myself, sometimes on my phone, sometimes on a pad of paper. I find that if I do not make a list I buy stuff that I had no thought about until I got to the store, and I don't necessarily need it, but think it would be a good thing to stock up on.
I make lists for myself, sometimes on my phone, sometimes on a pad of paper. I find that if I do not make a list I buy stuff that I had no thought about until I got to the store, and I don't necessarily need it, but think it would be a good thing to stock up on.
I am the list queen! Lists are very necessary, they make life easier!!
My memory sucks. You ought to see it when I start to prepare a large meal. I create "lists" all the time. With Alexa. Some will laugh - go ahead :)

"Alexa, set a reminder to start potatoes at 6:15". "Alexa, set a 'stir noodles' timer for 5 minutes". "Alexa, set a 'bread in oven' timer for 10 minutes". "Alexa, remind me to check roast at 6:45". "Alexa, cook french fries" (this triggers a routine to set the air fryer to 'air fry mode', temp at '375', and turn it on for '14 minutes'). I never remember at what temp and for how long to cook things, so I create routines that know the time and temp to set. I've got routines for green beans, fried shrimp, pork chops, and a bazillion other things. So I don't have to remember anything, other than what it was that I just put into the air fryer! I just have to say, "Alexa, cook <whatever>".
My memory sucks. You ought to see it when I start to prepare a large meal. I create "lists" all the time. With Alexa. Some will laugh - go ahead :)

"Alexa, set a reminder to start potatoes at 6:15". "Alexa, set a 'stir noodles' timer for 5 minutes". "Alexa, set a 'bread in oven' timer for 10 minutes". "Alexa, remind me to check roast at 6:45". "Alexa, cook french fries" (this triggers a routine to set the air fryer to 'air fry mode', temp at '375', and turn it on for '14 minutes'). I never remember at what temp and for how long to cook things, so I create routines that know the time and temp to set. I've got routines for green beans, fried shrimp, pork chops, and a bazillion other things. So I don't have to remember anything, other than what it was that I just put into the air fryer! I just have to say, "Alexa, cook <whatever>".
I think asking Alexa to help you is wise. I worked with a woman who had ADD, and she literally could not cook unless she set out all of her measured ingredients prior to starting. If she cooked like me, measuring ingredients and then adding them, she wouldn't remember what she had added or not.
she literally could not cook unless she set out all of her measured ingredients prior to starting.
I do that all the time.
If I don't you can be guaranteed I will leave out something or worse add something in twice.
I wish my wife would do that.
She made a beautiful blueberry pie but it had so much salt in it it was not edible.
She was adamant she didn't add that much salt but the proof was in the tasting and spitting out.

I make list for shopping otherwise I would have to make several trips to the store.
Lists for projects are a must.
Alexa is great for shopping list. I can just tell her what to add to the list and it shows up on my wife's phone.
Best thing is I can add to the list after she leaves for the store if I think of something I want.
I have two shopping lists on a note pad that don't change often. One for the big town, other the small town. Sometimes cfs is so bad that complex shopping is impossible... A bad week bites but i still need a few things in town.

These two lists are the basic items i need week to week, things i'd miss. So even on a bad week I still get the basic things i need to function. It saves me the energy of writing, checking shelves.

On a better week i'll plan a complex trip, keep the pantry stocked, fresh items, 4 or 5 stops in town... That list might be two pages long... Have to do what i can, when i can.
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It's a shame you're Taken, you should see my lists!
Am I the only man on earth who slaps a table of contents on moving and storage boxes?
When we were young and renting, I always had a table of contents on moving boxes. Always easy to find that "one" thing you are looking for without digging through a dozen boxes!!
Mine are always labeled "Misc"
Let us know how that works out after the move is complete and you can't find what you want!

When I first moved to Colorado from North Dakota, I had boxes that I didn't open for a few years. I first lived in a one bedroom basement apartment and had moved what I could fit in my car. We slept on the floor and had a card table and folding chairs. It was all okay, just meager living for a little while. Money was tight, so it took me a couple months to have my stuff moved down here. After it was moved, most of it was stored in a garage behind the building until another tenant decided to go through my stuff and stole some of it. Then I stacked it into my already small apartment. I moved to a duplex and then after living in Colorado for 4 years, bought my home, a HUD special ready for a quick sale to prevent my new lawyer neighbor from suing HUD over it being vacant for a few years. Once I moved into my home, I started opening boxes that had been packed for 4 years. Some of those boxes of stuff went immediately to the dumpster.
Mine are always labeled "Misc"

You need "Magic Home Inventory"

I don't know if there is a version of it for iPhones (I have Android).

It is basically a "containers of containers of containers" inventory app. Your HOUSE is a container. It contains ROOMS. Rooms may contain a CLOSET. A closet usually contains SHELVES. Shelves contain a mixture of BOXES and individual items. Boxes contain individual items - like scissors, binoculars, camera, etc. You can organize your containers as you wish. Name them what you want. Include pictures of them sitting in their location so you can identify them. Pictures of the insides to show their contents. Lists of contents. And the stuff is searchable.

I have a room in the house (OK, actually several of them!) that have several of those plastic totes with all kinds of stuff inside. The totes are different models and are stacked on each other. So I name an individual tote something like LrgBlkYel which means the large black tote with the yellow lid. Sometimes I may have three of these things stacked on each other. So I'll take a picture of the stack in the room and add a red arrow pointing to the one I'm inventorying. Then I list it's contents and take a picture of the inside. And the names end up being LrgBlkYel#1, etc. You could make a stick-on label that has this written on it and slap it on the box for even faster identification.

OK. For home use, I found this not as useful as I'd hoped, because things are often pulled out of their "container" and moved elsewhere never to be returned to their container. Oops. I'm just not strict enough on that the have the inventory be all that helpful for tracking items that I use a lot. And I don't need an inventory app for things that I use a lot. Well, scratch that. Yes, I do lose items all the time. But I'm not about to inventory every place I haphazardly set something down.

However, for our storage locker, where things pretty much stay in their boxes and don't get moved around much, this app is great. When you open the locker and see this massive sea of stacked boxes, it does help to do a search for the item you're looking for in the app - and end up with a picture of the locker/boxes with a red arrow pointing to the box your desired thing is in.

The app is not 100% intuitive and there is a learning curve. And you'll spend quite a while entering your inventory (photos are optional, but helpful for some things). I ended up with a hybrid of things inventoried. For example, you could have a box containing scissors, stapler, pens, pencils, etc. and put it into the program as containing one item - "office supplies". If needed, you can take a picture of the contents to show what those office supplies are if you prefer that over an individual item list. Or just skip the individual item list entirely and settle for "office supplies" being good enough.

Warning: To use an app like this, you kind of have to be a nerd, geek, obsessed, and driven. The faint of heart will probably give up around box #3. Kind of like people deciding they want to read the Bible, and trying it in canonical order: Genesis - cool! Exodus - this is awesome! Leviticus - Uhm, are there any Gilligan's Island reruns on TV I could maybe watch instead?

Things that you will need to investigate are exporting the data - you don't want it to be only on your phone that you just dropped in the lake. Personally, I would prefer an app that runs as a central server on a computer, and your phones and tablets act as clients that communicate with the server app. Everything is stored on the server. This app I am talking about here is not that. So in my mind, it is limited. But it may be good for some people, doing some things, which is why I mention it. I use this app, but only on occasion. I do not use it as much as I thought I would. Mostly, it's for storage locker stuff. And even then, most boxes are listed as containing only a few things that are classes of stuff rather than individual stuff. Like "hiking gear", "cook books", "sprinkler parts", things like that. It's much less intimidating to inventory stuff into classes/categories. That's good enough to find what you're looking for. You always end up with a few of those "Misc" boxes. That's where pictures of contents come in handy.
Lists... a big energy saver for me... I know the layout of the grocery stores. I write items on my shopping list by location, from the back of the store to the front by isle.

If i have to shop on a very bad energy day, a list means i'm not having to think where items are located. I save energy in the number of steps i take, no energy spent wandering around or retracing my steps.

I know, sounds silly, how much energy could that save? For normal people these things are silly. To a healthy person the things i do are a tiny percentage of the energy they have each day. For people with cfs just saving a few steps is everything! Living with cfs is all about conserving energy in every way possible.

I have dozens and dozens of energy saving techniques. You folks would laugh at many of them, would seem ridiculous. But all these things is the difference between me and most people who are bed ridden with cfs. I was pretty much bed ridden the first 5 years... until i learned to save tiny amounts of energy in every way possible. This means i have more energy for things i need to do. Most folks with cfs can't shop without help, they don't drive 100miles to play music, they certainly don't wander around the the brush looking for medicinal plants.
Here is a screenshot from the app I use for my grocery list, "Our Groceries". You can add things to the list from your computers, cellphones, tablets, and voice assistants (Alexa, Siri, Hey Google, etc.) You can invite and authorize others to use your lists. You can put the items into "categories". Then you can arrange these categories into a default order that you like when displaying the list - in my case I have arranged them into the order of the shopping aisles in my local store. The farthest left in my store corresponds to the top of the list, then as I progress through the store to the right the items in the list are in the order that I will encounter them.

This is a screenshot from my computer. The app on my smartphone looks almost identical. This is my "Groceries" list. I have other lists as well. Like "Costco" is it's own separate list. You can add pictures of items to the list - I have one example below - and those pictures expand to viewable size when you click on them. This is useful when you want to be specific about something, in my case below, I wanted a specific type/flavor of "coffee creamer". You could just name the item that - "French vanilla coffee creamer" instead, but sometimes pictures make things clearer if you're wanting someone to pick up a very specific item that they may not be familiar with.

Screenshot at 2023-09-10 11-24-54.png

Screenshot at 2023-09-10 11-36-37.png
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Lists... a big energy saver for me... I know the layout of the grocery stores. I write items on my shopping list by location, from the back of the store to the front by isle.

If i have to shop on a very bad energy day, a list means i'm not having to think where items are located. I save energy in the number of steps i take, no energy spent wandering around or retracing my steps.

I know, sounds silly, how much energy could that save? For normal people these things are silly. To a healthy person the things i do are a tiny percentage of the energy they have each day. For people with cfs just saving a few steps is everything! Living with cfs is all about conserving energy in every way possible.

I have dozens and dozens of energy saving techniques. You folks would laugh at many of them, would seem ridiculous. But all these things is the difference between me and most people who are bed ridden with cfs. I was pretty much bed ridden the first 5 years... until i learned to save tiny amounts of energy in every way possible. This means i have more energy for things i need to do. Most folks with cfs can't shop without help, they don't drive 100miles to play music, they certainly don't wander around the the brush looking for medicinal plants.
My grocery lists are always made in the order of the store layout!
Let us know how that works out after the move is complete and you can't find what you want!

When I first moved to Colorado from North Dakota, I had boxes that I didn't open for a few years. I first lived in a one bedroom basement apartment and had moved what I could fit in my car. We slept on the floor and had a card table and folding chairs. It was all okay, just meager living for a little while. Money was tight, so it took me a couple months to have my stuff moved down here. After it was moved, most of it was stored in a garage behind the building until another tenant decided to go through my stuff and stole some of it. Then I stacked it into my already small apartment. I moved to a duplex and then after living in Colorado for 4 years, bought my home, a HUD special ready for a quick sale to prevent my new lawyer neighbor from suing HUD over it being vacant for a few years. Once I moved into my home, I started opening boxes that had been packed for 4 years. Some of those boxes of stuff went immediately to the dumpster.
I can't find what I want now, I'm used to it :p
Me watching <not> the Saints game on channel 10 on DirectTV :mad::

DirectTV is currently at war with our local station not wanting to pay for content.
Makes me regret not working more on my OTA antenna since we changed out the LG TV in the livingroom that sukt, with a Samsung.
...And KLFY-10 should think twice about not having any of their ads seen down here during a Saints game.:mad:
When the Saints play, down here, everybody grinds to a halt so they don't miss it.
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