Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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No school for little granddaughter tomorrow, but I think the amish school is happening, so I'll be a driver in the morning. The grade school is calling it a Collaboration Day.
Been watching Youtubes this afternoon on how to use the new digital canner I have. Need to can some meat soon that's in the freezer because our half a cow will be arriving in the next week or so.
DId I miss which digital canner you got? I love mine.
Now on topic....People are messed up. If you want someone to help you get your meds, don't berate them, treat them like they are less than human and/or demand the world.

We had a patient call me f***ing crazy and stupid because I had a bad phone connection and asked her to confirm I heard her date of birth correctly. I hung up on her when she called me that. She called back and started to talk badly about me to one of my coworkers. She was hung up on again.

We had another patient throw her empty prescription bottle past the pharmacist and into our storage shelves. She wanted her blood pressure meds. I was shocked--I thought for sure it was going to be for a mood stabilizer. She needs to be on a Prozac the size of a handball.

People are behaving badly more often. It is very noticeable at our location because we've always had reasonable and pleasant customers.
Hey, Tommyice...I have the Presto Precise digital. Was watching Rosered youtubes on how to use it. Need to get some meat cleared out of at least one freezer, for the meat coming in. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday. I need to plan and start thawing stuff out.
Our daughter worked Walgreens pharmacy when she was in pharmacy school, and she had some grouchies, for sure. When she graduated, she decided not to work retail. She is an ER pharmacist in a hospital, so mostly deals with the nurses and doctors. It's a tough job working retail pharmacy. Especially in bad parts of town...I've heard stories.
Hey, Tommyice...I have the Presto Precise digital. Was watching Rosered youtubes on how to use it. Need to get some meat cleared out of at least one freezer, for the meat coming in. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday. I need to plan and start thawing stuff out.
Our daughter worked Walgreens pharmacy when she was in pharmacy school, and she had some grouchies, for sure. When she graduated, she decided not to work retail. She is an ER pharmacist in a hospital, so mostly deals with the nurses and doctors. It's a tough job working retail pharmacy. Especially in bad parts of town...I've heard stories.
That’s the canner I have. It’s fantastic.

I would say it’s only in the last six months that people have come off the rails. Prior to that most of our customers would run next-door and get us coffee at the donut shop. If we were really busy. now there seems to be a rash of selfishness. Only 235 weeks until retirement.
Tommyice, I've noticed that both my mother and brother get cranky when their bp gets high, but still no excuse for that behavior. I really don't get why anyone is rude to someone who is supposed to do something for them. Especially in food service. I don't think that people are any less rude nowadays than they were in the past, but I think with the internet we can hear about it more. People are able to share their stories. But still sorry you had to put up with that. I've actually told other customers to shut up when they were being rude to the employees.
The electric heat thermostat can't keep up with how cold it is, of course, and I have to turn it off once in a while because it will not stop running. It is blowing cool. I guess my electric bill will be a solid $300 at least, thank you, 11 degrees.
On the off chance it is a heat-pump, we had to switch ours to "backup heat" when it got very cold or it got far behind.
It had a switch that said "cool, off, Auto, and Em heat".
Unlikely yours is, but it is worth a look.
@Supervisor42 SuperV….!!!! Thank you for your advice. Working great now. But I don’t know where it’s pulling the heat from. 😵‍💫 Then I researched and found a heating company in one of the Dakotas that said turn it off. 🧐 I’m leaving the EM on!
Also, my other rant, I forgot to close the dishwasher door or didn’t realize it was open and me scrawny little shin slammed into it earlier as I went from sink to fridge. I iced it but I haven’t hurt myself that bad in a while.
@Supervisor42 SuperV….!!!! Thank you for your advice. Working great now. But I don’t know where it’s pulling the heat from. 😵‍💫 Then I researched and found a heating company in one of the Dakotas that said turn it off. 🧐 I’m leaving the EM on!
Also, my other rant, I forgot to close the dishwasher door or didn’t realize it was open and me scrawny little shin slammed into it earlier as I went from sink to fridge. I iced it but I haven’t hurt myself that bad in a while.
That's just the universe telling you emphatically to put your feet up and take it easy.
I have noticed people at work getting short, snippy and even a little rude. Especially now that the holidays are over. I almost think the credit card bills are coming in.
At work our computers have what I call pop up messages sort of like a text I suppose. I was emailing our timekeeper about some paperwork. She emailed the originator to clarify. He responded that I need to check my pop ups once in awhile. As it turns out I did miss one from an hour or 2 earlier. So I looked and that is the only message that I had ever received from him. I was pissed and called the keyboard warrior up because he is an hour away. Well he didn't answer. So I sent him an email. I was going to be aggressive but in the end I sent this " in the time I have been here I have only received and missed one pop up from you. Your reply seems unwarranted. Are you OK?". I gave him the opportunity to gracefully say he was just having a bad day or something. I got no response. So I have concluded he absolutely intended to pee on my leg. When I see him I will assure him he doesn't want to make a habit of being disrespectful to me.
After reading my post a pretty good follow up came to me, regardless of who is present.

"I want to thank you for a answering a question. I never understood why people don't respect you. Now I do". He will forever wonder who doesn't respect him and whether he is gaining or losing ground.
Cascadian, that sounds frustrating.

Patchouli, glad the heat is working again but sorry about your shin.

I haven't had any more blood but I'm still having cramps and am coughing up mucus and peeing myself.

Last night my oldest cat was feeling pretty bad-- he's been moving slow all weekend- but he wouldn't eat and he cried when I picked him up. Seemed sensitive toward the back end and belly. I could tell that he was in pain. He kept moving around trying to get comfortable and I could see the pain in his eyes. Unloaded the truck to make room for his carrier in 29°F. Got out 5 cases of water and some cat food and then loaded him up and took him to the vet. He's got a urinary tract blockage and his bladder is full. Poor baby. Had to leave him at the vet's office so they could sedate him and try to clear the blockage. I worry since he's an older cat. Supposed to be some crazy weather around 3pm. Waiting for the time they said to call so I can call to see how he's doing. I hope I can bring him home today.

Still feeling like absolute garbage though. I want this mucus and nausea to go away.
@Supervisor42 SuperV….!!!! Thank you for your advice. Working great now. But I don’t know where it’s pulling the heat from. 😵‍💫 Then I researched and found a heating company in one of the Dakotas that said turn it off. 🧐 I’m leaving the EM on!
I do.
...Have a couple shots of whiskey before you open your your next power bill. :oops:
We shouldn't live in misery. That is what money is for.:)
Hope your power bill won't be too high.

I'm hoping mine won't go off if we have storms. Vet closed early so I couldn't pick up Boo. They are keeping him overnight. But they did clear the blockage.

Had more bleeding but not feeling quite as bad. Mostly tired.
What's the worst thing that can happen when it is frigid cold out, a polar vortex? For me, my furnace stopped producing heat.

I turned on the oven, propped the door open a little, started my space heaters, and called an HVAC company. My furnace was new December, 2009, replacing a 60 year old Williams Furnace. So furnace just turned 14. I wonder if anytime they are called for something failing in a furnace if they try to sell you a furnace? They probably get a kickback. That was his first suggestion. $9,000. Could I have replaced the furnace? Yes, but why? He told me that the life of a furnace is around 20 years. I have seen other people complain about this. He was able to do repairs, but told me that even with these repairs, the furnace could fail in the next year or two. What? Why is there so much junk being sold now?

Repair was $1400. I am always glad that I learned from my grandparents to save money for a rainy day, or in this case, a frigid day. The guy was young and very polite and personable. I think he did a great job.

We talked about furnace filters. Mine always bend in the middle, push out, and make them hard to remove. He told me that he has seen furnace filters that were not changed for many years. That is hard on a furnace. I also had some 3M filters and he told me not to use them but to use the Ace Hardware filters I had. The 3 M filters are denser and harder on a furnace.

This also prompts me to work on getting a fireplace insert in. The fireplace is in a room where I need to purge and clean out. It is on the list of the things that I am working on everyday.
We talked about furnace filters. Mine always bend in the middle, push out, and make them hard to remove. He told me that he has seen furnace filters that were not changed for many years. That is hard on a furnace. I also had some 3M filters and he told me not to use them but to use the Ace Hardware filters I had. The 3 M filters are denser and harder on a furnace.
Every furnace and/or AC repair tech who has been to our house over the decades has recommended that we buy cheap filters and change them monthly. Your replace filter interval may be different than ours - this may depend on carpeting (and the dust that old worn out carpeting may create), pet hair, age of house, etc. - but if the old filter is bowing, you definitely waited too long.

When you buy expensive super-filters, those just clog very quickly and bow out in the middle. That is hard on your furnace. They are a waste of money and they do damage to your blower (slow, creeping damage usually - but if the filter gives way and lets loose because it is clogged - getting itself sucked into the fan blades - you may have immediate damage). Just use basic cheap filters and change them frequently. You wouldn't want to go through life sucking in all your air through a soda straw ... neither does your furnace or AC.

Me, I buy the cheapest filters I can find. These still have well known brand names on them. They just market them as low end filters. But they are better than their high end filters (just not as good for the manufacturers financial bottom line).
What's the worst thing that can happen when it is frigid cold out, a polar vortex? For me, my furnace stopped producing heat.
get a wood stove and put the pipe above the fireplace, that's the way ours is. We just covered up the big fireplace hole with plywood and metal sheet roofing that was laying around here
fireplaces are very inefficient and you probably get more smoke in the house
I can try to send a photo if you want
If you want a really good wood stove, I have a Pioneer Princess that cost $3000 7 years ago , it will outlive us and works great , and best, no sort of electric required either ( this one is in the kitchen, the livingroom has the one that was a fireplace)
my rant for today: I bought some extra undies during the covid thing , size large Haines cotton 6 in a bag. Walmart mostly sold plastic crap at the time ( not kidding, I don't want polyester undies) . So I just opened them last week, threw some old ones out and washed them. Tried to put one on last night after shower, and much to my surprise they were way way way too small! The package said "large" on the outside. So I look , and the actual size was XS ( extra small) . so I pulled all 6 out and got 3 large, 2 XS, and 1 medium!
I guess quality control totally went out the door during covid! Can't send them back either , way too late
@Weedygarden, I thought it was against the dog perk dukes to bring an in neutered or I spayed dog into the park.
My mother can't seem to make up her mind about what she likes to eat. Changes her mind multiple times per day. One moment says she doesn't want something, then says she wants it and is mad I didn't get it for her. Asks me to buy stuff and then is mad that I bought it bc "You know I hate that!" then when I don't buy stuff she asks me why and I said "You said you hated it!" and she argues with me about it. Today I struggled to find something that she was willing to eat. Had to ask multiple times bc she doesn't listen worth crap and will tune me out and not answer. When I tested her sugar before she ate it was low 70s. Afterward I checked again and it was mid 400s. Really need that CGM and talk to the specialist about how to make sure she takes the right amount of insulin. It's supposed to be with meals but she won't eat regularly. We both got up after noon today. I was exhausted again.

Oh, and I still have at least one kidney stone kicking around. I think it will pass soon, but it's annoying.
When my Mom was very ill, she’d be wanting something specific to eat but she couldn’t really verbalize what. Do, we’d be throwing out guesses. She’d say “no” to everything. She was on a soup craving. We asked her ‘soup?’ several times and she said no. We tried asking her ‘soip?’ one more time and in total exasperation she said yes, then glared at us. 😫
https://www.foxnews.com/media/parents-outraged-popular-netflix-show-toddlers-boy-dance-tutu-gay-dadsIncest AND gay pedophilia, all in one show? Come on you woke a** *******! 90% of America HATES THIS CRAP AND WE DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE YOU! What's next? bestiality? Seriously. go home and have a bleach and vodka martini and think about this in your next life! Better yet, wear a Trump hat to an ANTIFAgs rally!
What was the incest bit about? Brother and sister having sex? Or parent and child?
my rant for today: I bought some extra undies during the covid thing , size large Haines cotton 6 in a bag. Walmart mostly sold plastic crap at the time ( not kidding, I don't want polyester undies) . So I just opened them last week, threw some old ones out and washed them. Tried to put one on last night after shower, and much to my surprise they were way way way too small! The package said "large" on the outside. So I look , and the actual size was XS ( extra small) . so I pulled all 6 out and got 3 large, 2 XS, and 1 medium!
I guess quality control totally went out the door during covid! Can't send them back either , way too late
I bought some Haines T-Shirts at Walmart years ago. I figured Haines was a trusted name. But "Walmart Haines" is significantly different than "everybody else Haines". Those T-Shirts I got were as thin as Kleenix. And way undersized. After washing, they shrunk so much they could have been used for Barbie clothes. Walmart has been said to pressure their suppliers to make things cheaper and cheaper so they can sell them for lower prices. They have certainly succeeded in that quest. Walmart has degraded the quality of previously American made items so they are now on par with third world country offerings. I imagine they get by with this crap because most of their customers appear to come from third world countries, and this level of quality must be what they are used to. Walmart is to clothing as Harbor Freight is to tools.

So take good care of those three pairs of large size ones you received. After you wash them, they'll probably be XS.
Had to put "winter air" in the tires, Darn it's cold out there. I'll be able to feel my hands again soon, right now they just hurt :(

I use 2 furnace filters, the main intake is floor level on the living level. It gets a "trash filter", 4 for 6 bucks at walmart, I change it every month, or just beat the cat hair off of it. When I was growing up, it WAS THE air filter, and they were dirt cheap. There is a HEPA filter after that, it gets changed every 6 months. My goal is to keep the crap and hair out of my furnace and exchange coils.

Many cats, we do what we can.
get a wood stove and put the pipe above the fireplace, that's the way ours is. We just covered up the big fireplace hole with plywood and metal sheet roofing that was laying around here
fireplaces are very inefficient and you probably get more smoke in the house
I can try to send a photo if you want
If you want a really good wood stove, I have a Pioneer Princess that cost $3000 7 years ago , it will outlive us and works great , and best, no sort of electric required either ( this one is in the kitchen, the livingroom has the one that was a fireplace)
This has been my idea for a long time, to have a wood stove in the fireplace.
And in Colorado, the issue of when the government will allow you to burn it in a wood stove, without being fined. :(
The Princess is intent on getting a cook stove I am insisting that it can burn coal in addition to wood. Coal burns hotter. We have an exposed coal seam on The Ridge. The stinky coal mind you. It will smell like my grandmother house when the slate dumps were still burning.

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