Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Princess cornered some poor possum in a plastic cereal container in the kitchen. Knocked a bunch of stuff down (that dog can get on counters) and made a mess. Poor possum was terrified. Fortunately, it looks like she didn't break any skin, but the critter's rump was sore from her tearing fur out and biting at it. Hopefully it found a safe place to hide after I rescued it and liberated it from the container.
So, my landline has been out for about a month now. It was out in early January and then was fixed but it went out again within a few days. Been sick and thought maybe it was on our end. Friend was finally able to come out and see if he could do something about the lines. The jack had some black char marks on it so we swapped out to another jack. Used one of the extender things where we could put an RJ11 end on the wires instead of hard-wiring them in to a jack and plugged both ends to the extender to link up the phone. Friend confirmed the end is on tight, so the crimping tool I found worked. Still had the buzzing sound and no dial tone. Went out to the box outside and plugged in a phone out there. Only buzzing. So, all this time I've thought it was my equipment and the outage is on AT&T's side. They charge me about $90+ per month for this landline and their repair website is not working. I'm reaching out to them now but only getting canned responses. With all the rain it is likely one of the boxes down the road got water in it & needs to be fixed. That's what it's been the last 10x this has happened. They really need a better system so it doesn't go out because of flooding.

It's annoying not having a working landline.
I'm about to go off on the chat monkey. So, first they tell me they see that its a DSL service and they don't handle that. Uh, I can't get DSL. It's landline. and then they say that the same service that handles DSL handles landlines and they wanted to transfer me so that someone from another department could call me at the number on file-- which is my landline. I admit I used all caps to ask "What part of MY LANDLINE ISN'T WORKING is unclear?" Went on to tell me I could not receive calls because the line is out. Friggin' morons!!

Ok, then they said that the department that handles it can only handle things over the phone unless they communicate with the social media people as proxy so they can relay messages. Kind of a catch 22 if they can only handle things via phone when the phone isn't working.

To clarify-- my cell signal is so spotty that I usually have to go stand outside and hold the phone up to get signal. It is raining hard right now and I'm sick. I also can't hear well and my voice sounds horrible. Don't get good volume on the cellphone.
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I am partial to glider rockers.
At the sports show I went to there was a booth selling Amish made gliders made of Polywood.
I would have bought one except they wanted $800 for the single and $2100 for the double.
I spent several minutes sitting in one and it was comfortable.
We bought wooden gliders. Wish we had went with poly instead.
And yes cushions are advisable
We have a glider rocker in the house. Got it from the thrift store in our little town for $10. I have another one in the shed I got used, but it needs some wood glue in the joints and I haven't gotten to that yet. Our white rockers came from Lowes a long time ago, and are still holding up. They're on the porches. I'm fine without a cushion, but husband has to have a back and bottom cushion. It's a good day when I can get him out on the rocker to enjoy the sunshine!
Can someone please rant about rockers to get the thread back on topic! Maybe someone can get blisters from not using a cushion or something?!

Sure can, Pearl.

We bought two fancy carved rockers when we lived in Jakarta. Eventually, many years later, we un boxed them for the front deck.

The dang things are designed for people with short arms and legs.

They have a built in foot rest on the front rockers that put your knees into your stomach and make it impossibleto rock. The arm rests are too short and your hands and wrists hang over the ends.

Turns out, hubby never actually sat in one before he bought them. They just looked good.

They are totally unusable, but hey, the vulture carvings on the high backs are neat if you aren't too tall for the beaks to jab you in the back of the head.
Sure can, Pearl.

We bought two fancy carved rockers when we lived in Jakarta. Eventually, many years later, we un boxed them for the front deck.

The dang things are designed for people with short arms and legs.

They have a built in foot rest on the front rockers that put your knees into your stomach and make it impossibleto rock. The arm rests are too short and your hands and wrists hang over the ends.

Turns out, hubby never actually sat in one before he bought them. They just looked good.

They are totally unusable, but hey, the vulture carvings on the high backs are neat if you aren't too tall for the beaks to jab you in the back of the head.
We are officially back on track! 😉
I let my neighbor borrow my Fiskers pole saw and branch lopper on Saturday. Of course i said "no problem", but reminded him I was going to be trimming and shaping my lemon and orange trees on Tuesday. I text him on Sunday, reminding him how important it was to get my pole saw back. No response. Yesterday morning i text him again, no answer. I hand trimmed two trees, was furious that i allowed him to borrow anything he needs, but never returns anything. After all my trash cans were full last night, i text him one last time saying that it sure would have been nice to have my tool back, so he came over at 9PM, with a broken saw in his hand. He said he broke it, but ordered me a new one...that I could borrow!

Nope, never again will he borrow anything from me again.
I let my neighbor borrow my Fiskers pole saw and branch lopper on Saturday. Of course i said "no problem", but reminded him I was going to be trimming and shaping my lemon and orange trees on Tuesday. I text him on Sunday, reminding him how important it was to get my pole saw back. No response. Yesterday morning i text hom again, no answer. I hand trimmed two trees, was furious that i allowed him to borrow anything he needs, but never returns anything. After all my trash cans were full last night, i text him one last time saying that it sure would have been nice to have my tool back, so he came over at 9PM, with a broken saw in his hand. He said he broke it, but ordered me a new one...that I could borrow!

Nope, never again will he borrow anything from me again.
There is a thing, imho, that if you borrow something, you return it in the same condition or better. I have returned things in better condition more than once, but it seems that it is not common.

I'd be putting the new trimmer in with my tools and let him come ask about it.

"Hey, can I break something of yours?"

I've been wanting something to trim trees with. I think I'll get myself one of those. I'm going to look at HD first.
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