The Ladies

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Chapter 5.5 Only Lunch.

What came first?

So yesterday I sent flowers, a colorful bouquet in a blue mason jar. This prompted a lot of text messages and a lunch invite. It was pretty obvious that this was not an official date-date but an “I want to see more of you” lunch date. The Lady picked the place and thankfully we live in a world of GPS. Have you ever heard of an egg restaurant? Not a chicken place, an egg place. They are only open for breakfast and lunch, which makes sense. I arrived and found a place to park. She already had a table and was waiting for me. I had never eaten at an egg themed eatery before nor had a kissed a woman inside of an egg themed eatery. Now I have done both.

I joined her at the table and she gushed over the flowers, joking that I must really want to get to that 3rd date. And I do, but I assured her the flowers were sent only because I was thinking about her and hoped she was thinking about me. She assured me that she was “You are on my mind a lot, but yes even more so after the flowers arrived.” She also told me that the bouquet made an impression on her daughter who asked “Wow, how serious is this thing?” I took that opportunity to ask the same question “Well, how serious is it?” She looked me right in the eyes and grinned, but just a little. “Well, I told her that it has been a lot of fun, but it is also quite promising.” The daughter responded with “I don’t want a step-dad.” and got a “No worries” in return. The words step-dad felt like a hot knife piercing into my brain.

The lady ordered a cob salad with, of course, a “cage-free” hardboiled egg. I ordered a cheeseburger with grilled onions & red peppers, thin sliced ham, cheese, and one “cage-free” egg. This was also my first time having an egg on a burger. It wasn’t bad. I would have been very upset had if it had ever been in a cage. It’s not easy to eat in a busy place and hold a conversation but we managed. We talked about things like work, the weather, her daughter and tomorrow night’s dinner date. She commented again that she is curious about my living arrangements and was starting to wonder if I was living out of a tent or something. I told her “if a tarp and some paracord count as a tent” then she was spot on. I then complained about my roommate ‘Rayland’ a raccoon who never paid his half of the internet bill. To dissuade any worries, I confessed that my living space was not very inviting but the total occupancy was one. She accepted that and admitted she has never invited me inside her apartment either, which had an occupancy of two but her roommate never pays any of the bills. She let me pay for the meal and we walked out together, neither of us seemed to be a in a hurry.

Outside I walked her to her car, which is really nice by the way, and stood there with her for a few minutes getting my soft kisses while holding both of her hands. She had to go and thus our lunch date came to a close without any backseat romance.
Alright, here's the low down!! Y'all pay attention, especially Marsh!! So Marsh, always make sure y'all are on the same page... with each new chapter comes different pages!! THIS IS THE ONE!! This is the one that will make Marsh change his ways (in a good way)! Open and honest if things are not going in the right direction for you!! She IS on Marshe's mind, different, strange! Marsh, you must really be a nice guy!! You are a fairly good looking guy who has gotten away with on the go sex! Your life may be changing....this gal is not where you are sexually! But you have met an incredible woman, so figure out the rest!! I think this gal will throw you for a loop, but in a good way!! A different way!! And that is Pearl's take on it.... updates constantly needed!!😉😃

I am being as clear and transparent as I possibly can! Sans letting her come to my place of course. She utterly demands openness and honesty and tells me things I think the vast majority of humans would just keep in their head. Things I don't think men are supposed to hear. Do you ladies have a rule book or something? How I do a report a violation?

All I know is that my sex life up to this point has been easy. Really easy. I drop a line or two, tell a funny story, flash a smile and figure out where my boxer-briefs ended up. This lady is playing chess at a master class level why I try and figure out how to stack up my checkers. I am somehow still in the game but she's moving me around the board. Not sure what to think of it, so I'm not. Just waiting to lose my boxer-briefs.
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I don't have a picture of her actual car, which would make me seem like a creep or a stalker, but I did a quick search and found this one which is the same year, make, model and color. I have a sneaking suspicion that it cost more than my car did. The inside looks like the the cockpit of a 3rd gen fighter, only nicer.

what is HER horoscope?

I have a feeling THIS one is going to end bad for you and not the lady....hmmmmm

Don't like that!

She just responded to my text: Sagittarius. She thinks I am trying to figure out her birthday. Little does she know I already have it. My employer has resources.

I am looking forward to your analysis. 💫✨
Outside I walked her to her car, which is really nice by the way, and stood there with her for a few minutes getting my soft kisses while holding both of her hands. She had to go and thus our lunch date came to a close without any backseat romance.

it sounds like the only thing YOU are interested in , in a realationship you are not getting!
well , good luck! Keep us updated , waiting for the other shoe to drop with this one LOL
Don't like that!

She just responded to my text: Sagittarius. She thinks I am trying to figure out her birthday. Little does she know I already have it. My employer has resources.

I am looking forward to your analysis. 💫✨
I think that might be a good match for you after all, I was afraid she was another leo ( 2 leos are either a perfect match or deadly)
be careful, you might fall in love with this one !
Then what?
coulda been going to shooting range and hikes and eating street tacos with the border you spending big money for a boiled egg at a place....!

shameful i tell ya...shameful !

And having sex, lots and lots of meaningless but wonderful sex.

But meaningless only to me. One of those shooting range trips would have probably ended up with a friendly fire ordeal that her friends from the sheriff's office would rule as a tragic accident. She would have collected a pay day as my body went into an oven.

Lunch was under $40 with tip. That egg place was only slightly fancier than Chic-Fil-A.
that's the other side of life, hers. Do you think she'll enjoy your side of life? Sounds to me like she wants to be taken home, to your tent. 🤭

Hard to say, we have really only been in her world or doing things I think she would enjoy. The things I enjoy don't involve pants, although she has agreed to go shooting and I normally wear pants at the range. Sometimes you have to train how you fight, and I do have a shower gun.
Forgot to pass on a story.

Last night I was talking with the Lady on the phone, something that seems to be happening a lot. She sent me the link to a "hilarious YouTube video" via text and told me to watch it. Yep, she opened that can of worms. I was a couple minutes in to my verbal presentation on the woes of supporting far left wing social media sites that censor the 2nd Amendment when she said "That was very insightful, now watch the video". I told her I don't watch YT videos as every click was putting money into the pockets of... "I am glad you are making a stand, you should watch the video and then both of us will boycott those bastards for the rest of the night!". I kept objecting and she continued to counter me adding "What if some left wing gun hater is sitting at their place right now clicking on 10 anti-gun videos for every pro-gun video you don't click on? Then they are winning." I really ******* hate that she started making sense. I also really liked that she was somehow able to at least partially persuade me to watch her video using rational discussion points. In the end she agreed to make a $10 donation to the Firearms Policy Coalition and I agreed to watch the video and the next 9 videos she sent me. That video was not near as funny as she thought it was. I did not tell her that.
Chapter 6. Just dinner.

Regular people

Tonight’s event was not planned out. Not like our official dates were anyway. It was more of a ‘we should grab dinner and maybe go for a walk’ sort of things. Which I was happy for, makes for a more genuine experience and another opportunity for spontaneity to take over. Plus who knows, maybe walking is code for something else. It wasn’t. She suggested the supper club where we met and I whole heartedly agreed. She called and reported back that they took her reservation. We decided to just meet there.

When I arrived she was already parked and inside. I walked in, she stood up and said “Why hello good looking stranger, I am sorry but they are out of tables. Perhaps you would be interested in sharing mine?” I laughed and agreed, saying that I am always willing to dine with a beautiful woman. We went to the same table we shared before, something she probably made happen before I arrived. We ordered the kind of food that regular people eat, visited and enjoyed each other’s company. It was low key and it was nice. I felt no pressure and she didn’t seem to either. That was until she said “When I am going to get to see where you live?” I did not say it but I immediately thought ‘oh you mean the semi-finished warehouse office that has a futon and a lawn chair in the makeshift living room?’ What I did say was “It’s not really all that inviting, but perhaps someday.” She just responded by saying “if it is yours, then it is you and I am sure it’s at the very least fascinating.” My brain wanted me to invite her there immediately at the end of this meal, but then it warned me about what happened last time I did that. Plus for the life of me in that moment I could not remember if I had made the bed. I had.

After the plates were cleared and we talked some more she waived toward the waitress. But instead of showing up with the check, our server showed up with a single piece of cake with a flickering candle in it. Before I even spoke she said “I know it’s probably not your birthday today, but I know its close”. And she was right, she was very close. It seems our chat about ages revealed more than I thought it did. I commented that I could not even remember the last time I celebrated a birthday; she replied “That was then, this is now, get on board” and laughed. She sang me the apparently mandatory public domain song and told me to blow out the candle. I did and she just said “Don’t tell me what you wished for” and handed me a small wrapped box. Inside was a nicely framed beautiful photo of her with a big smile on her face. She said her daughter took it when she got home from our first date. It was “the biggest smile her daughter had seen in a long time” so she grabbed her iPhone and captured the moment. Before I finished thanking her she pulled out a second gift, this time in a gift bag. It was South African Biltong, a gift based on me joking about bringing a pocket full of beef jerky to the fancy restaurant just in case. I think I made that joke somewhere in this thread too. I thanked her again and gave her a hug and a kiss. She then picked up her fork, I picked up mine and we shared a piece of very rich and chocolaty cake.

I will admit that while birthday’s mean little to me, there was something especially sweet about how much care and concern she put into wanting to make sure it was celebrated. That I was celebrated and the additional year of my life was recognized. I don’t know, it made something happen inside my head.

When the check arrived for real, I told her that if memory serves it would be my turn to pay. It was her table after all. She wasn’t having it, not on the day we were celebrating my birth. She said I could pay the next two times we come here since this was now officially “our place”. I conceded and she paid. I am glad we are not really keeping score because I am losing by a wide margin. I might have to pay the next 10 times. I might have to start taking more jobs to replenish the bank account.

We walked out to the parking lot and talked about going on a stroll, but somehow we just ended up standing by her car, talking, kissing, holding hands, holding each other, etc. After a while she said she really had to go and hoped I like the gifts. I told her they were amazing and thanked her again. She confirmed that we were on for Saturday, kissed me again and drove away. I walked to my car with a smile on my face.

I put the picture on my night stand. Then I moved it into the gun room. Then I moved it to the kitchen counter. I obviously need more pictures. As I ponder it last night was really nice of her and thoroughly unexpected. I honestly lost track of the date and forgot how close it was to my birthday. She knows the actual date now. She was happy to have surprised me a bit early instead of a bit late.
Happy Birthday!! I think you are safe to show her where you live!! I really don't think she wants to live with you!!

Thank you.

I agree about the her not wanting to live with me part. It would be a big step down in comfort and quality.

So now on to issue #371. Got a text message this morning from an unknown number that turned out to be the daughter of the Lady. She wants to meet and have a convo. She wanted to meet today, but I got caught up in trying not to murder a property developer by mistake and burying his body somewhere. I did however agree to meet for coffee tomorrow mid-morning. Yet another new and weird experience among many. I think she is 19ish. What could she want from me? I feel like maybe I should call the Lady and ask her what's up. Then again she may be surprising her mom with something and I would end up screwing her plans.

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