The Ladies

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Found another extended stay place with a pool, a patio and 2 grills for $1,500 a month.





my input on this is to have "the lady meet the widow, and get her take on the situation. just cause one widow is bad, doesn't make them all bad
An as to the moving in this soon, that will create a lot of stress, and no space of your own. Also bear in mind you are the first relationship after a cheating caused divorce, she is still emotionally raw, even if you don't see it.
I talked to the lady again. After several minutes of deep conversation she asked me if perhaps, possibly, just maybe, upon reflection if... 9/11 has my PTSD irritated and exposed. She was much gentler than that, but it made it easier and quicker to explain what she said. Also she was right. This is not a good week to make any decisions about my life. She suggested canceling date night and just coming out to the compound for some Netflix and chill, but I told her we are going out to have as much fun as we can for those who can't, but I will need a designated driver or ride share service. I had to talk her out of driving out here the second she got off the phone, assuring her I would be fine and that I will be in the city before she got off work ready to go to the social club. The girl is coming too.
my input on this is to have "the lady meet the widow, and get her take on the situation. just cause one widow is bad, doesn't make them all bad
An as to the moving in this soon, that will create a lot of stress, and no space of your own. Also bear in mind you are the first relationship after a cheating caused divorce, she is still emotionally raw, even if you don't see it.
I agree, BUT ... everything in writing would make the widow situation better than! She's still young!!😉
Sure not my call to make. But the widow lady's place seems a like a decent compromise for now. Get your lady friend to meet her, look things around, go thru the lease arrangement.
For me, the extended stay place would be a no go, unless it was a short term work place, maybe a month at most. No privacy, no storage, no parking.
So the lady lived in a nice big house until things went to **** in her marriage. Not wanting to spend another minute there she took over a friend's lease and became an apartment dweller. The next almost 3 years were about getting divorced, establishing her business, getting her kid into college and getting her life semi-settled. All along her plan was to lease for one more year and then buy a house. Just after signing her last lease extension she met this incredible guy, and according to her daughter, fell in love. Now she wants to live with the guy, but her place is a bit too small for 3 people and they both feel it's too soon anyway. Maybe he feels that way more than she does. Anyway, after a ridiculously long phone conversation last night she made it clear she still intends to buy a house after the new year, hoping Trump wins and the market stabilizes, and intends to move in next summer. She also wants me to live there with her and her child. If our relationship continues at the same course and speed, or even the same course and reduced speed, she wants to buy a house "with me" but only if I am interested. And thus we would all live together in OUR house. This would mean I would, in theory, need a place to live for the next 4-6 months and then could, still in theory, move into the empty house.

And along comes this gem! Which again the lady found. It's an AirBNB in the basement of a house but they are not renting it out very often and are apparently willing to make it a short term rental apartment instead.
The place has a private entrance at the bottom of a cement staircase on the right side of a nice but smallish house. It includes a parking pad that would allow for 2 cars on the apartment side of the driveway, right at the top of those stairs. The place is not large, I believe it's around 400 sq ft with the bathroom. There is a bed & dresser on one end, a little kitchen on the other and a make-shift living room in the middle. As well as a small bathroom of course. That's it, as simple of a living space as you can get with indoor plumbing and internet. She told me rent would be $1000 per month with a $1,500 deposit. No pets, no parties, no grills, no candles, no smoking. And they would want me out before Memorial Day 2025. I am going to go check it out before date night.

I also have a storage unit now. More on that here shortly.




That looks like a great short term rental!! Cute place, nice time frame, decent price! Gives the relationship time to grow more. No grill will be tough, but you can grill at the apartment. Of course winter is coming, cook inside, no big deal! You can go hog wild with an outdoor kitchen at the new house!!😉 I've got a good feeling about this one!!
That looks like a great short term rental!! Cute place, nice time frame, decent price! Gives the relationship time to grow more. No grill will be tough, but you can grill at the apartment. Of course winter is coming, cook inside, no big deal! You can go hog wild with an outdoor kitchen at the new house!!😉 I've got a good feeling about this one!!

I agree.

And now she is so excited about house shopping that waiting until 2025 may drive her mad. She wants to start talking budgets this weekend, so it seems I will get to see her actual net worth first hand. The developer money came in too but she already knows that number.

So remember the guy I jokingly referred to as the King of Preppers? He is the one I got the gun safes from that bought my gun-room shipping container and my storage container. Anyway he owns a shared storage facility, a nice name for a row of insulted temp-controlled metal buildings with a lot of security. Those buildings are filled with high end cars, motorcycles, boats and other valuables who's owners do not trust a padlock and a video camera to keep safe. Two of the buildings are for his personal storage behind which he has a long row of shipping containers sitting on concrete. The entire place is lit up like daytime, is surrounded by a hard fence, has video surveillance everywhere and is patrolled 24/7 by armed security officers. We talked for a while and he offered me a 12x18 space inside one of his buildings plus the use of my former shipping container on his property for a reduced rate. He said he was even willing to bolt down the gun safes inside the big building and give me limited access to the video cameras that cover the interior space and the container.
says the girl who feels men need managed

I know you were referring to Pearl, but I don't need to be managed. I do however appreciate that she has inherent skills and abilities that I do not seem to possess, which have proven to be very helpful and balancing. And I think the same is true in return. So if what she's doing is managing me, then I am okay with it. Plus the secondary benefits are pretty awesome. ;)

In that same spirit I purchased a gift for her that I intend to give her on Saturday. It's a 10K white gold pendant with real white and black sapphires and a white gold chain. It was no more expensive than a good fully-equipped AR-15. And for the record, I found it but the daughter convinced me that her mom would love it. I hope she does. I feel like I am way behind in the romantic gift department.

Chapter 912: Part 1

Another Wednesday afternoon date night that kicked off at the apartment swimming pool, only this time with me, the lady and her daughter. They are both like fish in the water, moving with speed and purpose. Seems yoga is not the only exercise these two do together. I am aquatically more like a seal who just kind of rolls around and splashes. I can swim but I am more the slow and steady type, not the like these two who just shot back and forth from one end to the other like a gold medal was at stake. Long before they were out of the water and stretching I was seated in a lounge chair soaking up a little sun and enjoying a cold beverage. After some time I jumped back into the water before all of us went to our gender designated changing rooms to dry off and switch out of our wet swimsuits. After a quick stop at the apartment for hair and makeup, oops did I say quick? After a stop at the apartment for hair and makeup work we all set off for the restaurant.

The dining establishment was less of a restaurant and more of a social club, which was established in their name. Not too far from the apartment complex the social club offered numerous food option but ultra-creative libations were their specialty. The place was surprisingly large and had a creative retro-industrial feel. It featured several lanes of bowling, sectioned off areas with ping pong tables and a hand driven shuffleboard table, fun lounge areas with wing back leather bound chairs and sofas, Jenga-like stackable pieces of wood and other board games and activities. The place was a large maze of food, drink, activities and comfort. We started off in the dining area where we ordered some zero proof beverages and perused the menu. I suggested the family size chicken and waffles platter but they both gave me the exact same look and declined. The younger one is just a clone of the older one; even the way they eat is nearly identical. I ended up with chicken and waffles for one, while they both ordered the shrimp tacos. Same meal, not surprising, they ordered the same non-alcoholic beverage too.

We talked a lot about college, the courses she was taking this semester, and some gossip about her classmates. We also talked about the dental office, my current and future living situation and the work I have been doing for the firm. I regaled them with a semi-fictionalize retelling of one such assignment, protecting the names and locations of the involved parties to live up to my non-disclosure agreement. They both seemed to enjoy hearing about my work and wanted more. I obliged and was about half way through a second chapter of a day in the life of legal dirty work when our food arrived. I managed to finish the tale as I moved chicken from my plate to my stomach. The food was enjoyable and went down quickly. The lady told me she had spent a lot of time online scouring for perfect living arrangements for me so I could depart from the compound and reestablish closer. Seems the daughter had also been looking but was perhaps not on the same page as mom when it came to this topic. She also did not seem to have any care of concern for my budget. That might come from living in a $4,500+ a month luxury apartment. Eventually the dirty plates were cleared and the daughter set off in her vehicle to hang with her friends and “get in trouble”. The lady and I stayed and would use a ride share or transportation app to get back. Neither of us would be in any condition to drive.

She talked me into a game of bowling, a sport I don’t really understand or care for. I was not bad at it I just didn’t really like it, I did however like spending time with this lady and doing things she liked to do. We ended up with similar scores and decided to move on to the shuffle board table. They should just call this elevated mini-bowling with flat rolling balls and confusing rules. Needless to say she used her experience at the game to defeat me handily. We both agreed ping pong was not going to happen so we collected some specialty cocktails and settled into some black leather chairs and a game of ‘don’t let the wood tower collapse and knock your drink off the table’. I was not joking when I said the place featured ultra-creative libations. Drinks named Spicy Marge, Paper Plane, Slow Down Honey, and Not a Golfer were among the many options. The lady is braver than I when it comes to trying something new, but everything I consumed was quite good and quickly got me buzzing.

Another couple that neither of us knew asked if they could join us as the place was filling up and available seating was becoming hard to find. The lady of course agreed with a welcoming smile as I was about to tell them to pound sand and beat feet. The couple was perhaps a decade plus a year or two younger and had specialty cocktails in their hands too. The man introduced himself and reached out to shake my hand, I lied about my name with a disingenuous Midwestern accent as I shook his in return. This started a fun game of ‘we are not who we claim to be’, the preferred game of Democrats everywhere and now the lady and me too. Turns out I am only slightly better at deception than she is, she held her own. We were married and just visiting the area to attend an animal husbandry conference, which makes sense as I am apparently in the business of bull and sire semen. I don’t know how this stuff pops in to my head, but it does. The lady was a stay home mother of 3, proudly helping tend to our ranch in North Dakota and leading the PTA and church women’s retreat. She was only drinking the “devil’s nectar” because “when in Rome”. Before long our personas were locked in and we made sure this younger couple had a fun story to tell their friends. I think they particularly enjoyed my story about how I was working at her dad’s ranch when he offered me her hand and 50 head of cattle, but I had to wait until she was 17. “Longest year of my life, but we’ve been making babies ever since; human and bovine!” A little later the lady offered a tale about how sweet it is to make love on a sleeping bag in the back of a pickup truck in the North forty under the moon and stars “makes you teeth tingle if you do it right!” Her whit and the alcohol almost got me to break character after that but I recovered and added that we “made a deal upon our matrimony that every time those teeth tingled she would put a $1 in a jar” and “those combined funds totaled her budget for my birthday gift each year”. It was a "good reminder to make sure I earned myself a nice present with each rotation around the sun!" The lady punched me in the arm and laughingly chastised me for “putting all our business out there” and threatened to tell the story about “what happened in Fargo that one time” if I did not tighten my lips. I feigned embarrassment and promised to tone it down.

The cocktails worked their magic and eventually the time for a Lyft home had arrived. We said our goodbyes, or perhaps our alter-egos said their goodbyes, and we climbed into a stranger’s car for the ride back to the apartment. The lady could not stop laughing at the fun we had, especially the pretend part. I am sure alcohol was a factor there too. She told the Lyft driver that I was not only the best lover she ever had; I was the funniest man she had ever been with. There was also something about having my babies if I reversed the snip. I wasn’t sure if the lady was talking or if she was channeling Miss North Dakota. Either way I made sure to leave our driver a tip commensurate with our volume, laughter and inappropriateness in his SUV. I am sure he was just happy no one threw up. We made it out of the car and up to her sleeping quarters where nothing simulated or made up happened. Messing with some strangers was not going to be the highlight of the night after all, intoxicated or otherwise. I was just a happy that our self-imposed drought was over and teeth were tingling once again. I hope she put a couple dollars in that jar the next day. I recently had a birthday and wanted to really get the ball rolling for next year.
Part 2:

After failing to get on the road on time yesterday combined with city traffic being less than generous, my tour of the small basement Airbnb turned apartment was rescheduled for this morning. I arrived in the older middle-class neighborhood expecting for some reason to meet up with baby boomers, but instead I was greeted by a woman in her mid-20’s holding a small child. It seems their basement conversion, along with a part time work from home job, was a way for her to become a stay home mother after the birth of their only child. The house itself was small but nice, and looked like it had been updated in the last few years. The basement was divided into two sides with one becoming a studio apartment they rented out on the Airbnb app for $100 a night. The declining economy had slowed their current business model, so they decided to turn one unit into a monthly rental until next spring to help ensure a steady income.

The driveway in front of the house was 2 lanes wide, with a one lane ending at a garage door and the outer lane serving as a long parking pad. The pad led to a short sidewalk which becomes a concrete staircase that went down to the exterior entrance of the apartment. I could see ample lighting on the front of the house, to include a 3 lamp LED motion light that covered the pad, the stairs and the door. The exterior door itself was solid with good locks, reinforced hinges and strike plate. There was not much to see in this small studio apartment. A basic kitchen with small table, a basic living space with a television & Wi-Fi router, and a bed & dresser filled up the room. The only door in the place, other than the entrance, led to a bathroom that also contained a compact stacked washer and dryer behind a sliding curtain. The apartment was nicely decorated, and the furniture was comfortable. The bed looked larger than a full but smaller than a queen and was just a metal frame with a 12” memory foam mattress. The owner said the internet was fast, the TV was smart, bedding and towels were provided, and that the unit had climate controls so I could keep it warm or cold based on my preferences. She was also abundantly clear on the rules: no parties, no loud music, no musical instruments, no smoking, no drugs, no candles, no grills, and it was a single occupancy only place - so no roommates or extended guests.

I was prepared to answer questions and be interviewed, but the owner said she already spoke with the lady and had everything she needed. Seems they had a nice long, pleasant chat. She held up a piece of paper and verified my name, date of birth, current address, phone, email, etc. for an Avail background check, the results of which she expected to have quickly. We agreed that if I received a thumbs up, I would take possession on the 27th and pay a little extra for the prorated September days. The deposit and rental payments would be made via Venmo, Zelle or Cash App. It seems 20-somethings do not like cash or checks. And now I wait, once again.

Then it was off to the storage facility, which had more security than the congress did on January 6th. Not a lot of detail to report other than it is very secure, very well lit, and the space he assigned me is better than how he described it on the phone.
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That container looks pristine!! Is that climate control as well?
As for that "couple from North Dakota," it reminds me of that movie Wedding Crashers.
Jeremy: So what's next?
Gloria: I'm starving.
Jeremy: Uchimora wedding, 3 PM.
John: Hey, hey.
Jeremy: I'm just throwing it out there. I'm just saying, just--
John: (to Claire) They would have great tempura.
Jeremy: We don't even have a back story. I'm just--
John: Forget it, forget it.
Jeremy: Just talking out loud.
Claire: We're a folk singing group from Salt Lake City!
Gloria: Yeah!
Jeremy: Yes, we are.
That container looks pristine!! Is that climate control as well?
As for that "couple from North Dakota," it reminds me of that movie Wedding Crashers.

That's the storage garage and yes it is climate controlled and has multiple outlets with back up power. He decided to give me an actual stall versus a space. I can install my own cameras or he can install some for me. I can also install my own security system or he can installed a monitored system. I actually had to show my ID, park my vehicle outside the gate and be driven in to the facility by an armed guard. Didn't hurt my feelings any. There was a guard in the gate shack and at least two more on UTV's. I stopped counting external cameras and lights because they were everywhere. That space is $500 a month with no cameras, security system or insurance, but he is only charging me $250 plus electricity which should not be much. I am shopping for insurance now to see if he's cheaper or not.

Yeah, we really gave those people a fun night. I am sure they will be talking about it for a long time. I was hoping to replicate that SNL skit about Colonel Lingus heading down south to valley of Shady Thicket, but the lady was starting to lose it and I knew it was time to go. She is a fun drunk, which made me happy. I have seen her tipsy before but last night we both went beyond tipsy. This morning wasn't near as bad as it could have been, but was not amazing either. She seemed completely unphased and was off to work at her normal time.
Well ****. The couple texted me this morning that I didn't pass the background check, but I didn't exactly fail either. I received a "caution" rating or something like that so they want/need more info to make a decision. I have no idea what criteria they use but it seems not listing the firm as my employer may have been a mistake. Made me look unemployed I guess. I will have to call my contact at the firm and ask what I can and can't do in that regard. Or I could offer to just pay them the deposit and 6-8 months rent up front. Sometimes money talks louder than words.

In other news, it seems some boy from the college has taken a liking to the daughter and her "thanks but no thanks" didn't seem to dissuade him. Mom is not a worrier but is concerned. Sounds mostly benign at this point but if he starts to get stalkerish I may have to go to work.
Well the grumpy woman said "we would prefer to not establish a paper trail of our association outside of the firm's documentation". She did however suggest that I provide the couple her phone number as part of my legal team and she would confirm that I have the financial resources necessary to be considered a very low risk candidate. She also noted that the firm has a number of a residential units they maintain for various purposes then chastised me for not keeping her fully apprised of my life's happenings. Seems everywhere I turn some lady is keeping me on a specific path.

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