The Ladies

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Yeah, I don't know. It was weird. The whole thing felt uncomfortable. I think the lady is still in shock and was really quiet on the car ride home. The only thing she said was her father has never been okay with any male in her life, ever, especially her ex-husband. Once we got back she went for a swim. I offered to go with and she said no thanks, that she wanted to go alone. That was like 90 minutes ago and she is still not back.
Yeah, I don't know. It was weird. The whole thing felt uncomfortable. I think the lady is still in shock and was really quiet on the car ride home. The only thing she said was her father has never been okay with any male in her life, ever, especially her ex-husband. Once we got back she went for a swim. I offered to go with and she said no thanks, that she wanted to go alone. That was like 90 minutes ago and she is still not back.
Its the shock of getting approval from hard nosed father !
Yeah, I don't know. It was weird. The whole thing felt uncomfortable. I think the lady is still in shock and was really quiet on the car ride home. The only thing she said was her father has never been okay with any male in her life, ever, especially her ex-husband. Once we got back she went for a swim. I offered to go with and she said no thanks, that she wanted to go alone. That was like 90 minutes ago and she is still not back.
Don't cha Think maybee... go Look and give that Comfy HUG...?!?
After a couple hours in the pool, talking to her sister on the phone, sitting and thinking for awhile and eventually making her way back up to the apartment, the lady came inside and gave me a long hug before jumping in the shower. When she got out I was sitting on the bed, she smiled at me and came over for some kisses. I then said to her “I know the service at the restaurant wasn’t that great today, but we can work through it together. Plus there are other places to eat.” She laughed and punched me in the chest before going back into the bathroom. After she dried her hair she led me back into the living room where we sat on the sofa and held hands. It seems she felt her dad was more open with me than he had ever been with her, which caused some old hurts to surface. She indeed did not know he was in the military or that he fought in a war. She feels like she just doesn’t really know him at all and was mourning over the dad she feels like she missed out on having.

Secondarily, the whole implied permission to get married thing really through her for a loop. He sternly disapproved of every boyfriend, every male friend, every suitor and her ex-husband. And now, somehow, I am perfectly acceptable after one long lunch together. I made sure to keep my comments to myself and let her cathartic moment happen naturally. Ultimately all of this brought us around to the word marriage, that ugly evil word that she despises. “Why would he say that? Does he think we are going to get married? Did he ask you about marrying me?” I told her I had no idea where it came from but I certainly did not bring it up. She on the other hand could not stop talking about it and talking about it a lot. After a while she seemed mostly relieved and more like her normal self. That’s when she went back to looking at me and smiling every few minutes.

Now I’m the one in turmoil.

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