The Ladies

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forgive me....i am not a vehicle person....theres trucks and cars as far as seeing stuff and saying yea thats a xyz forget it.....but...i did see something...and not sure but since you posted pictures a few times i might get it right...but i seen a car today going in gas station and it was bright orange with 01 on door and it looked like..shape wise of your was brand new looking too ....did they make suck a beast like dukes of hazard in new cars?

People love to take modern Chargers and Challengers and make them into the Duke boy's car.

I have ideas, but I better not say!!😮😉

When Sven comes out in a white jump suit with a bottle of baby oil I will only be showing him as much of my backside as he can see as I run out the door. He's definitely not going to see my pistol. The lady said every massage she has ever had was a female massage therapist, but she has never had a couples massage so she doesn't know if it will be Sven, LeRoy or Roberto. I told her unless it's someone with X X chromosomes I will be taking a pass. Even if that person's name is Helga and she's 6' 285# with the grip strength of a silverback gorilla. I did however promise not to fall in love with her.
When Sven comes out in a white jump suit with a bottle of baby oil I will only be showing him as much of my backside as he can see as I run out the door. He's definitely not going to see my pistol. The lady said every massage she has ever had was a female massage therapist, but she has never had a couples massage so she doesn't know if it will be Sven, LeRoy or Roberto. I told her unless it's someone with X X chromosomes I will be taking a pass. Even if that person's name is Helga and she's 6' 285# with the grip strength of a silverback gorilla. I did however promise not to fall in love with her.
I don't let people touch me! Special permission required!!
Guess who is going to the spa tomorrow with his lady friend? Yep, this guy. Among the other treatments she signed me up for, which are all going to be a surprise, we are having a couple massage. The term "yuck!" comes to mind. Other than a certain person touching certain things, I really don't like to be touched. Regardless she booked another Friday spa day for two but the little one cannot go so I was drafted against my will. Where does one tuck their pistol when oil is being rubbed on their backside? On second thought, don't answer that.ou
Guess who is going to the spa tomorrow with his lady friend? Yep, this guy. Among the other treatments she signed me up for, which are all going to be a surprise, we are having a couple massage. The term "yuck!" comes to mind. Other than a certain person touching certain things, I really don't like to be touched. Regardless she booked another Friday spa day for two but the little one cannot go so I was drafted against my will. Where does one tuck their pistol when oil is being rubbed on their backside? On second thought, don't answer that.
I agree with you - I know that some people are into massages but I get the 'yuck' feeling too. I like my hubby to play with my hair once in awhile if we watch a movie together, but I don't like the idea of a stranger touching me. Maybe it's the modesty instilled in me at a young age - I don't know.
Good news! No spa day for me! The girls school thing got postponed until next week so she was able to go with her mother. I am not disappointed in the least and after she finally told me what was going to happen, I would have not participated in most of it anyway. This is the package she signed up for: time in the quiet room with fruit infused waters and fancy finger foods, volcanic black sand bath, manicure, pedicure, facial treatment, and 90 minute massage. The whole thing takes 3 1/2-4 hours and costs more than I paid for a new handgun yesterday. She doesn't get the big package every week, but yikes, I am so happy I didn't have to go.
Guess who is going to the spa tomorrow with his lady friend? Yep, this guy. Among the other treatments she signed me up for, which are all going to be a surprise, we are having a couple massage. The term "yuck!" comes to mind. Other than a certain person touching certain things, I really don't like to be touched. Regardless she booked another Friday spa day for two but the little one cannot go so I was drafted against my will. Where does one tuck their pistol when oil is being rubbed on their backside? On second thought, don't answer that.
... Right next to the gun you were born with!
Good news! No spa day for me! The girls school thing got postponed until next week so she was able to go with her mother. I am not disappointed in the least and after she finally told me what was going to happen, I would have not participated in most of it anyway. This is the package she signed up for: time in the quiet room with fruit infused waters and fancy finger foods, volcanic black sand bath, manicure, pedicure, facial treatment, and 90 minute massage. The whole thing takes 3 1/2-4 hours and costs more than I paid for a new handgun yesterday. She doesn't get the big package every week, but yikes, I am so happy I didn't have to go.
ah...yea no to day be a soak in the tub or a dunk down by the river.

now question is just how much did it cost you to get daughters school thing postponed?
ah...yea no to day be a soak in the tub or a dunk down by the river.

now question is just how mu watch did it cost you to get daughters school thing postponed?
We stayed in a rental one time that had a hot tub with refreshingly hot water and the strongest jets that really gave your back a good massage. I would love to get one of them but I think they're a lot of work with balancing the pool chemicals and keeping it clean. Everything is work, work, work. it must really be nice to be rich and be able to pay people to keep your pool clean! I try never to envy others but once in awhile I think of how nice it would be to have someone cook your meals, clean your house, and be able to enjoy things like a hot tub. Ah well, in my dreams...

My hubby's buddy used to do carpentry work for ball players in a wealthy area and he said that "they live different lives."
This lady's Friday routine is amazing. Wake up, drink coffee, go for a swim, take a shower, go to the spa, get pampered for 4 hours, come home, tell me all the things she is going to do that day, fall asleep on the sofa or in the bedroom, nap for 3 hours, wake up, say she is too relaxed and sleepy to do anything, lounge around until dinner is served. Then, speaking from experience, she will have some wine, light a few candles, turn the lights down, listen to some music and play on her phone until it's time to go to bed. Don't get me wrong, she is a go-getter who runs her ass off most of the week, but Fridays, that day is her lazy day.
My hot tub isn't expensive at all, I just have to make sure her dinner is warm and her eye candy is hot. 🔥
So what are you going to do when you run out of pictures of me doing Manly stuff
Tomorrow is adventure day for me and the Lady. We are going out for breakfast with her sister and spouse. Then we are going to do some shopping, which means she is going to do some shopping while I just carry bags. Then we are going to a Halloween spooktacular, think of it as lunch theater with live actors in costume running around the theater at the same time. The movie is either the original Ghost Busters or Beatle Juice, I can't remember which one she bought tickets for. Then we are going to a nearby park to take a walk and kill some time before we are going to another speakeasy for late afternoon drinks and appetizers. We intend to be home somewhere around dinner time, although I am not sure we are going to want or need dinner at that point.

I am really excited about meeting her sister, he said sarcastically.
Have fun. Shouldn't be that bad

With the possible exception of the sister thing. The lady describes her as an older version of herself, only a little snobby and 3 steps left of center on the political scale. So just for fun I am going to put on my Trump shirt when I get ready this morning, like it's what I plan on wearing today.
The whole time I have been out here drinking coffee and playing on the internet, the lady has been getting ready. I told her to give me a 20 minute heads up so I could finish getting ready and we could both be ready to head out at the same time. That was like 45 minutes ago and I am still waiting. She is seated at what she calls her "makeup battle station" and will probably be there 10-15 more minutes. Seems crazy to me how much time she spends putting on makeup. Do all ladies have a vanity like this? And yes, there is even more stuff in the bathroom but I think that's all skin stuff and makeup removing stuff.

WOW, what a set up!! She doesn't even need makeup!! And NO, I have nothing of the like!! I'll put on some mascara if I'm going somewhere, otherwise no makeup!

She may not need makeup, but she puts on makeup. She has an image consultant and color analyst who helps her select the color pallet that best matches her natural beauty and uses that pallet to determine her makeup and clothing selections. She puts on makeup that matches her outfits and vice versa. Believe me, it's a whole big thing with her. Green bag, green shoes, green belt, green hints to her makeup.
She may not need makeup, but she puts on makeup. She has an image consultant and color analyst who helps her select the color pallet that best matches her natural beauty and uses that pallet to determine her makeup and clothing selections. She puts on makeup that matches her outfits and vice versa. Believe me, it's a whole big thing with her. Green bag, green shoes, green belt, green hints to her makeup.
She is a successful business woman, I'm sure appearance contributes to that! She takes very good care of herself, she has earned the right and opportunity to do so!! Plus it gives you a little extra time while she's getting ready!!😉

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