This weeks preps check-in

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Well, after 6 months of checking online several times a week (sometimes daily) I FINALLY scored on bullets I wanted to reload for my 223. I ordered enough to keep me busy loading for a while. Only about half of what I want but am tickled I found what I did!! Great thing is I got them for the same price as they sold for last fall before the craze started. It seems ammo lines are beginning to loosen up some.
Had a busy day prepping went out and bought some 30 litre buckets for storage, and bought a poly tunnel for growing stuff in , I have managed to persuade my wife that this is the way we have to go now ,and she is all for it. also bought some timber , ( couldn't find any free stuff ) for creating another raised bed.
;) I'll help if you'll help with weeding my garden...seems it is a never ending task. How is it that weeds grow faster (and in worse weather) than the veggies?
Don't forget the ticks... they grow faster than the weeds.

Sounds like you've been busy as can be Mike. I know I've been trying to get ready for Saturday's market. Made 3 dozen jars of jelly this morning, waiting for it to cool enough to move so I can get started on the cookies.
I've been horrible today, I haven't even looked at the gardens yet. Hubs is home from work today so I think I'll let him mess with them while I work in the house.

Does she have it planned out as to what she wants to put in?
yeah poly 1 is all for tomatos and peppers and courgettes and salad stuff . poly 2 is for soft fruit ie rasps and strawbs shes also got her beady eyes on patio fruit trees ,apple, plum, pear, and cherry
LOL! I didn't even mess with strawberries this year, whatever came back is there for the kids to pick. It seems like whenever I have a good crop of strawberries coming, one of the horses will get loose and inhale them.
I would love to put in some more peach trees, dwarf ones this time. I'd like to do some pecan trees as well. We've got hickory and walnut trees already that produce pretty heavily. I'd like to maybe do hazelnut as well.
don't you think you got enough to do with all those animals and baking and gardening and looking after your family you need some time for you sweetheart
I'll admit that you are probably right Mike. This summer has turned out to be far busier than I had anticipated. I figure if I can make enough during the warmer months, I can relax a bit when it turns cold. There just seems to be so many things that need to get done and just not enough hours to do it all in.
Thank you, I hope so too. The income goes into the 'just in case' funds. Isn't it amazing at how many 'just in case' things happen?
Wow... never thought about it guys, but Mike's description reminded me of something that would work great for yalls greenhouse covers
They use these plastic socks that are about ten to twelve ft. across to store corn in before they load it to take to the. Elevators. It is strong enough to hold the weight of the corn and comes in pretty much infinite length
Its always cheaper of you can find a use for something they haven't realized. Ill try to score some for the meetup for you guys.
Today was my convocation day in memorandum I planted some cedar in a hedge row, who knows maybe they will grow... cedar arbor vitae is high in vitamin c, contains thujone and and be used in a variety of medical purposes such as killing worms, its also a great spice. Of course I have more than I can use but was looking for something, the hedge could be useful though
more or less however I'm still admitted in an undergraduate program, two actually :) Technicalities are secondary though. I just have a degree from that institution now, although I havnt "really" graduated per se, I just completed a degree.. I'm not yet at a Master's level. Convocation is a bit like saying graduation ceremony, although it is also the date the degrees are granted, the premise is being introduced into the circle of scholars. I'm pretty red necky though myself, although I"m pretty lazy. I'd probably score high on a red neck test. -- the real graduation will be when I gain acceptance to a Master's program.
Congratulations William. I've found that cedar will grow anywhere and if you say you don't want it to grow somewhere specific, you can be certain that it will come up with a vengeance! It seems like the poorer the soil, the better it grows.
William...I'd have never taken you for being "red necky" ;)
Oh I am... I have garden plots in my front and back yard, just took it and I'm certified 53% redneck.
I only generally wear shoes when I got out for a workout, or into town to get my mail. That is me up here though. When I'm other places I'm usually staying out in the woods. See I live in Northern Ontario when I'm not in school, that is like the deep south in America. We'll maybe not the most rednecky but its probably close to as your going to get. I'm an indian lover though, or just view them as either integrated or having a unique cultural background but otherwise regular people, so I could never where a white hat like they do in the south but there ain't no dark people up here only indians and clan. No not really but that is a really really bad attempt at a joke. None the less I'm not rascists I'm 53% anthropologist. But yeah definately. a lot in common except I got a tan. Its pretty cool up here though. No whips though. I'm even fixin to get me uh a shotgun and a sks. Though, my not so redneck side contacted the world Sikh forum yesterday to see if they could recommend a good place for a turban since I'm too lazy to get my hair cut, well no not really I let it grow that way on purpose.
I also found out today the chinese banned my website ... apparently I am a threat to the communist party, or someone using the ip block I am on is...
I generally don't do to many thrift sales but me and wifey hit a few today just for fun. Made a few great scores! 40lb LP tank - full $5, Mr Buddy LP heater like new condition $5 (new they are $80), and boonie hat for the grandson and a cute OD cap for my granddaughter for .50 each. Looked for cast iron cookware and none found. Still cant complain!!
I'm sorta worried, today I got that Russian winter jacket... it is really really light, and I don't feel hot in it now. it was 20 celcius today...... it was also much smaller than expected for xxxl ........ I'll see if I can post up a few pictures. still waiting on my boots. this is prepping for "winter" re: october etc.. still need to pick up my headwear and handwear... as my balaclava was stolen on me last year... so I'm going to have to pick up something else.. not sure if I'll just get another of what was stolen, any suggestions are welcome.

I also got "ahead" more than a month on my food storage today. I filled up my molle ruck with 32kg of rice and 10kg of flour, I have about 5kg of flour left from my rations last month. I eat about 15kg of rice a month (I'm still a student and i know lots of ways to cook rice... oh but yeah I'm generally only on a rice diet up here supplimented with anything I can scavenge, mushrooms, cattails, things I grow, fish etc..), so I now have about 3 months of food supply, ran about $65 up here for 4 bags of 8kg rice and 1 10kg bag of flour. Hopefully they will restock the parboiled rice since they are all out and I'm not big on buying white rice as it has less nutritional value. That was my big "prep of the day" lol.

Jacket video...

bear in mind I make a point never to wear all US kit in my setup example for my lowers much like I have the US over top, for the permaloft level 7 I have a pair of "rain pants" windwet overs that are civies. so it isn't a foreign military BDU in full at any point.

Since I mentioned the system here is a brief overview of it

btw I think the US jacket is level 6 and it is nylon... not polyethylene.

Oh and I thought I'd add this one as it was also related to the clothing/jacket
