This weeks preps check-in

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firestarter i bought at Academy. Also bought extra fuel tabs.
Years age the wife and I got laid over in Jersey on our way back from Germany. The airline gave us a bag to make us feel better. This is what is in it. The bag is now in my 72hr bag.
I picked up the same pistol cleaning kit at Walmart this spring. It was about $8 if I recall. Used it once to just make sure the threads and everything was GTG. I like it a lot. I keep a 9, 40, and 22lr bushes in it. Handy little kit.
I get those trial/travel size toiletries also for my BOB. Saves a lot of room and weight. Usually cheap too.
Yeah this seem pretty cool except in 100 degree weather and it just becomes another warm thing in the bag.
Yeah this seem pretty cool except in 100 degree weather and it just becomes another warm thing in the bag.
Edit; I was talking about the water bladder
I got to test out my nbc trousers today as when I got them they weren't vacuum sealed so the person I got them off sent me another pair that was vacuum sealed.

Since I now have a dog IM buying extra bags of dog food. And I am going to buy some dental insurance since me and the wife need to fix our teeth a bit.
Preps check in for today:

  • Solar regulator fitted to camper (just finished)
  • Practice using my compound bow.
  • Sharpen Bowie knife.
  • Clean .22 from last weekends use.
  • Add newly purchased supplies to first-aid kit.
That should tie me over for the day. Tomorrow, now thats another day!

yeah it is jayjay..and yes,it'll amaze me if one person remembers half of it..

hunter vally prepper..sounds like your haveing a good time of it..
A few goodies this week for me.

1st-my wifes Berkey water filter system came in last week (she's still not allowed to know as it's not her birthday yet,lol).

2nd-Our global sun solar oven-we've had it for a bit,but never food tested it.We dry tested and it did heat up properly (in march at 20deg),just haven't cooked in it yet until yesterday.Man,we had some of the best soup beans (great northerns) and cornbread that i've had in a long time.We cooked the beans as we would post shtf,only using onion soup mix,salt,pepper and a small handful of freeze dried ham for seasoning.MMMmmm.

3rd-Scored a .22 sat night special off craigs for $30,gave it a good cleaning and tested,more than pleased with the little pocket pal.I don't think the guy quite knew what he had,but I was more than happy to take it off his hands.Also picked up a crossman break action .177 pellet gun for $20,the front sight was missing,which was fine with me as I put a scope on it as soon as I got it home.

Lastly,the garden has been really taking off with all the rain we've been getting,lots and lots of blooms and buds coming on,time to start buying some more canning jars,lol.

And almost forgot,picked up 2 more cases of sterno fuel to add to the collection and 4 bottles of lamp oil from the dollar store.
This week:
Started new job ( good payraise compared to old job)
Used work as an excuse to scout for alternate bug out locations
Traveled to Houston TX for work reasons, while there I found some ARMY/NAVY surplus stores.
Will visit them WITH cash next trip up.
Tended to the volunteer tomato plant and cantaloup plant that sprouted up next to the front porch.
Looks like rain today. Have set out some buckets to collect rain water for future use.
Good stuff sharkbait.

Last night I tested my trousers and gasmask with jogging/running, at midnight in the woods, on a trail with occassional torch use. Also got some of my dandelion greens dried out, which should be a couple weeks or so of dried

More info on the MOD Mk IV NBC no.1 suit and FMJ006 mask

If anyone knows where I can get a high air flow 40mm filter or a type of 40mm nato with high airflow, I can't buy from the states so no point in posting places in US to get it but if you know international points do post up. thanks.

ps. this has me wonder if you can clear a gas mask like you would clear a scuba mask??

This video picks up how this info is useful.

sidenote the stars are awsome up here at night.. was in the river which was remarkably warm, staring at a non spoiled starlight witha bat flying overhead and some hooting animal like a lark or something in the backdrop. really good time last night and my headphones turned on this afternoon.
Picked 44 pounds of strawberries today. Going to make freezer jam, freeze some, and a strawberry pie. Maybe even talk my honey into a strawberry short cake...! Stopped at Walmart and picked up 90 lbs of charcoal.
Wow so I've been drying out dandelion greens collected the first batch, they last longer if they are dried, I am just sun drying them like seedweed/dalts.

I'm also trying 'horsetail" for the first time... I'm following the boil instructions to deactivate the anti vitamin b enzyme
It like ragweed was used by the native americans as a food source, it is suppose to help improve tissue repair, and is mineral rich.

BTW dried out dandelion greens are basically flavourless not bitter at all, and they are more nutritious than spinach.

I'll post a video on the process in a bit.

Picked 44 pounds of strawberries today. Going to make freezer jam, freeze some, and a strawberry pie.
Trap...are these YOUR strawberries or did you go to a u-pick? My plants have giant berries on them but I've only gotten 1 or 2 at a time yet this season...even when my plants are producing there are never many left in the basket by the time I get into the house!

I've never cooked with parents did it when I was young and since I've been old enough Ive had a gas much charcoal would it take to cook a standard grill of burgers (or a steak)?
A few pounds of charcoal will do a quick set of burgers or steak. I can put 3-4 lbs in my smoker and cut the air back and it will cook at about 200'F for over 4 hours. On my dutch oven I can cook a meal with as little as 24 briquettes. I like the taste on charcoal much more than a gas grill.

The strawberry we got were from a pick your own place. We always had strawberries when I was a kid. We sold berries and plants. At my place now I cant keep strawberries. The deer mow them down and I gave up on that battle. Even this year we put in 24 pepper plants. All of them have been eaten by deer. We will have to put up 8 foot fencing for the deer its getting so bad. Every year it gets worse it seems.
The strawberry we got were from a pick your own place. We always had strawberries when I was a kid. We sold berries and plants. At my place now I cant keep strawberries. The deer mow them down and I gave up on that battle. Even this year we put in 24 pepper plants. All of them have been eaten by deer. We will have to put up 8 foot fencing for the deer its getting so bad. Every year it gets worse it seems.

Trapper, try this it will take care of your deer problem and put those strawberries to good use.
· 12 ounces venison tenderloin
· 2 cups dry red wine
· 2 tablespoons soy sauce
· 2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
· 2 tablespoons butter or oil
· salt and pepper
· 2 tablespoons strawberry preserves
Container: 10 inch skillet, small sauce pan
15 mins
15 mins
1.5 hrs
· Remove any fat or silverskin from the tenderloin and slice into 6 approximately 1" thick medallions.
· Mix wine, soysauce, and garlic in a non-reactive container or a zip-top plastic bag. Add medallions and marinate for about an hour, longer if you suspect the meat may be tough.
· Remove medallions from marinade and pat dry. Cook marinade over medium-high heat until reduced to about 1/2 cup, stir in strawberry preserves, and set aside.
· Heat skillet, add butter or oil. Lightly salt and pepper medallions. When skillet is hot, add meat and cook to desired doneness, but not past medium (pink center).
· While meat cooks (it will only take a few minutes), bring the marinade mixture to a boil and reduce to about 1/4 cup.
· Serve medallions on warmed platter or plates with sauce spooned over.
At my place now I cant keep strawberries. The deer mow them down and I gave up on that battle. Even this year we put in 24 pepper plants. All of them have been eaten by deer. We will have to put up 8 foot fencing for the deer its getting so bad. Every year it gets worse it seems.
Trap, we have trouble with deer also...we found surrounding our garden with a combination of soap and repellent canisters works wonders. We use netted orange bags with a chunk of original Irish Spring soup at each location. The repellent canisters are from Sweeney's...I believe it is just bloodmeal in a little canister that is protected from the rain yet lets the scent escape. (instructions say place at ground level but we've had better luck at the 3ft height) Last year the deer were munching on hubbies chile pepper plants (which survived the mowdown just were stubby plants but produced like champs) until we put out the repellent and soap combinations.
We use soap tied to our fruit trees but we get the cheep dollar store version of irish spring or dial gold it seems to work just as well for less money only thing is we've cought racoons eating the soap now I need to find a racoon repellent
Someone else just told me about the Irish Spring soap trick. He said to run a string through the bar and hang one in each tree and the deer will stay away. I will put some out today. I hope its not too late for the apple trees. Thanks for the suggestions!
Trapper, have you tried peeing around the outside of your garden? I know it sounds bad, but we've always had good result with that with my Mom's and grandparent's gardens. It has to be a male's urine though for some reason.
Lock pick set just arrived in the mail. Not to bad for the price. Some of the kits i looked at were in the hundreds of $$. I didnt want to spend that much.

I also read that if i am caught with this outside my residents i can be charge by the police with intent to break and enter/steal???

Better be careful if that's the case.
