Growing up in Austin, Texas in the late 60's and throughout the 70's I had a lot of good music available to me. Got to attend lots of small gigs in local clubs by local artists who went on to become big names. And some you may not have heard of. One of my favorites was Rusty Wier. I went to so many of his gigs. One song that I remember so well, below ("Fly Away") ... sitting in a small bar only a few feet away from Rusty ... singing along with some of my favorites with friends. The one below I particularly liked. It builds nice and slow for the first few minutes, then the chorus hits and repeats over and over at 2:30. I remember tilting back in my chair with a beer just singing my heart out at that point. As the performers got bigger and more well known, they usually moved to a bigger venue, my favorite was called "Armadillo World Headquarters". I must have spent half my life in that place. So, so many great concerts there. We held my 40th high school reunion next door to the place in reverence (it was closed long before our 40th).