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I'm guessing that would be Celsius, so in Fahrenheit that would be between 5 and about 28 degrees. Correct? Minus 15 F is crazy cold. I didn't think it got that cold in BC

Here it is cloudy and 23F. No precip forecasted for the next 5 days, Thank You very much.
It can get plenty cold in parts of BC , -40 in either language.
It went from being in the 40s to being in the low 80s. I was sweating like crazy the past couple days. It had been cloudy this morning but when the sun came out I had to go inside (I can't be in direct sunlight with some meds I'm on).
I woke up to 12 degrees, currently 13 degrees. High of 32 degrees today, but snowy and a little icy out there. Some doggies are only going to get out today when their owners take them out or let them out. I've only got one girl who really needs to be let out, this afternoon, after it warms up a little.
Weather here is as bipolar as my best friend's ex. Last night it was so warm I had to crank my fans up, tossed & turned sweating and couldn't cool off. This morning and rest of the day it was cold. (Cold for here).

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