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It rained all day yesterday, nothing heavy. Just gentle spring rain. It was still raining this morning until moments ago when the sun came out. Looks like and inch in the gauge.

The yard is a mess. It was dark friday night by the time I got the new freezer in the house and plugged up. It takes lots of cardboard to wrap a 22cuft freezer. All of it got soaking wet that night and yesterday. Then the puppy got into it... Now I have little pieces of soggy cardboard all over the yard. :confused:
Just watching the clouds. The weather man still says the worst storms will pass south of me. The air doesn't feel that way, sun is out now and pumping more heat into the storms. I'm afraid it's going to get very bad here.

@Clawhammer Are you safe down there? Birmingham weather says south alabama will get pounded tonight. Keep us posted, let us know whats happening. :)
Yeah, we made it safely, Peanut. Sorry I'm so late getting back to you. Haven't had a chance to log in for a while.
Gotta retract my earlier statement... some partial cloud cover moved into the area, just enough to cool things down to a perfect temp, upper 70s with a light breeze and otherwise fairly dry. Perfect grilling weather for burgers later, lol... I felt like having a big ol' greasy double-cheeseburger today, so I bought a pack of burger patties at the store. Bought more beer too, so this may turn into a day of R&R, rather than home rehab, lol. Wait, this IS the weekend, right? So I'm good... :)

I'll tell ya, this freakin' home rehab can wear on a man... ya get to where ya don't even know what day of the week it is, let alone the calendar date. Every day is the same: get up, tackle more home rehab work, go to bed, lol. And do all the other things ya need to do in the meantime: cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. No wonder I got burned out on it... I just gotta step back and look at the Big Picture, lol. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy... not only dull, but downright hostile & antisocial, lol. ;)

I DID buy what I need to get back to work on the home, I already have most of the materials here at the ol' hacienda, but I needed more roller tubes and chip brushes. Been going through those steadily over the past few weeks... I use good brushes for serious work, but chip brushes come in handy for various projects, as I can simply toss 'em afterward and NOT gunk up my new septic system, lol. Same goes for the roller tubes, in the past I'd clean 'em and reuse 'em, but I don't want all that paint in my septic system. :oops:

Anyway, I've got flowers going off in the yard, the birds & bees are doing more work than I am right now, and I'm thinking about taking my cold beer and sitting on the front porch, lol. Those darned bees are invading my birdbaths, I had trouble emptying & refilling the baths this morning... I empty 'em because they get filthy with windblown debris, and some idiot birds cr@p in the water, aye? But all that goes toward the nearest tree, lol. However, the bees are becoming problematic... :confused:

You've heard of party crashers who tried to take over the joint? Well, these bees remind me of certain ghetto dwellers who think they can get away with that sort of thing... on MY property, lol. Blasting 'em with spray from the hose only serves to rile 'em, and blasting 'em with the .44 Henry 'Golden Boy' seems a bit like overkill, lol... so I gotta figure out a way to deal with 'em, maybe get one of those beekeeper's suits to change the water in the baths every morning. I'll work on it... :rolleyes:

Guess I'll make good on my intention to get out on the front porch... too nice of a spring day to do otherwise. The hummers are really going off since I swapped out their feeder juice today... it's funny to see 'em tear around the yard at a million miles per hour, chasing each other and fighting over the gals, lol. No different from your average rednecks here in the boondocks, aye? I should know, I'm one of 'em, lol... "AND LOVIN' IT!!!" I'm sure Maxwell Smart would approve that line. CHEERS!!! :cool:
No bikinis here either😃! Some days have been "t-shirt over the swimsuit" chilly! Nothing like floatin' with a few cold beers!! Very relaxing watching the critters, trees, and clouds!! My therapy!!
And when it passes 93° (my favorite! :thumbs:) you need even more beer to stay cool.

Oh, the horror!!!gaah

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