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Thunder woke me up, but I went right back to sleep. I never did hear hard rain, but it was misting when I got up this morning and I could tell that we had gotten some much needed moisture. It has been misting off and on today. It is currently 42 degrees, a cool day. I haven't seen any snow, but where you live is more likely to get snow.

On the radio, the newscaster said we had one of the driest April's in recorded history. I know that I have been seeing deep cracks in the earth in places that don't get irrigated.
Yeah, it’s been incredibly dry. When I dug up my blackberries the bed they were in was bone-dry. Oof. I was planning to water all my veggie beds for the next week to try to prep them for summer veggies but now I don’t have to, at least not today!

We’ve had snow, sleet, and freezing rain blowing sideways today … but it seems to have settled into just cloudy, for now.

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