The forecast said we'll have rain all day starting about 5:30AM. It's 4:30PM and it's just starting to sprinkle. I predict it will end in about 30 seconds.
He, he, it's the real stuff ain't it!I just checked the gauge... 1.17 inches in exactly 1 hour. It's still coming down!!! (in buckets).
I've gotten about 3 inches in the last 36hrs. It'll be 3 days before it's dry enough for doing anything outside. So much for hunting plants, creeks will be out of their banks.
Just getting a drizzle now!!Sorry, @Chaosdawn ! It is raining steady here now. @Pearl -- you got anything? So relieved, I hope it rains all week as forecast.
Nearing the 4" mark! Water is running hard and fast! The creek is over my dead end road, DAY OFF!!Up to 2” has fallen in my area, another 1-3” expected today. Rained hard last night too.
Yep I belive it. We had 8+ one day a couple years back. I found out it easier to dump with less than that in it. The funnel is squirrely if you try and rest the outer tube on it.Hey @Bacpacker Do you believe this? (I bought a rain gauge like bacp)
As of 9am I'd gotten 4 inches of rain in 48hrs. I emptied the rain gauge before leaving for town around 11am.
There's about 5 inches in it now. omg! Dad came over and said it rained hard. He's been known to understate things. 5 inches of rain in <4hrs.
It rained hard in town. Once I was in a store. Later in the way home I hydroplaned at 40mph, a big state hwy, straight road. I slowed down again, visibility was good but the drops where huge. The kind of rain that comes off tropical storms.
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Yep I belive it. We had 8+ one day a couple years back. I found out it easier to dump with less than that in it. The funnel is squirrely if you try and rest the outer tube on it.
What do you think about the gauge? I've enjoyed mine over the years
I like the gauge. The precision is nice. However my puppy made it a chew toy once. Broke off one little piece from the lip of the inner tube. Chewed on the cone too. I glued it back up with gorilla glue. The function isn't compromised, just a couple battle scars, still measures accurately.